I love photo challenges, I'm sure most of my readers know that by now!! I found this scavenger hunt over at Kirsti's -who is a wonderful photographer herself by the way- and decided to join in. The post from all the players had to be up by May first, and here is mine.
Of course, a scavenger hunt would not be a scavenger hunt if there was not a little competition involved. So please, if you like my photography, please please please hop on over Sweetsauer's
and vote for me please? I'm not going to beg for this again after this week is over. But I will beg and pleade for a vote every day of the week until May 7th! So brace yourselves!! (Or vote for me?)
Here we go!
It's a restaurant near the river Schelde in Antwerp. I don't REALLY like it all THAT much, but I thought it'sarchitecture is ... well, it's ... "interesting." And I like the black and white against that beautiful blue sky.
2. A sign of Spring/Autumn (So. Hemi)
Magnolia's do not last very long, but to me they are the ultimate Spring flower.
3. Something musical : A street musician in front of the Cathedral in Antwerp. His music was isangelous.
4. Something sweet : I'm on a diet!! ;-)
And she IS sweet isn't she?
5. Something metallic : I found this one in Gent, when I was still looking for letters for Melli's alphabet challenge, and I did not use it then, so ...
6. A landscape : Apple trees in Haspengouw, the fruit region of our country.
7. An interesting doorway : The door of an old fashioned candy store in Antwerp, on a sunny day around Easter. The aroma of Belgian chocolate tickling your nose, does that sound interesting?
8. A reflection : Petals of blosomming trees floating on the water, a gorgeous blue sky on a beautiful Spring day. Heaven.
9. A cemetery : This is the cemetery where my grandparents have their final resting place.
10. A pair of shoes : You have NO idea how many pictures I took of my new pair of shoes before I was satisfied. Sheezz!! It may not look that way, but it was a hard one!
11. A body of water : From my recent walk with my blogger friend. A pond, beautiful reflections in the water, luscious Spring colours, blue skies, a picnic and a chateau. What more could one want?
12. A drink : Ahhhh, that was the best coffee I had in my entire life!!
13. A mosaic or mural : Graffiti in Antwerp.
14. Rain: We get enough of that here in Belgium, but I much prefer tiny drops like these.
15. Classic car (1970 or older) : This one is at the Palm brewery.
16. A work of art : That dog is a mosaic made out of thousands of small pieces of glass. Each tiny fragment has it's own reflection. I can appreciate the work that must have gone into that one!
17. A church : The church where I used to go to with my grandmother every Sunday.
So many special memories from this place. That's why I chose this one.
18. A statue
Shit happens! ;-)
19. An interesting sky
Okay, okay, I stretched it!
20. Something in motion : Great Tits, nesting on my patio.
21. Lights at night : Antwerp by night.
22. A silhouette : Antwerp at dusk.
23. Something historical (pre-1900) : Old farm house at the open air museum of Bokrijk.
24. A shot from an unusual perspective : Let's look at it this way, shall we?
25. Flowers : Blossoms from a cherry tree.
26. Self-Portrait : Yours truly ...
I'm sure impressed. I am so in love with your beautiful country. I look forward to eahc post to see more of Belgium. Got any new flip flops lately?? I did!
Wow, great job. I had a hard time with something pre-1900, on the West Coast, we're young.
You did a fantastic job on this. Beautiful photos as always.
Amazing shots -- I am in awe of the bird in flight, and that lovely cemetery. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! Beautiful shots! I wish I had time to play...
Your photos are so beautiful, as is Belgium! Great job :)
I love them all, but I think my favorite is the cat. I want to pick it up and cuddle! AND, did you know our eyes are the same color?
You are so going to win this! These are fantastic. I'll go back tomorrow to vote, it's not quite May 1st here yet:-)
Your pictures are so beautiful, I especially like your ones of the Scenery, I am glad that I have found your blog.
Thank you Jientje
They are all totally lovely!
