I totally overlooked U, and I had to browse through my archives to find one!
My V for Melli!!
And the dragonheads are a bonus!
Looking for more?
Hop over to Melli's place to meet the other players.
"One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind."
Love your middle photo, with the metal of the bridge and the colors reflected in the water. The terra cotta red makes the composition sing.
My Belgian Bombshell...wonderful finds. They are excellent. Fandango is going to like them also :) I U is great and the V with the water in the background...excellent :)
Great letters. I love the dragons.
Rabbit, rabbit.
Great finds Jientje!
That coal pan is awfully fancy.
The dragon V - who else could find that.
I only found two u's...
love your choices, once again!!
Fantastic! Clever you! Simply love the previous photo of the chappie taking a photo of the nuns!!!!
You MADE my day! I'm smiling BIG! Those dragon heads are fabulous! With our without Vs! With is better though! And yep - I found all the U's - and I wonder how you can make a pan of ashes look like art!?
COAL! Excuse me... a pan of COAL!
All very nice ! I think I am getting mad slowly, I see letters everywhere !
I hate to see this challenge end. Will it start all over again?
BTW I've started my very own Bucket List. Coming to see you is right at the top!!!
You always have such neat ones! I saw the U in the ash bin, the shovel, and upside down in the stove. Great ones! And both your vs are really unique.
These are awesome! As always. But I have to agree, those dragon heads are a bonus. Very cool!
Rabbit, rabbit
Ho ray for the dragon heads. Great choices for today's letters.
I found three U's! Clap Clap
Great letters! I see two Us in the first one, one is upside down. Three?
Love those dragons! You are so very clever. There are so many things around us if we only stopped to look. Great job as usual, Jientje!!
Thanks for stopping by to check on me and my little one.
@ Leora: I did not really notice that when I took it but it turned out great, I agree.
@ Thom: Thanks.
@ Nessa: So do I!
@ Carletta, when I saw the dragons my heart almost skipped a beat!
@ Mar: But there are three!
@ Avril: Thanks!
@ Melli: I just KNEW you would like them!
I took five or six pictures and then went back again, just to make sure I got it right!
@ Gattina: This challenge does that to you, although I forgot to hunt for a U!
@ Libby: Start over? Don't think so! We will most likely hunt for something else after this!
Ideas anyone?
@ Barbara H: You found them!
@ Sandy: I love dragons!
@ Thom: rabbit rabbit to you too!
@ Dr John: I thought you'd like them too!
@ Christine: Bravo!
@ Terri: Yes! Three!
@ Sassydog: That is so true.
Take courage my friend, my thought are with you.
You are just so good at this! I did find the three Us!
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