Okay. I'll stop whining. But let's all hope and pray the Canon Gods will smile at me tomorrow and send me my camera?
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
Find more Macro Monday pictures at Lisa's Chaos
"One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind."
You caught that bug on your camera? My goodneess...what a fantastic shot. I love it. :)
I stay away from insects but yours is a fantastic shot. What Canon camera did you have/will you get again??
Happy Monday!
Wow, that's a great macro shot! I know how it is out of camera, I hope the Canon Gods will really smile at you tomorrow and send the camera. Have a great week, Jientje :)
What an intriguing bug! I have never seen anything like it. Great shot!
I do agree. A bug can be beautiful and this certainly was a great macro shot.
Great pictures. I think you will find more on your new camera to love also. And, I love the quote.
Great Picture, My Macro quit working on my camera. For some reason since I found it at Lost & Found it has never been the same.
Someday I'll have a nice camera again. Hope you new camera arrives soon.
A two-fer! :-) Great takes of both subjects!
Hope your camera arrives soon...that must have been a tiny bug...and easy to overlook...makes me want to go searching myself!...Thank you for your comment Jientje!
What an awesome picture! I wish I had that feature on my camera!
Beautiful photo. No more Mondays for awhile?
Lovely, lovely shot. Buttercup.
I don't see anything wrong with this close-up. It's beautiful!! Have a great day!!
Well, at least your camera went out with a bang! This is stunning. I love the bug - what is it?
WOW! I would have SAVED that picture for the Scavenger Hunt ... but maybe you have something even BETTER in mind! That is beautiful!
@ Thom: Yes, well it was a surprise to me too!
@ Mar: I had a Canon Powershot S5IS, and the new one is the SX10 IS, the improved version of the S5. There is a review here, if you're interested:
@ ROSIDAH: I hope so too!! And if they do, I WILL have a great week!! Have a great week yourself ROSIDAH!
@ Quilly: neither have I!
@ Dagrun: Thanks, yours are great too!
@ hip chick: Yes, I think so, according to what I've seen so far, I will. I hope.
@ Bill: Eww, did you loose it once? It's good you got it back, but still!
@ June: Sorry, a two-fer? What two subjects?
@ It was tiny yes, but it did seem to want to pose for me!
@ Jane: My favourite feature, the super macro!
@ Doug: I hope to have my new camera tomorrow, and then I can do a Macro Monday again next week.
@ Lou: Thank you, you're sweet.
@ Sherrie: Thank you!
@ Terri: I have no idea what it is, but I like it!
@ Melli: I keep forgetting about that Scavenger Hunt. It's time I get my new camera, so I can start doing some serious hunting!!
He sure is a pretty little fellow!
Awesome shot, I am gonna pray that a camera comes your way soon, I feel your pain Trust Me!
This shot is fantastic, Jientje!
So, I go away for a couple of days and what happens??! Jientje wrecks her camera, is sad, gets a new one! What a week you've had!
No seriously, it's a beautifully done macro shot.
Summer Stock Sunday starts May 31st - come check it out!
Your pictures just keep getting lovelier.
Wonderful portrait of that very interesting little fella! Hope you get your camera back soon.
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