Friday today, one of my favorite days of the week. Time to reflect on and count our blessings and share them through this meme, hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

1. A special birthday. It was my daughter’s birthday last Wednesday. She’s still vacationing in Spain, so we did not get to celebrate together yet, but we will soon.
Still, a daughter’s birthday is a special day for the mother too, right?
2. Last weekend was a bright and sunny weekend, so for the last time this year ( most probably) we were able to eat outside. We had to stay inside most of the month of August, so yeah, eating outside is a big treat for us!
3. We went to Bokrijk Museum Park for the last time this season. I love it there!
4. New shoes. Two pairs of shoes and a pair of boots. Aaahh, a girl and her shoes, right? Need I say more?
5. A couple of good bargains. I love it when shopping does NOT cost an arm and a leg. I was able to find my new shoes and a new Winter outfit at reasonable prices.