Here we go for another Fave Five, another week is over....
1. We have had some sun and some rain this week and one always tends to remember only the rain. But we've had some fairly good moments. Not good enough to eat outside I'm afraid, but good enough to get some work done and clean up the patio.
2. We got rid of all the dead plants and bags of old potting soil, plastic pots, you know all of the stuff that takes up space but adds only chaos? It's all gone now, and it looks neat and clean.
A couple of new hanging baskets in full bloom and the red Acer tree make it look like a little corner of paradise to me.
3. I am not the only one who thinks so, look what I saw this morning!
After all, mother's day is coming up soon, right?
4. Has to be the new chair my husband bought me. He needed a new one and because he knows I spend a lot of time here, he bought the same one for me! Yaaay! That huge ugly red one is gone now and replaced by a very comfortable and much compacter black and white one.
5. This blog has gotten quite a lot of extra attention this week. I was made Post of the Day on David Mc Mahon's Authorsblog this week, which brought quite a lot of new visitors and even some new followers! Thank you so much David, and hello and welcome to all the new readers!
And then there was the Scavenger hunt. Thom set up a last minute voting campaign on his blog last night. Mahalo Thom, you're such a good friend. I came out second, which is great, I am so happy!!! I am very grateful for all of the votes and the effort all of you made to get me there!! Like I have said before, the friendship I found here through this blog is very precious and dear to me. I would not be blogging if it was not for you all, my friends. Thank you so much.

Look for more Fave five posts at Suzanne's Living to Tell the Story.
Congrats on second place -- although I think you deserved 1st! I loved your photos.
Congrats! And I think that bird is what we call a raven...although it looks small for a raven so it may be a blackbird or a mockingbird. I've gotten better with flower names since I moved here...guess it's time to learn more about birds.
What a wonderful FFF. The pictures are great as usual. So detailed. You are so welcome. Second place isn't bad at all. I just wish I would have posted on my blog a little earlier. But alas, I didn't but that's okay. You did excellent. Have a great Friday and Happy Mother's Day :)
Don't forget to add your post to Mr. Linky on Suzannes blog :)
You had a great week.
You should have been 1st!!!!!
Congrats on the Photo Hunt! #2/27 is AWESOME!!!! Great work!
Well! LOOK at you Miss Thing! You really have had a great week! I love the baby bird picture -- blurry and all! WAIT til you see what I'M posting on Mother's Day! Don't miss it!!!
Congrats on your POTD! And that mother bird feeding her baby is PRECIOUS!! You are FAST with that camera girl!
Congrats on being David's POTD! That's great! Love the little birds.
Happy Mother's Day!
Wow! Your new blog looks great!! And, I don't know what kind of bird it is but your were pretty quick to get a picture.
Wow -- It sounds like it was a really good week! I'm so excited about your new chair. And your pictures are wonderful. Have a great Mother's Day weekend!
Love your pictures. The one of the mother feeding the baby is precious.
We've had rain around here too. I wanted to do lots of yard work today but that's not to be. Oh well.
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