I took my Big Guy for a spin yesterday, because I needed to practice with the manual settings.
I felt I wanted to try to get out of my comfort zone (which is shooting in AV or aperture priority, I'm a real AV addict) by using manual settings only.
After three months of photography class, I'm still trying to get the knack of shutter speed, ISO and aperture and this little exercise helped me a lot.
I made seventeen photos before noon, but when I came home and looked at them, I was not really happy with what I got, so when the sun came out in the afternoon, I went back to make some more. I must have made about sixty or seventy then, all with the same view as the ones below. Some were overexposed or washed out, others were too dark, I kept changing the settings until I got it right. When I came home to edit them, I deleted the ones I was not happy with and ended up with these three pictures which I'm publishing below.
I think the first one is the lesser one and the last one is - very obviously to me -my favorite one.
What do you think?
Date: 04/01/2012 13:43
Model: Canon EOS D40
ISO: 200
Exposure time: 1/200 sec
Aperture: 10
Exposure Bias: - 0.00 EV
Focal Length: 26.0 mm
Metering Mode: center weight
Flash Used: no
Exposure: manual
White balance: auto
Date: 04/01/2012 13:46
Model: Canon EOS D40
ISO: 200
Exposure time: 1/500 sec
Aperture: 8
Exposure Bias: - 0.00 EV
Focal Length: 28.0 mm
Metering Mode: center weight
Flash Used: no
Exposure: manual
White balance: auto
Date: 04/01/2012 13:45
Model: Canon EOS D40
ISO: 200
Exposure time: 1/800 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Exposure Bias: - 0.00 EV
Focal Length: 24.0 mm
Metering Mode: center weight
Flash Used: no
Exposure: manual
White balance: auto
I also think I want to make this view of the harbor a monthly theme in my Project 366.
I think it will be interesting to shoot a photo each month and see how the seasons change?
You know ... same view, same boats ... different weather, different light, different sky?
Hmmm, might be interesting, no?
I think ongoing series of photos can be really fun to do and to see! Go for it!
As to which is best of those shots, well, they're all pretty good, but I think my own favourite is probably the middle one. I think as photographers it's easy to get bogged down into making all parts and all aspects of the photo equally technically good, and in that you've probably succeeded with that last one. However, for me, there's an indefinable quality of some sort in the middle one which makes it nicer. Somehow.
Very interesting, yes of course!! And I seem to remember awhile back that you did show the same place over a few seasons and it was so cool. Yes, I hope you do the monthly picture!
I agree that I'd like to see the monthly photos and now you're making me think I'd like to do something similar.
Like you, I think the bottom photo is the best, but there is something 'wintry' about the first one that gives a feeling of the coldness of early January--maybe the light.
@ Willow: Go ahead and do that, I'm very curious to see your spot!
I think you're right about the first one, although I had not noticed it yet. The third one is sunnier, which makes it look less like Winter than the first one. It has not been very cold here, it's been ten degrees warmer than what it is supposed to be this time of year. No frost or snow here, instead it's very warm, wet and windy. The weather is really crazy around here this year!
oooh dat is zo moeilijk
in de eerste foto vind ik de wolken toch wel goed
ik blijf maar heen en weer scrollen
het water is het beste in de laatste foto
twee en drie zijn beter van compositie, want op de eerste staan die bomen daar links en die storen wat
You've got a lovely blog here, and interesting posts.
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Hallo Jientje,
Wat leuk om een Belgische blogger te leren kennen! Ik weet niet zo goed meer hoe ik op jou blog ben gestrand! Maar ik ben blij je blog ontdekt te hebben.Ik ben ook een blogger sinds 2009 en vind het echt interessant zo veel mensen van rondom de wereld te leren kennen.
Mijn blog heeft de naam 'Belgian Pearls'.
Jientje, dit zijn hier prachtige foto's!! Echt waar! Ik ga straks je blog verder bekijken!
Alvast vele groetjes uit Brakel!
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