Why oh why are there so little hours in a day? Can somebody PLEASE tell me that?
It's Friday again, it's the first day of my favourite month of the year. It'll be over before I know it, it has always been like that, and the days and the weeks and the years just seem to go by faster and faster each week. Like a roller coaster ride! Friday already today!
Aaah, but Friday means, Friday 's Fave's Five and I just love that meme.
See? Two favourite things, and I have not even touched my list yet!
It's Friday again, it's the first day of my favourite month of the year. It'll be over before I know it, it has always been like that, and the days and the weeks and the years just seem to go by faster and faster each week. Like a roller coaster ride! Friday already today!
Aaah, but Friday means, Friday 's Fave's Five and I just love that meme.
See? Two favourite things, and I have not even touched my list yet!
So here we go!
1. The new PC. Well, okay, let's say my husband and I swapped computers. He had bought a new one a couple of weeks ago to use for his work, but for some reason it was not compatible with the network at his work, and my old one is!! So I'm the LUCKY girl!! I got the new one! Yaay for a new computer! Well, once everything works like it should, that is! It involved quite a bit of stress before everything was in working order, let me tell you! The old one had eaten my Photo Shop CD, can you imagine that? Fortunately, I was able to retrieve it. IN THE END, that is!! Awww!
But for some reason or another I seem to have lost my spell check, and I feel very uncomfortable and blind without it! You don't always know when you make mistakes, do you? Well, at least, I don't. So... ? I'll have to find a way to get it back somehow, but I'm not sure how to do that. In the mean time, please bear with me?
2. The first collage shows the favourites I was going to talk about this week, but as it happens, I'm posting late today, and because today was such a beautiful day, I've made another one! That's a sign of a great day huh, if it's worth an extra collage?
Now ... Let's see,? Ah!! New shoes!!
Yes, AGAIN!! But they were a STEAL! And I do know every woman says that after she went shopping, but you've got to believe me, they WERE!! And they're great!
Okay. The new clothes I bought? I had nothing more to wear. * giggles* Besides. They were a steal too! Ha!
But for some reason or another I seem to have lost my spell check, and I feel very uncomfortable and blind without it! You don't always know when you make mistakes, do you? Well, at least, I don't. So... ? I'll have to find a way to get it back somehow, but I'm not sure how to do that. In the mean time, please bear with me?
2. The first collage shows the favourites I was going to talk about this week, but as it happens, I'm posting late today, and because today was such a beautiful day, I've made another one! That's a sign of a great day huh, if it's worth an extra collage?
Now ... Let's see,? Ah!! New shoes!!
Yes, AGAIN!! But they were a STEAL! And I do know every woman says that after she went shopping, but you've got to believe me, they WERE!! And they're great!
Okay. The new clothes I bought? I had nothing more to wear. * giggles* Besides. They were a steal too! Ha!

3, Well I was going to talk about noodle soup and the potted herbs on my patio, ( which I LOVE to use in Summer.) but that does not sound like too important anymore.
Oh and the middle picture? That's the rain we had. But it looks pretty on a flower. Um. Can't believe I said that! What I meant was, I love those flowers, they're in bloom now but Im not sure what they're called, we call them Rhododendrons. One of my favourite Spring shrubs.
4. Ohh I'll better add my next collage I think?

On May 1st it's custom to gift a little bouquet of Lily of the Valey flowers, for good luck.
Last year they were very scarce because of the bad weather, but this year they're abundant.
I have some on my patio, and they're in bloom, which does not happen all that often. Mother Nature just does not use a calendar. Which is good.
The picture on the bottom right surprised me too today. The things a camera lense sees that you had not seen yourself are amazing sometimes. I had not seen the little black bug, but he did want to pose for me!!
5, Well that one is obvious, I'm sure!! Eating OUTSIDE!! Again!!
On the menu: Seabars with sepia pasta, "caviar d' aubergines", served with wokked red bell peppers and shallots. It was delicious. The pasta was great, I bought it at the weekly market, and it's the first sepia pasta I cooked that kept it's deep black colour, instead of turning into some kind of a slate grey-ish colour, which is not at all appetizing!
Ooooh, and not to forget the kiss my daughter sent me through Facebook.
Just a tiny message MWAH xx.
You have NO idea what that meant to me.
I hope you had a great week yourself !!
Hop on over to Susanne's at Living to tell the Story for more Fave Five posts!
Oh and in case you missed it, take a look at my pictures!!
My post is here:
And if you like them?
Click on the banner and vote for me? Please? Or for somebody elses pictures? ;-)

