About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday's Fave Five Work and Play …

Another week has passed, it’s August 28th already!! Exactly two months from today I will be on a airplane leaving for my trip to the States!! Counting the days …

friday fave five 12

Okay, for now, I’m still here and it’s the time of the week for another Fave Five to look back and share some of the highlights of the past days. Although temperatures have dropped slightly, we simply cannot complain about our Belgian Summer this year! We’ve had a lot of sunshine and were able to spend a fair amount of time outside on the patio.

1. Last Friday and Saturday we spent two days visiting garden furniture shops. After twelve years outside in all kinds of weather, two of our big chairs collapsed in two weeks time, so we decided it was time look for something new. Maybe get a good deal because Summer sales are still on? We did, we found a lovely set we both like very much, 25% cheaper than we would have paid at the beginning of the season. Not bad eh? Not bad at all! They promised a quick delivery before the end of the week, but I did not really count on it. More on that later.

2. Anticipating the arrival of the new set, I spent Sunday cleaning up on my patio. There is a little gutter to drain the water from it, and it was littered with all kinds of dirt going from empty plastic pots and dry leaves even broken glass, you name it! Clearing it involved getting flat on my belly to scoop everything out, but I am so happy with how it looks now I could not resist taking a picture! Ummmm, no “before” pictures, uh-uh! After that I tackled the little storage space in the corner, also a “home” for a lot of goods that should really be stored elsewhere or thrown away. It’s a good thing I’m not suffering from arachnophobia, because it turned out there were quite a few eight legged creatures living there as well! Ewww! Well anyway, it’s nice and clean now!!

3. On Monday, I did my ironing on the patio. I love doing that outside in the sun, looking at the sparrows and the other birds visiting the feeder, and enjoying the colorful plants and the view. Look at that Fuchsia I got from my dad a few weeks ago, it has dozens of flowers now!

4. We had a visit from my daughter on Wednesday evening. It was still warm enough to have our aperitif outside before going in for our meal. She brought a bottle of wine for my husband but look at what she brought me!! She had bought this beautiful blue and yellow plate in Portugal while she was on holiday there, isn’t it gorgeous? I’m so in love with it, such bright and sunny colors, it’s BEAUTIFUL!! I’m going to love using it!!! I had a little surprise stashed away for her too, look how pleased she was!! And you know what the greatest gift of all was to me?
Her smile. Look at her!!! We had a great evening together. Thank you sweetheart!

5. While I was writing this post, the delivery van with the new furniture arrived! WOOT!! I grabbed my camera to make a few action shots. So here it is!!! An absolute scoop! My husband has not even seen this yet!! The new garden set !!!
I LOVE the reflecting table top, especially on a white-clouded-blue-sky-day like today!!
Look at the reflection of the neighbor's wind mill, it looks great doesn’t it?

fave five 28 aug 3

Another fabulous week!

Find more Fave Five posts at Susanne’s Living to Tell the Story.


Melli said...

WOW! You have had an AWESOME week! I LOVE your new patio set AND that plate!!! Oh BOY I love that plate! And it will look so GOOD sitting on your new patio table! :) (especially now that the patio is all spiffy!)

moneythoughts said...

I too like your new patio set. The table is quite nice. And the plate is beautiful too. May you all use it in the best of health. That's what my mother used to say.

Unknown said...

The plate is excellent. The patio set is beautiful. The photographs are lovely. And your lovely daughter looks just. like. you.

Heidi said...

Daughters are the best, aren't they!

Lisa notes... said...

I could use some new outdoor furniture. Glad you found something beautiful, and at a good price.

Ironing on the patio! I've never thought of that, but what a great idea.

Anonymous said...

lovely captures...nice!

Terri said...

Two months only! Wow, I can't believe it. Time is flying by. I will be fully recovered and ready to go shoot photos with you! Can't wait.

Your daughter is just lovely, and what a beautiful gift from Portugal! Love the colors. Brava on the patio furniture. I love that mirrored table top.

Great week for you.

Robin said...

What a beautiful plate from your daughter, and your lovely patio looks even more inviting with that gorgeous new furniture!

kayerj said...

fun post, enjoy your new furniture :)

Wanda..... said...

Another fabulous week you say!...I so agree Jientje, you have a fabulous Life in a fabulous Country!

RA said...

I love how you combine your memes with all these wonderful shots. I miss taking photos like I used to. Hope to get back on it soon. That's a beautiful new patio set and plate. You are right about your daughter's smile. It is one of the most precious things to see in the world, don't you think :). She is beautiful. Have a great weekend, Jientje.

