Friday already huh? Where did the week go? Time to share some of the highlights from the past week. Something I enjoy very much each week. Looking back, I always find it amazing how many happy moments there really are in my life in only one week. It makes me realize just how lucky a girl I really am ...

1.Mothers, family and Mother's Day.
I went to my parent's house for Mother's Day. It was good to be home and spend some time together. We went to the weekly market and bought some flowering plants to put on my grandmothers grave. We shared a lovely meal together and a bottle of wine. Nothing fancy, no fuss, just some baked chicken with tinned peaches but on days like these, simple is what we enjoy the most.
2. In the afternoon we went to the village of my grandmother to plant the flowers on her grave in honour of Mother's Day. The village is still as untouched and as beautiful as I remember it from my childhood, and I always enjoy going there because of all the happy memories.
I had my camera, and I took lots of pictures. All went well until I tripped and fell into a ditch, and ruined my camera.
3. Later that day, my daughter surprised me with a visit. That's when I discovered that my mother CAN tell lies!! Oh yes!! I never knew THAT! She had made me believe she had to be back at the house early Sunday evening because the plumber was supposed to come by to discuss the new bathroom they're installing. And I BOUGHT that!! Sheez!!! I did!!
That of course was a little white lie because my daughter wanted to pay me a surprise visit for Mother's day. I just love the blue Hydrangea she gave me, it's on my patio now, and every time I look at it, I think of her.
4. The message my daughter texted me telling me she had found a May bug. May bugs are believed to bring luck in my country, if you find one you should make a wish. She texted me that she had made a wish for me.
5. I don't know what she wished for, but from then on everything seemed to come together for me. The best surprise of all was the new camera my dear husband has bought me. Thank you so much Darling, you're the best!
I have not got the camera yet, I'm anxiously awaiting a phone call from the shop telling me it has arrived there. It might be in next week's favourites, I certainly hope so!
And then there was some good news from my friends about my upcoming trip to the States and Hawaii in November. This is finally coming together too, and I am counting the days !
I had my camera, and I took lots of pictures. All went well until I tripped and fell into a ditch, and ruined my camera.
3. Later that day, my daughter surprised me with a visit. That's when I discovered that my mother CAN tell lies!! Oh yes!! I never knew THAT! She had made me believe she had to be back at the house early Sunday evening because the plumber was supposed to come by to discuss the new bathroom they're installing. And I BOUGHT that!! Sheez!!! I did!!
That of course was a little white lie because my daughter wanted to pay me a surprise visit for Mother's day. I just love the blue Hydrangea she gave me, it's on my patio now, and every time I look at it, I think of her.
4. The message my daughter texted me telling me she had found a May bug. May bugs are believed to bring luck in my country, if you find one you should make a wish. She texted me that she had made a wish for me.
5. I don't know what she wished for, but from then on everything seemed to come together for me. The best surprise of all was the new camera my dear husband has bought me. Thank you so much Darling, you're the best!
I have not got the camera yet, I'm anxiously awaiting a phone call from the shop telling me it has arrived there. It might be in next week's favourites, I certainly hope so!
And then there was some good news from my friends about my upcoming trip to the States and Hawaii in November. This is finally coming together too, and I am counting the days !
All in all, despite the unfortunate accident with the camera, it was a great week.
And now I'm very much looking forward to read about yours!
Visit Susanne's at Living to tell the Story for more Fave Five's.
And now I'm very much looking forward to read about yours!
Visit Susanne's at Living to tell the Story for more Fave Five's.
I found a May Bug a few days ago, but didn't know that they brought luck. Now I do. They are cute little creatures.
So glad you could spend Mothers Day with your mum. We had to make do with a phone call.
I like a story with a happy ending...Here Ladybugs bring good luck.
I love your post and your gratitude to all women in your life from grandmother to your daughter how wonderful
Where are you going to visit in the US?
Maaaaaaaan I wish I could be in Hawaii in November!!! LOL! Despite the camera... you DID have a great week! I looooove blue hydrangeas! You had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Glad you had a wonderful visit with your mom! I agree, the older I get, the better I love simplicity.
What a fun surprise from your daughter!
That's too bad about your fall! Glad you're getting a new camera. And how neat to be coming to the States and Hawaii!
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful events captured with your beautiful photography. Worth the stop at your blog!
Oh no - you just reminded me that it IS Friday today! And I haven't written to my Mum - oops!
Despite your 'oopsie' with camera you had a great week - lovely photos of your Mother's Day and how special to go to your grandmothers gravesite to plant flowers.
