About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday’s Fave Five, A Birthday Party


FFF spring


The last day of April already! It’s been a fabulous month, lots of sunshine, lots of photo opportunities, a lot of time spent outside…
It’s time to join Susanne and the others at Living to Tell the Story to look back on the week and share some favorites …


verjaardag papa 3b

1. Family. The highlight of the week was the garden party we’ve thrown for my father’s birthday. A barbeque in the garden, eating outside, children grandchildren and parents all being together, catching up on each other’s lives …  it was lovely.
My father was in great shape and he thoroughly enjoyed it!
It did not start to rain until we were done grilling and we had to move inside to have dessert. But that did not bother us much, we were just happy to be together again!

Fave Five april 30

2. The hanging baskets and a Japanese cherry tree with it’s lovely pink blossoms are the latest addition to our patio garden.
3. White asparagus are in season again. Locally grown, and full of flavor. I was amazed that some of my readers have never seen the white ones before and yes, the white ones taste different than the green variety. They don’t need much, just a touch of melted butter, a poached egg or a couple of slices of Coeur de Boeuf tomato and some fleur de sel for instance. I posted a recipe earlier this week. You can find it here.
4. The apple pie my sister baked last Sunday. It was low calorie AND delicious!
5. The weather is changing, we’re having rain again. Time to snuggle up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a magazine instead of being outside. Let’s just hope the sun will shine again soon!


Visit Heavenin365, a photo a day with the Canon D40.


Colleen said...

Everyone looks so happy and like they are having so much fun!

United Studies said...

It seems as though you are always celebrating someone's birthday! Looks like a lovely week...hope you have a good weekend!

Suburban Girl said...

Looks like an enjoyable week for sure.

Caution/Lisa said...

I need to know about that low cal apple pie. Please ??

Wanda..... said...

A family celebration is always nice to see, Jientje!...Wanda♥

ellen b said...

The pictures from your dad's party are wonderful. It is so good when family gets together and has a good time together. Beautiful.
Enjoy your snuggling and coffee!

Loree said...

Enjoy your weekend and hope the weather is nice. Looks like you had a wonderful time at the BBQ with lots of nice things to eat.

TXDidi said...

It looks like Spring has arrived in Belgium. What a nice treat for your father to have a garden party. And the white asparagus....ooh, what a treat. I remember how tasty that was from my days in Germany.

Avril said...

Happy Birthday Jientje's Dad!! Lovely family gathering! Good food, good company what could be nicer !
Your patio/garden looks bright and summery!! Hope your rain doesn't last long and you'll be out and about in the warm sunshine again !
It's my Mum's birthday tomorrow (1st May) - I wish I could speak to her on the phone and have a good chat like we used to. I miss her. She is 'well' though and well looked after.
Have a lovely weekend!

Willow said...

Happy Birthday to your dad! I have heard of white asparagus--my memoy is that farmers cover the plans to keep them white (for some reason). Am I correct? My opinion is that any color of aparagus would be delicious!

Enjoy your cup of coffee while you're snuggled up on the couch!

Melli said...

Looks like a good time was had by one and all! My mouth waters for some white asparagus! And low cal apple pie!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I've never seen or tasted white asparagus! I'll have to look for it.

Your blog is always a feast for the eyes. Loved the pictures bursting with family this time.

Happy weekend!

Susanne said...

Low calorie apple pie?! Oh you must share the recipe!

Happy Birthday to your Dad. It looks like you guys made his day really special.

I looove beefsteak tomatoes. Not too many people around here plant them but the Europeans sure love to grow them.

Marg said...

So that's where the sun has gone....OK..you need to share the good stuff around. Your dad looks fantastic and what a party.
I love the white asparagus in Europe. That's all we ate last year. We just had to cancel a trip to Europe in June because of aging parents, but I will be back. There is no better place than Europe...next time I need to scout out Belgium.

Ingrid said...

Garden parties are always fun and with family it's even better !
We eat asparagus with just a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
We had such nice weather last week once even 30°!
Unbelievable !

Rob Siemann said...

You sure had a good time!

Anonymous said...

Boy, Jientje, your birthday collage is worthy of a magazine spread -- looks like everyone had a wonderful time! I haven't eaten fresh white asparagus and will have to look for it. Enjoy your rainy weekend and hope the sun comes out again next week.

Kari said...

Happy Birthday to your father. Looks like a wonderful gathering full of good food and low calorie food!!
I've never seen white asparagus either.
p.s I love the pink cherry blossoms.

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