About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Window Views





Sault, Provence.



It’s half an hour before noon.
The restaurant tables on the town square are waiting for the hungry crowd to arrive.  
Everything still neatly arranged, crisp and untouched. 
Not for long now … 

Find more Window Views here

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Robynn's Ravings said...

Especially if I were there. I'd take the place by storm. It's 1:12a.m. and I'm STARVING! I got busy writing and forgot to eat dinner!

kayerj said...

love the reflection in the window, so creative

spacedlaw said...

I love reflections and derelict/weathered places and that window does look like an old dame, with a new world being reflected in her trifocals...

Anonymous said...

OMGosh...that picture of that window with the reflection is wonderful. I thought they were inside until I looked at it for a while. Excellent my friend.

Leora said...

Delightful. What do they serve? The weathered windows add to the effect. And no people? Like an empty stage, waiting for the show to begin.

Wanda..... said...

The contrast in the photo is perfect and what I appreciate most...the beautiful neglected, weather beaten building and the flawless attention paid to the tables.

Loree said...

Love the photo. The reflection really helps to bring out the atmosphere.

moneythoughts said...

Ditto to many of the comments already written. A window that reflects a story as opposed to letting you see in or out. Nice shot.

MaR said...

Beautiful reflection, Jientje!! The one thing I don't agree with the French is their -for me-way too early lunch hours!! in Spain it is normal to go to a restaurant at 2pm (unless you want to eat alone!) but the cook isn't there before 1pm so no chance for a warm meal before 1:30pm! Vive la difference! :)

Prospero said...

Hello Jientje. I'm happy to reacquaint myself with you (we, inexplicably, drifted). I like this window for it has great character. The subtle reflection also adds nice interest and color.

maggie's mind said...

Perfection! I love windows, especially this one.

United Studies said...

Sigh...I was just reading an older cooking magazine highlighting the French countryside. It made me hungry then, and I am more hungry now!

Dianne said...

the weathered wood and peeling paint is wonderful

and the cafe reflection is delightful

Melli said...

FABULOUS!!! LOVE this reflection! ... but... did you notice the broken wall to the right? Do you see Picasso's work there? I SEE a face!!! And it looks like something Picasso would have done!

Jan said...

Love this, Jientje.

Gattina said...

I hope the tables and chairs were in a better state then the window, lol !

Susanne said...

Love the weathered window. Great reflection shot!

Lew said...

Interesting window, with the different sizes and shapes of the glass! And what better place to have lunch and a glass of wine!

Unknown said...

Lovely shot - and well executed. As always.

Melli said...

You poor little confuzzled thing...

Missing In Action.

Nessa said...

i want to be first. Beautiful.

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Libby's Library said...

The reflection in the window is perfect!
You amaze me.

Come Away With Me said...

Wow, there is so much happening with this window! What an amazing shot. I studied it for a while. Love that weathered old wood framing the window, and the reflections of the tables with their yellow napkins...and the white curtain..and everything else!

quilly said...

Love that photo!

I can't wait until you get here! We can teach each other whole new ways to look at things!

Unknown said...

Love the reflections in the glass!

The Retired One said...

Window views are interesting from either inside looking out or outside looking in....
great job!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the reflection I remembered the yummy omelets I had in Paris - I am pretty sure they are even yummier in Provence. Wonderful setting!

Christine said...

I do so love your pictures! I find it hard to put into words what I think of them. In this case the pictures are sure better than the words especially as I just can't seem to find the right ones. Somehow "That is a nice picture" really does not cut it. the pictures are so much better than that. I do so love your pictures!

Jientje said...

@ Everyone: Thanks for all your comments! I'm so behind on commenting there really is not enough time today to answer each one individually. But I appreciate each and every comment. Oh and welcome to anyone who dropped in here for the first time. I hope to see you all again soon!

Tink *~*~* said...

Loved the carved window frame! But honestly, it left me with a desire to go find a scraper and a can of fresh pain ;)

Tink *~*~*

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