I think the street musician and the cat are my Favs though :D!
What a photo-marathon! perfect shots, love your new shoes, something I couldn't possibly wear!
Oh I LOVE them all! You are sO clever with that camera! That mosaic dog - I think I love him! And the picture of your shoes is wonderful! I think I remember voting for you last month on this... is this monthly? I want to play! Where do I get the list of things to find for June? I'm off to vote now!
Tits???? Did someone mention Great Tits?
Lovely, lovely photos, by the way. As always.
Your photos are awesome!!! I like them all, but your landscape one is beautiful! Have a great day!!
Gorgeous photos my friend, especially the water ones. Fabulous shoes too, though I'd immediately break my neck if I ever tried to walk in them, and that restaurant reminds me of an old ocean liner.
These are marvelous. You have such an eye for photography...and I voted for you on Sweetsauer. Fantastic Jientje
nice work... and I'm a sucker for a kitty in any shot, so that's my fave ;)
What a great collection of photos. It was hard to pick a favorite but I would have to say that I love number 20 the best. Away I go to vote now. :)
We have identical color eyes! (Though mine aren't set in nearly as pretty a face!) I, OF COURSE, voted for you. What a regular museum of beauty tour you took us on today! Your photos are exquisite.
Great Shots! So much Fun!.. i need to play more with my SLR.
@ Becky: no new flip flops yet, I'll buy some new ones in France when we're on holiday. A nice tradition!
@ Jan: I thought I would not find a classic car, but it turned out I did!
@ Nessa: Thank you!
@ Jennifer: I love that bird shot too!
@ Willow: I'm glad I did, it's fun!
@ Kirsti: Yes, Belgium IS beautiful. So true.
@ Quilly: You could be my sister then!!
@ Alida: Win this? Me? I don't know. I'm not very good at begging for votes!
@ Bill: what a SWEET compliment, Bill.
@ Nicole: Yes, I like the cat too, she was so playful!
@ Melli: No, that was a different scavenger hunt, there are several, NicoleB is doing one this month too.
@ Lou: I just KNEW you were going to say that!
@ Sherrie: and a great day to you too!
@ Robin: An ocean liner, you are SO right!! I knew it reminded me of SOMEthing, but I did not know what it was!
@ Thom: That's so sweet, mahalo for your vote Thom!
@ Ang: I loved it too, especially since my own cat runs away each time I grab my camera!
@ Christine: Awww, thanks for your vote Christine!!
@ Robynn: You can be my sister too! And that's not true, you have a very pretty face!
@ Marg: You should. It's fun, and you learn so much each day!
You have an excellent collection of photos! Truly loved the musician (what a capture!) the candy store door, the cup of coffee...
@ Krisu: Aww thanks!! You have an eye for a good picture yourself!
Wow... amazing pictures! Too many great ones to choose a favorite :) And the statue one is hilarious :)
I had the same trouble with the shoe prompt -- but for a different reason. You'd think that wold be an easy one right? Nooooo.
I love the statue -- it almost looks as though the bird is part of it. Or is he?
Wonderful work! And you know Nicole B's doing another hunt that just started right? Now through the end of May. If you're not already in it, you can check it out here:
12, 13 and 21 are my favourite pics!
Loved your statue, and your mosaic and the reflection of the chateur in the water. Beautiful pictures :)
Wow, these are incredible shots! I couldn't pick a favorite! Love your landscapes, particularly that body of water shot!
very beautiful
I am impressed with your photos. I liked the bird in flight.
very nice photos great job
Hello. Didn't comment on your photos earlier. Looked but didn't have a chance to share any thoughts with you until now. First off, you have captured some lovely photos and moments here. Great job! Your interesting sky -- you called it a stretch. I thought it was brilliant and very interesting! I also really liked your silhouette, lights at night and something in motion. Awesome job!
p.s. I also think you did a great job with the photo you took for a drink and rain!
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