Spring is back in town, and that makes my blood run through my veins again. It's been a long winter, and up until last week Mother Nature held her breath. But now my favorite season has at last finally arrived...
This is the view from my kitchen balcony. I planted my favorite Spring flowers, and the first tree has burst into lucious green leaves ...
The beguinage is at the peak of it's beauty, on a beautiful, beautiful day this time of the year.
I intend to share some of my photo's from my photowalks and bring this blog back to life again...
Willow trees bursting with new life, and a blue sky fit for Provence, only it is my beloved Bruges.
This is the Church of Our Lady, a famous landmark in the skyline of Bruges. The city of Bruges chose espaliers to protect the view on this beautiful monument. Other trees would hide it, and that would be a real shame.

Ballooning season has begun again, and I'm very much looking forward to see them appear. Instant happiness for me, they are!
So is this ... eating outside in the golden light of the setting sun. The weather has been wonderful this past week, such a treat when you're living in Belgium. This feels like vacation in Provence, and I just love it.
The horses can't wait to show you my beautiful city, and neither can I...
Please leave me a comment, that's part of the fun of blogging for me!
See you soon!
Sorry it took me so long, but I haven't used my laptop and this blog in ages that I completely forgot how to use it. I spent hours and hours struggling with lost paswords and unvalid email adresses but I am getting there finally!