About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friday's Fave Five, The Little Things ...

It's Friday the thirteenth today!!! Awwww, I do hope nothing bad happens today eh? Nah, I don't think so, I'm meeting two friends for breakfast this morning.
Anyway, it's time to look back and share the good things of the week that has passed. That's why I'm joining my favorite meme, it's Friday's Fave Five and it's hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

1. Bread pudding. I really love to bake, and I hate having to throw away food, so last Sunday I made bread pudding with a loaf of white bread that would have gone stale. It was a Weight Watcher's recipe, so on top of that, it was low calorie as well!

2. My new non stick wok. I bought it in the sales at half price, and again, it's a perfect kitchen tool if like me you're trying to loose weight!

3. The new tripod replacing the old one that used to belong to my hubby. It's light weight and super easy to use, I love it!

4. First signs of Spring. It's still only January, but new buds are appearing everywhere. The white plant on the bottom right has not stopped flowering yet, I've never seen this before in my life!

5. This quote : " Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything - Aaron Siskind."
This is in a nutshell why I'm doing Project 366 and why I love this meme so much, they both make me take lots of photos to remember the little things!

UPDATE: This is my photo for today, #13 for Project 366


Adrianne Molin said...

Really exquisite post.

Yes, I don't believe Friday the 13th is such a horrible day. :)

Take care!

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top tourist destination in the Philippines

Tara R. said...

Your orchid is gorgeous. Lovely set for the week. I hope you have a wonderful breakfast with your friends, and a lucky Friday.

Kari said...

your photos are always so gorgeous and I like that quote you shared.
I'm doing weight watchers and i'll be looking out for that recipe.
Happy weekend!

Nana said...

That left hand looks familiar to me! ;-)

Susanne said...

The orchid is just stunning.

I love bread pudding but have never had a weight watchers recipe. I'll have to google that.

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

I LOVE bread pudding and had a most exquisite one last week. It was made with cinnamon rolls and eggnog! I have some left over french bread. I think I'll see if I can find the ww recipe and make some today. Thanks for the idea!

I haven't heard of Project 366. What a wonderful collection of photos you will have by the end of the year. I am not ambitious enough to do this. But I sure enjoy looking at the photos of others, like you, who do.

Have a great week.

Barbara H. said...

Your photos are always so crisp and pretty. Love the collage at the top.

I have never had bread pudding. The wok and tripod sound really neat! Wow, new buds already! It's always heartening to me to see them.

Love that photography quote.

ellen b. said...

Wonderful favorites! That quote about photography really is so true...love it! Have a great weekend.

Carletta said...

Yum, orange juice!
Lovely shot Jientje!

Moonrayvenne said...

I have always liked Friday the 13th even before my daughter was born on that day :) I enjoy your pictures so much. Thank you for sharing them!

Marg said...

I just snooped around to see your Project 366. That's a great goal..I have heard of other writing down 1000 gifts that they are thankful for which might take a few years. Anyways I love your photography and hopefully you can stick to your project. Last year was a lousy year for me, but I'm working at seeing life with some new lenses.

Anonymous said...

I love your fave five photo list. The bread pudding especially looks delicious.

I also like your project 366 photo. What are you drinking, I wonder. Looks tasty. Thanks for the Project 366 link. I was interested in participating but I still haven't started. And I don't know if I will. Seems like I'm having a hard time keeping up with my regular photo blog. I will see what happens. You have a good idea to put your regular blog posts and project 366 photos in one place. Makes life easier, huh? :-D

Ingrid said...

I am not so keen on bread pudding,but the picture is nice !
First spring signs !! Yes ! I had the first snail in a plant too and the weeds are starting to grow ! Imagine in January !! I think we will have snow in July !

Suburban Girl said...

Gee, presentation sure makes that OJ look very inviting!

Kathie said...

I love bread pudding and I just started weight watchers last week - so would love if you posted the recipe!

Your orchid is gorgeous!

No signs of spring here although we did have rain yesterday. Today it's minus 1 and going down to minus 8 tomorrow.

Hope you have a lovely breakfast with your friend.

Happy weekend!

fotorantje said...

de orchidee staat er prachtig bij
en broodpudding, mmmmmm
net zoals gewokte groentjes
de rood gelakte nageltjes herken ik ;-)

Willow said...

Great faves! All those little spring buds in January--it's quite amazing, isn't it?

I enjoyed the quote about photography--agree completely. that's why I take photos.

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