About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday’s Fave Five, Family, Friends … and Giants!



FFF spring


The last Fave Five of the month of August! Can you believe Summer is coming to an end already? Time to look back and share some of the highlights of the week.

Fave Five Aug 27


1. Family. My husband went on a business trip to Germany so I spent the weekend at my parents house. My daughter and my sisters came over to see me, and it was just wonderful to be together again. I slept in my old room, my father made orange juice for me, my mother and I cooked together … it was just like old times!
2. The company of a good friend. My friend Nana and I spent Saturday morning in Antwerp together. We both love the weekly market, we both love to take pictures, and we’re both coffee lovers, so we had a great time together.
3. A “big” event in Antwerp. Two giant puppets and their human Lilliput puppeteers were roaming the streets of Antwerp and everybody in the whole city was looking out for them. They were really amazing.
4. The French Toast we had for breakfast. I did a bit of research, I believe what you call eggy bread is a savory variety, but we use milk and eggs in the recipe and we eat it with brown sugar on top. It’s something my grandmother used to make me when I was a kid and I LOVE it!
5. Olives with basil and garlic. Yummie!


Friday’s Fave Five is hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.


Wanda..... said...

My grandmother made french toast for me too; as I do for the grandkids, but we use maple syrup or powdered sugar and fruit on top.

Melissa said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

When I was growing up, we topped French toast with butter and granulated sugar, or maple syrup. My husband's family uses apricot jam. It's all good!

Ingrid said...

Was a nice week for you ! Didn't know about the giant and puppet thing, I also missed the flower carpet in Brussels, because I was in England.

United Studies said...

Looks and sounds like you had a lovely week! I hope you have just as lovely a weekend!

Susanne said...

Those olives sounds yummy. Do you make them yourself? Are they black or green olives?

I've seen those puppets on something before. A show maybe or someone's blog? They are amazing. And big!

Your visit with your mom and dad made me smile!

Barbara H. said...

What a wonderful time at home! You're so fortunate to still have you parents. Those puppeteers sound like a lot of fun.

Lisa notes... said...

So glad you got to spend time with your family! It sounds delightful. The giant puppets are very intriguing. Would love to see them in person. And taste some of your French Toast!

Carrie said...

French toast sounds awfully tasty!

Glad you were able to spend time with your daughter and sisters!

As always, love the pictures!

Happy FFF!

Sherrie said...

You had a wonderful week. Those puppets are awesome. Love the sunflowers. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Jerralea said...

Family time is always special! Glad you got to spend time with both your parents and your daughter.

Love those sunflowers! I always enjoy looking at your collages.

Marina said...

I like your photo album a lot!!!It's amazing how you managed to present your week in one picture!!! I'll try to take a picture every day next week!

A Lady's Life said...

These are times you wish never go away.
Mine are memories now.

Willow said...

What a great week! The day with Nana sounds excactly like my kind of day. And what fun you must have had with your parents.

Avril said...

Hubby and I have been away on holiday and the passed week has flown by since coming back so it's lovely to 'pop in' to visit and catch up with you. Love the little gnomes in the forest! What incredible looking puppets!
Family time is special - how is your Mum?

ellen b said...

Looks like a wonderful week Jientje. How sweet that you got to spend time with your parents and were treated to some special memories. It's great to spend time with a friend who enjoys the same things you do. That kind of friend understands it when you stop to take a photo...
That french toast looks yummy!

TXDidi said...

How wonderful to be able to spend some time with your parents and let them spoil you. I've always made French Toast by dipping them in a batter of beaten eggs and milk, too. Yummy! That picture looked good enough to eat. Have a great week.

momma24 said...

What a great week! Love spending time with family and friends. Those puppets look amazing!

James said...

Sounds like a great week! Your photos are nicely done. I'm going to have french toast and coffee for breakfast and now It's hard to wait. I've never heard of savory french toast or eggy bread before. I like mine cooked with vanilla extract and a little nutmeg oh and cinnamon. :)

Karyn said...

We love French Toast here in Alberta, Canada as well. Our family likes powdered sugar on top. Mmmmmmm

Those puppets look incredible!

Glad you had such a nice visit with your family. Sounds lovely.

Karyn said...

PS....my Son in law's mother lives in Belgium.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

That French toast sounds lovely.

Sounds like you had a great week -- and it looks like it, too!

Pat said...

That puppet looks kind of scary to me (sorry!) but the food looks good and sounds like a great weekend!

Nana said...

Dat verloren brood was jammie. Heb jouw recept van de week nog gemaakt. Met beschuit vind ik het zelfs nog lekkerder!

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