Another week is done, it's Friday AGAIN!!
Last Fave Five for the month of May, where has that month gone to?
It's a good thing I'm doing this meme to help me remember all the great moments, big and small, that I have enjoyed each week. Thank you Susanne for hosting this!
Last Fave Five for the month of May, where has that month gone to?
It's a good thing I'm doing this meme to help me remember all the great moments, big and small, that I have enjoyed each week. Thank you Susanne for hosting this!

1. One of the highlights this week was certainly our Wedding Anniversary. On Monday 25th, we were married eighteen years. I wish I had a Fave Five diary for each and every week of the twenty eight years we've been together. We got married after living together for ten years...
He surprised me with a beautiful flower arrangement, and I cooked us a nice meal.
The poor guy had to work, but in between appointments and business, we still got to celebrate with a glass of Champagne, and a nice romantic little dinner outside on our patio.
2. We had a break from cleaning and painting on Sunday. We went to one of my favourite places in Belgium which is Bokrijk Museum Park. One of the most photogenic places in Belgium, a place where the past is recreated to the tiniest little detail.
We both had our camera's, of course ...

3. The rest of the week was all about the make over of my living room. Once painting the ceiling was done, I started to rearrange the furniture. The sitting area and the dining area have switched places, and the living room looks a lot more spacious now. We both love it, the room has a completely different feel to it now.
4. Washing all the glassware, and putting everything back inside the closets was another huge chore. It made me realize just how much "stuff" we've been collecting over the years!
With a little bit of help from a good friend, we got the job done in an hour or two and still managed to enjoy a cup of tea together outside in the sun.
With a little bit of help from a good friend, we got the job done in an hour or two and still managed to enjoy a cup of tea together outside in the sun.
5. Furniture wax. I love the scent, and it has made my furniture look like new again, even after moving four times and twenty eight years of wear and tear !
Once that was done, I got to the fun part, decorating and adding the finishing touches.
That's something I really really enjoy doing, and we both like how it looks now.
Once that was done, I got to the fun part, decorating and adding the finishing touches.
That's something I really really enjoy doing, and we both like how it looks now.
As you can see, it was quite a productive and memorable week with lots and lots of good moments to enjoy.
Find more Fave Five participants at Susanne's Living to Tell the Story.
Find more Fave Five participants at Susanne's Living to Tell the Story.
Oh my goodness...why didn't you say something earlier that it was your wedding anniversary on Monday? Well happy belated Anniversary. It sounds like you had a great time even if your hubby did after to work a lot. Boy this was sure a busy redo week I tell ya. It looks just marvelous and you have done a great job. Pictures are awesome as well :)
Happy Anniversary! You should have told us....
I think I could spend hours at the museum. It looks wonderful!
You have really had a busy week! I didn't realize you were doing a whole make-over on your living room! I thought you were just painting the ceiling! (that would have been really boring though...) THIS is exciting! Of course it is! And an anniversary in there too! WOW! A GREAT week!
@ Thom: Thank you, I did have a great time despite the fact that we were both very very busy! the best reward is that it all looks so good now!
@ Jacki: I think the museum you're referring to is my living room! LOL! I happen to have quite a lot of nostalgic vintage kitchen tools. Displaying them makes it look a little bit like a museum perhaps?
@ Melli: I did not realize I was going to do a complete make over before I started too! It just sort of "happened", one thing led to another, and before we knew ... But I'm very glad we did it, you're right, painting the ceiling would have been so boring! I had to move the furniture from one side of the living room to another anyway, so I thought why not change the whole look?
Congratulations on your 18th anniversary. How exciting. And, I'm so envious that you got champaigne (sp) in your Friday fave fivers!
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby.
Happy anniversary :D!!
Wished you earlier but here it comes again ... Happy Anniversary to you both!!
Congratulations to you both. Steve and I will be celebrating our 36th in April.
I am so impressed with all you got done this week. Why don't you come and visit me, and help me paint?
Happy Anniversary!!
I know I am sick and all, but that's no reason to skip my post. You can't catch this bug over the net!
congrats on your 18 plus 10!!! That IS something to celebrate!! Love the pictures...yall have a nice home together.
Glad to hear that it looks so good. You can tell from the photos :)
Congratulations on your anniversary! And I know the sigh of relief when remodeling is done!
Happy Anniversary! The whole week sounds like a celebration, even the remodel of the living room!
Have another fave week!
Oh Jientje! You are blessed. Happy Anniversary to you. Remodeling is great when you achieve what you were hoping for and I hope you will enjoy your efforts for years to come! Your collages are wonderful. I kind of like that furniture wax smell too! Enjoy the rest of your decorating and have a grand weekend!
@ hip chick: Thank you!! I love a glass of champagne now and then!
@ Nessa: Thanks!
@ Nicole: Thanks ;-)
@ Avril: Thanks (again) ;-)
@ Libby: 36!! That's wonderful!! Congratulations!
@ Kirsti: Thank you!
@ Quilly: Oops Quilly, I hope you're not cross with me?
@ Tina Leigh: It IS something to celebrate!
@ Thom: More photos to come
@ Jerralea: Sigh indeed!
@ Willow: That's the secret, everything should be a celebration, and then it's not so hard to do, right?
@ ellenb: Thank you, it looks great and I'm more than happy with it now!
Happy, Happy Anniversary to you both! Congratulations.
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