I really don't know where my week has gone to! I have been very busy all week and there were loads of good things foe me to enjoy!
Time to look back and share some of the highlights from this wonderful week!
Time to join Friday's Fave Five hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

1. Bought myself flowers on Friday. They were the finishing touch to my Easter and Spring decorations.
2. We have a nesting dove on our patio. She has two little ones.
3. At the lifestyle exposition we visited on Saturday I got a massage with the spa capsule. It's a machine which gives you a water massage without getting you wet. Relaxing music from the headphones and a fifteen minutes soothing massage ... Needless to say, I did not want to get out of that machine, it was sheer heaven!
4. We had a day out with the cooking school yesterday. We visited a horses dairy farm, a brewery and a company which makes advocaat, refined jams, liqueurs, and chocolates.
5. The half liter of advocaat I brought home to gift to my husband, it tastes delicious!
For those of you who never heard of advocaat, I looked it up from Wikkipedia:
Advocaat (or advokat) is a rich and creamy liqueur made from eggs, sugar and brandy. It has a smooth, custard-like flavor. In English-speaking countries it generally contains 15% alcohol (30 proof), but in Continental Europe the typical alcohol content differs from country to country and is generally somewhere between 14% and 20% ABV. Its contents may be a blend of egg yolks, aromatic spirits, sugar or honey, brandy, vanilla and sometimes cream (or evaporated milk)