Love the previous post with the very pretty windows!
I promise - when you come here we will keep you far away from any ditches.
@ Lydia: Yes, they bring luck.
@ Wanda: Ladybugs are for good luck here as well
@ Shopannies: They're very important, they are
@ Jackie: I'm visiting Chicago, Portland and Hawaii .
@ Melli: Would that not be great?
@ BarbaraH: I'm very excited about the trip to the States, yes!
@ Caution Flag: Thank you
@ Avril: Visiting my grandmother's grave is becoming a tradition for us the past few years.
@ Lou: Hmmm yes, I do hope you will keep me out of trouble. I do!
Can't complain about my week either. Mother's day was very nice, I mean the whole weekend. If you have time look at the little cat Marieken bought me, have never seen such a brush ! The 100 tulips I got are still nice after a week ! They must have been very fresh, of course : Tulips from Amsterdam, lalala !
BTW, I never come back to blog once I have commented. It would take too much time. I prefer to answer per email.
Isn't it great that this little meme we participate in shows us that every week there are good things in our lives! I think it was so sweet that your daughter used her "May Bug" wish for you!
And your hubby did great getting you a new camera! Of course, he has to know what great pictures you take! I come every week to your blog so I can see your new photos!
Sneaky mom! LOL. That made me laugh when I read it. I love the pictures you posted of your Mother's Day!
Hoping that camera comes in soon for you too!
What a wonderful week for you. Great post. Looking forward to seeing your new camera.
I didn't know you celebrate Mother's Day the same day we do? Ilana-Davita told me in France it is on a different day than ours. I thought Mother's Day was a Hallmark Card invention.
Enjoy the new camera. It's a lovely collage.
Look forward to hearing more about your U.S. trip.
Oh - please swing by Louisiana...It's not that far out of your way!
Where in Hawaii? Which Island? My daughter used to live on Oahu...I can give you some tips on what to see.
Why don't you just take me with you to Hawaii and I'll be your personal tour guide:-D
Do we have November dates yet so I can draw big stars on my calendar, or are you still deciding on stops and visits?
Oh! And I loved the post about your own mom and the surprise from your daughter. Those kind of special surprises provide assurance that we are truly loved.
Wow! I'm so excited for you! A trip to the state? Hawaii? That sounds like so much fun. I adore these gorgeous photos. So much light and airy views. Hope you get your camera soon!
You're going to Hawaii????? How did I miss that? That's HUGE!
You must take thousands of photos - Hawaii is so far from here I fear I'll never see it for myself.
This was a wonderful tribute to your Mum and Dad. Nice that you had a surprise of your own on Mother's Day. Hope your camera arrives soon, I bet you are just counting down the days for your visit to the US, you will have a wonderful time visiting Hawaii.
Beautiful shots of family So nice to see.
I am sure you sll enjoyed yourselves .
Life sure can be good.
Just beautiful! I'm so thrilled you get to go to Hawaii!
I've never heard of a May Bug! Would love to see one! I love your pretty flowers! Nice to see Moms! :)
Oh my Belgian Bombshell...what a wonderful surprise for you and getting a visit from your daughter. I'm so happy and I'm so glad that she found the May bug to bring you a great wish. I wonder if it was the camera. Your hubby is so nice to have surprised you with that, saying he was going to be late and going and getting that for you. What an excellent post. Your parents look great and what a wonderful week and fabulous FFF. Aloha my friend. PS I'm looking forward to November :)
@ Gattina: That brush is cute!
@ Jerralea: it makes me realize just how blessed I really am!
@ Sussanne: sneaky yes, I never would have thought!
@ Kari: so am I!!
@ Leora: apparently we do. All Belgium, except Antwerp where they celebrate it August 15!! I don't know about France though.
@ Libby: I am meeting friends who live in Honolulu
@ Quilly: Almost done. I'll contact my travel agent as soon as possible. This is beginning to look like a world tour! And yes, it's so nice to be loved by them, a great feeling.
@ Sandy: I am excited too!
@ Robin: I realize it's such a unique opportunity, and I'm very grateful for it!
@ Bill: I am counting the days, yes!!
@ A lady's life: Life can be good, and I am so enjoying it. I'm blessed, I know.
@ Brenda: I will be so happy once it arrives.
@ Maggie: so am I!!! But you get to live in Japan, how cool is that?
@ Lisa: Never heard of a May Bug? Hmmm?
@ Thom: I wonder too.And yes, I'm very much looking forward to meeting you! ;-)
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