I love photo challenges, I'm sure most of my readers know that by now!! I found this scavenger hunt over at Kirsti's -who is a wonderful photographer herself by the way- and decided to join in. The post from all the players had to be up by May first, and here is mine.
Of course, a scavenger hunt would not be a scavenger hunt if there was not a little competition involved. So please, if you like my photography, please please please hop on over to Sweetsauer's and vote for me please? I'm not going to beg for this again after this week is over. But I will beg and pleade for a vote every day of the week until May 7th! So brace yourselves!! (Or vote for me?)
Congrats on the new computer. It's always such a pain to get everything situated the way you want it on something new but well worth it. Patients is a virtue don't the say. I have spell check with Google and very rarely use it. I should but oh well. New Shoes...blah blah blah LOL...I love the collages. Awesome pictures yet again, but I've come to expect no less LOL. The best was the kiss from your daughter through facebook. I loved that. Great FFF and have a great weekend.
Rabbit, rabbit
Jientje, I love your post for May 1 and Friday Faves! This time last year, I was in France visiting my uncle and saw little bunches of lily of the valley for sale - they are so sweet looking. Rhododendrons are what those flowers are called over here, too. Gorgeous with the raindrops. Could you spare us some rain, please?
Looks lik eyou had an awsome week, I love your colleges NICE work!
Your collages are spectacular. I'd be lost without my spell checker. I love noodle soup and eating outside.
@ Thom: Thanks for the spellcheck tip! And the best was that kiss. INDEED!!
@ nikkipolani: You want rain!! I can send you some anytime!
@ Sherry: thanks!
@ Nessa: I've installed the spellchecker!!
Congrats on the new computer. It always takes a lot of time to get a computer set up the way you want.
As always, I love your pictures! I went to your photo scavenger post and looked there, too. They were all beautimous, but my favorites was the one by the lake with the chateau. You are an awesome photographer!
Oh, Le Muguet, reminds me of Paris. We never see them in California.
I've never ever heard of sepia pasta. What's it made from? Seaweed? What does it taste of?
I love the splashes of color on your collage. Everything looks fresh and inviting. Thanks.
I love Lily of the Valley. So delicate and fragrant. Shoes would make my favorites list, that is, if and when I get them. Love new shoes.
@ Jerralea: Love that word, beautimous!! Thanks for the compliment!
@ Gutsywriter: It's Italian pasta, you know, like spaghetti, but it's coloured with octopus ink. The taste is not all that different, it's the colour that makes it interesting.
@ Sussanne: Shoes!! Love them too!
Hooray for your new computer! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Hooray also for your new shoes! I've developed a shoe obsession lately, and your new ones are magnificent. If clothes make the man, shoes make the woman. :-)
spell check: do you use Firefox? If so I can probably help.
rhododendrons is what we call them too.
and seabars is what we call perch.
Beautiful pictures by the way...I'll be going to Gent centrum tomorrow to look for picture opportunities for my idioms.
wish I had a new computer mine keeps goofing up
Yes, we call those flowers rhododendrons. Rhodies for short.
Fun fave fives this week!
That noodle soup looks wonderful! And those are some sexy shoes!
You are going to be so disappointed at my house when I just drop food on the plate and hand it to you -- we don not take the time with our meals that you do. In fact, I don't know where you find the time!
My rhododendrons are not blooming yet but soon! I love them too. And we have lots of lily of the valley growing wild here on the Island. They are a sweet little flower with such a nice perfume.
I popped over and voted for you!Bon chance!
Before I forget again, I love your new header!
And yes, I would sometimes like a few more hours in the day :)
Your food always looks so delicious!
I wish I had the patience to do such yummy things.
Lucky you about the computer :)
I have lost my spellcheck once. How did I get it back? No idea... :(
I think when using Firefox (and Flock) it's integrated and with IE you gotta find it in the tools?
Have a great Sunday!
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