About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Monday, May 11, 2009


This is the last picture I took yesterday.
Right before I tripped, slipped and fell into that ditch. Can you see it? It was steep, I can tell you!

My camera and me both got soaked. My clothes are clean now, and so am I.
Nothing that a washing machine and a shower could not solve.
I have a couple of sore musscles now, but other than that I'm okay.

My camera however ...
I think it's dead.
There's water in the lens, and I cannot switch it on or off anymore.
I am heartbroken.

I'm not much in the mood for blogging. I will be reading and commenting, but I'm taking today and tomorrow off from posting.
I will be back for the photo challenge on Wednesday though.

See you!!


Korie said...

For what it's worth, it's a very pretty shot...goes great with my farm post.
I hope you're okay thoguh and I'm sorry to hear about the camera. When Hans' broke he wasn't happy either. Fortunately we still have mine, although it's not as good as his was.

MaR said...

It's a beautiful spring shot, Jientje. So sorry to hear about your accident, but at least you are not injured...

RA said...

I'm so sorry to read about this. Hopefully your camera will be back in shape soon.

quilly said...

Oh, Jientje! I am so sad you have broken your camera, but I am so happy that it wasn't your neck! Please take care of you!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh...I'm so sorry. I live in fear of dropping my camera in water. Perhaps if you take the lense off and let is sit for a day it may dry out. I would try bringing it to a camera repair/cleaning place and seeing what they can do.

Unknown said...

Oh shit :(!
First off, glad you didn't hurt yourself.
Second,...well, get that camera in a good camera shop they might have a tip for you!
Best of Luck :(!!!

Unknown said...

This might be a good time to look into a DSLR. You are SUCH a good photographer - I am anxious to see what you can do with a better tool at your disposal.

Hmmmm ... Maybe 'disposal' isn't the right word ....

Libby's Library said...

I glad that you are okay - and I sure hope that your camera recovers. I don't know if I can take a day without a post from you!

Hey everybody...let's start a collection to buy our Jientje a new camera! There are 44 of us who follow. If we all chipped in $10, it would be a good start...who's with me?

Avril said...

If it's any consolation the photo is spectacular! Lovely country scene!
But oh no - glad you're ok but maybe take the camera to a good camera shop for repair as was suggested in previous comments.

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

I am sick to hear about your poor, poor camera :(
I bet you are devastated (I know I would be!)

Anonymous said...

I just have to share a portion of Jientje email to me about this yesterday: I fell into a ditch while taking pictures and I ruined my camera. I guess I took "frog's perspective" a little too literal!
I got soaking wet, but so did my camera. There's water in the lens, and I don't think it can be fixed.
And now I can't even comment on your posts!!

I'm off to bed, enough is enough!

I"m sorry to hear all of this but it gave me a chuckle and I hope you get your camera fixed. Good that you are taking some time off :) And the main thing is your oaky :)

Jan said...

Man, oh, man, I'm glad you're OK. The camera is fixable or replaceable; you're irreplaceable, though fixable.

(I had my camera damaged beyond repair when Dudley jerked his leash while I was trying to snap a photo. That's why I know about the replaceable part, first hand.)

Ingrid said...

I am so sorry for you. Good that you haven't been injured more, but the fact that your camera is dead is terrible ! That's awful. I once lost mine which was the same feeling !

Melli said...

Ohhhhhhhh I am soooo sorry. You and Quilly and I are a sorry lot when it comes to cameras and computers... HOW do these things keep happening??? I'm glad you're okay though... that ditch could have done mOre damage - it really could!

Nessa said...

I am so said for your camera. You will heal. I hope it will too with some dring out.

Christine said...

I am glad that a few sore muscles are the only damage you did to yourself. Hopefully your camera can be repaired. May the camera Gods smile on you. That was your nice new camera wasn't it? That is sad.

Jientje said...

@ Korie: I still have my small one, but it's not the same.
@ Mar: no, I'm fine thank you.
@ Rosidah: I hope so too.
@ Quilly: you've been there too, haven't you?
@ Hip chick: I am taking it to the shop this morning, yes. The water has dried out, but there is a hideous stain inside the lens.
@ NicoleB: I will but the shop was closed yesterday.
@ Lou: I am practising with my husband's Canon 40D, but it's a different world all together!
@ Libby: That's so sweet of you!
@ Avril: I will this morning, but the shop was closed.
@ Kirsti: I am. I miss it so much it hurts.
@ Thom: At least your comment section on your blog is fixed now! I'm so sick and tired of leprechauns and gremlins giving me a hard time!
@ Jan: replaceable, yes, I know, but I so love that camera ...
@ Gattina: I know. It's terrible.
@ Melli: It happened all so fast. I should have watched where I was going! The picture would have been brilliant though!
@ Nessa: It has dried out, and it's alive again. But there is a dreadful stain on that lens now. I hope they can clean it!
@ Christine: Yes, it was my nice new camera. I hope the gods will be nice to me. Really, I do!

Robin said...

Oh no, I'm so sad for you. Can you bring it in somewhere? Maybe a good repair shop can save it.

At least you're fine, no broken bones or anything serious, and hopefully your camera will soon be right again too.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Jientje sorry to hear of your bad day, glad that you are OK, Cameras can be replaced, friends like you cannot.

Lydia said...

Oufti. That is terrible. I remember when we lost our camera - the last shots feature me happily perching in a canoe. Let us know what the news is with the lens.

United Studies said...

I can imagine how heartsick you are, because I know Peter would be extremely upset if his camera broke!!

Dr.John said...

Glad you weren't hurt. At my age falls always break something. The camera is probably a loss. Water got into the electronics. There are some cameras out there that are made to be dropped in water but most aren't.
I read a blog today that blamed all the weird things that were happening on the position of the planet Mercury. If that helps any.

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