Another week has gone by, it's amazing how time flies.
I like this meme, it's hosted
by Susanne at Living to tell the Story, and I like it because it makes me look back and share some of the highlights of the past week.
1. It's been a week with very capricious weather and a lot of rain, but there's a blue sky right this minute as I'm writing this. It's still rather chilly so I cancelled my plans to step outside to take some pictures. For now.
2. Ladybugs. Have I mentioned before how much I like them? They always remind me of my grandmother. She used to love them so much and I think I got that from her.

3. What really made me happy this week is the help I got from blogger friend
Terri to create this new blog. I could not have done it without her! Last time I tried to change something in my template I lost all my Haloscan comments! I decided to steer clear of it this time and create a new blog instead. She sent me the codes and helped me each step of the way to create a one column blog. I love how I am now able to share bigger pictures.
One thing I still might need to change is my header picture. I wanted to keep the old one for a while to make my readers feel at home, but there might be some of you out there who have not noticed this is a new blog? What do you think?
4. Most of my readers have followed me here, and I want to thank them as well.
I did not want to loose you guys and girls!
5. Sunday brunch. Whenever I can I try to make Sunday breakfast special.
Last Sunday I made American pancakes. Well okay, the recipe was English but that was because it allowed me to make a smaller batch. I had only two eggs left in the house, so ...

One more thing before I go.
Susanne tagged me with this meme.
The rules are to list 7 things I love (and then to tag 7 people).
I don't do the tagging bit, feel free to pick it up if you like it.
But I love to share my list, here it goes.
1. Life
2. The people in my life, and that includes my blogger friends anywhere in the world.
3. My camera. I could not live a day without it.
4. Blue skies and sun. As long as I can see a blue sky, even in Winter I'm happy and energized.
5. Music
6. Kitchen accessories.
7. Comments on my blog. Have you noticed that I answer them?
Some of my blogger friends answer their comments, and I always loved to go back and read their comment on my comment. From now on I'll do that too, I like the interactive communication.
Wait!! I'm still not finished yet!
Avril , my South African friend from Mom's Meanderings has given me this nice award two weeks ago. I know I suck at awards, I get them and then forget all about them! It's not that I don't like getting them, I do. It's much like getting a compliment, I love it.
If you ever gave me one and I forgot to pass it on, please don't be mad at me.
I just tend to forget, sorry!
1. Pass it on to five other Fabulous Bloggers in a post.
2. Include the person that gave you the award, and link it back to them.
3. List five of your Fabulous addictions in the post.
Anyway, I'm going to pass this one on to ....
Terri : at
Ways I see the World for all the help I got from her creating this blog.
Thom: at
ScuttleButtMoTV Because he calls me a Belgian Bombshell and I like how he always answers his comments.
Tatersmama: She loves to cook, and she has a great sense of humour.
Brenda at
Brenda's blog from Paraguay who's going through a very hard time right now.
5. And
Susanne from
Living to tell the Story because she hosts this meme.
As for my addictions: ;-)
- Blogging
- My camera
- Coffee
- Magazines
.... and flip flops.