Barbara H. said...

Love your new outdoor furniture! I have been wanting some, but the hubby doesn't seem to be into the idea -- maybe because we've had some other expenses here lately.

I never thought of ironing outside.

Love your description of the evening with your daughter!

And your pictures are gorgeous as always. Honestly, you could sell some of your photos to a magazine like Victoria. I felt like I was looking through theor magazine as I looked at some of your pictures!

Jerralea said...

I adore the platter your daughter gave you! And your patio furniture looks great.

I'm glad you had time with your daughter. I know that makes you happy.

As you said, another fabulous week!

Anonymous said...

OMG...your patio furniture is AWESOME. I love it. Oh please Belgian Weather...shape up so my Belgian Bombshell can enjoy it. Your daughter is beautiful. How nice of her to bring the wine and that pretty plate. Ironing? what's that LOL. I love the picture of that bird. Well all your photos as usual are stunning. What a great week you had. Excellent my friend. Much Aloha xoxoxoxo

Jientje said...

@ Melli: I love it too, it's SO beautiful, photo's don't do it justice!
@ moneythoughts: Thanks, your Mom sounds like a wise woman. Nothing would be the same if it was not for good health.
@ Lou: You.are.so.sweet.
@ Heidi: so true!
@ Lisa notes: I do it all the time when the weather holds!
@ flyingstars: thanks!
@ Terri: Counting the days Terri, it will be here sooner than we think! I'm glad you're doing great! Hang in there!
@ Robin: True, it does. I'm hoping for some warmer weather, so we can enjoy it this weekend?
@ kaye: I will!
@ Wanda: I'm blessed, I know!
@ Rosidah: Her smile is the most precious thing on earth!
@ BarbaraH: My hubby could not deny it, since he was the one who broke the chairs!We don't have that magazine here, but I googled it, and this is quite a compliment you gave me there! Thanks!
@ Jerralea: Yeah, she means a LOT to me, and you know that, don't you?
@ Thom: I'm hoping for some better weather too. Thanks for the compliment about my daughter, she's sweet, I love her to pieces. The little bird was cute, but those were the only two pictures that were good. Not all of my pictures are good you know!!! Aloha!!!

Unknown said...

Your plate is beautiful! I have a HUGE bowl in the same colors, it is SO BIG I have never found anything to use it for! I will photo it and show you how similar the colors are! LOL, LOVE YOURS! and what a sweet daughter! OH the furniture is lovely! I have never seen a table top like that! Hope it isn't too hard to keep clean!

Susanne said...

Your new patio set is lovely. Makes me sorta wish mine would fall apart too. LOL. It's about 16 years old and only one chair has ever broken.

What a great idea ironing outdoors. I'll bet it makes it a much more pleasant chore.

Nice surprises both you and your daughter had for each other.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Great week for you... looks like a good summer summed up. =)

Quilly said...

I know any week you get to spend time with your daughter is a great week. The table is great, the dish is better AND, I am counting the days, too! Since I am leaving Hawaii I hope we have an extra fun time and make some great memories.

Bientje said...

Wow Sis! Awesome! I hope we still have nice weather when we come over so we can enjoy sitting outside at this beautiful set!
You had a wonderful week!
Big hug!
Your little sister

Gattina said...

I am jalous ! your new garden set is beautiful ! mine is old plastic white, unfortunately still too good to get rid of it.
What a nice gift from your daughter, the plate looks more Italian then portugese, but maybe my eyes are deformed, lol !
I'll call you in the next days, it's time to visit Brussels !
I wrote today about my adventure of going to Blankenberge by train !

Unknown said...

I'm counting down with you and hoping we'll be able to meet up!

Love that little bird! your daughter is beautiful as ever! And your table - I would love to be able to join you there one day!

Jientje said...

@ Linda: Looking forward to see your bowl! Yes well, the dark mirrored surface shows every little bit of dust, but I can clean it in no time.
@ Brenda: It was a nice week, thanks!
@ Susanne: I'm surprised none of you seems to do that? I do that all the time in Summer, much more pleasant indeed!
@ WackyMummy: Yes, it was.
@ Quilly: Yes, it will make our time together extra special!
@ Bientje: I hope so too Sis!
@ Gattina: Looking forward to your call!
@ Lisa: I'm hoping so too, meeting you would be awesome! You would be more than welcome at my table Lisa!

Becky said...

Love that big blue/yellow bowl! Really nice patio set. Your daughter looks very happy to be visiting you and Dad.

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