Now without further ado ...
The only piece of furniture that has kept it's original place is the side table between the kitchen and the living room area.
So this is how it used to be ...
and here below is how it looks now ...
The sitting area is now in the middle of the room, next to the kitchen, and the dining table is at the front now. The whole place looks a lot more spacious and there's much more light coming in, which is great as we have no windows in the side walls.
I rearranged and changed the decorations , and used the side table to display some vintage kitchen utensils that have been hiding in my closets for years. We used to browse flea markets and brocante shops for them on Sundays. But that was over twenty years ago, in an era when we were making plans to open a restaurant. The restaurant never happened, ( that's life I suppose?) and most of the "stuff" has been kept in boxes since we moved here. I think I have finally found some good use for it!
Elsewhere in the room, I have used some sea schells just to add that little touch of Summer ...

I just love the fresh clean smell of soap and furniture wax, every time I walk into the room. I'm so excited and happy I finally found the energy to tackle this chore I had been procrastinating for years. I suppose it's like climbing a mountain, it looks HUGE when you're in front of it, but once you're on top of it, and you look back, you find it was well worth the effort.
Like you, I hate even the thought of the big house cleaning jobs, but I so love the way the house looks, smells and feels after I am done.
Your after views do look at be more open and spacious -- even thought it is all the same stuff. It's it amazing what a little rearranging can do? Your house looks cozy and inviting.
Jientje...Your home and posessions are beautifully arranged...both before and afterwards...Lovely!
Are you kidding me? I would WANT to show off all your's beautiful!!!
Did you published those in magazine? It is very impressive. I look at my home and it looks empty. You have a lot of things to care around the house. It is probably fun toutching all these pretty decorations
Your home looks very cozy and warm. It always feels good to finish a project long in our minds. Beautiful rooms.
Yes indeed! That's how I felt about painting my kitchen ... and AGAIN about painting my entire downstairs! But my home is still in desperate need of new furniture... and we just won't DO it while the pets survive! When they go though - then I will get nice things again!
Your home is SO lovely! You really do have the decorator's touch! And I thought it looked wonderful BEFORE the transition -- but I DO really like how much lighter it is in the make-over!
OHHH Congratulations!! It looks so nice and I can smell what you do.:) Nothing like it.
Now Please come and do mine lol
I desperately need help lol
Wow - like the 'before' and the 'after'- although the 'after' does look fresh! Oh my - you do have a talent!
Would love you come and visit and rearrange my 'stuff'!
What a wonderful job you did. Your place is fantastic. You can do my house when you visit here :) LOL...just kidding. Aloha
I think it was well worth the effort. The new look is so much more open.
@ Quilly: It's amazing how the same space can look so much bigger!
@ Wanda: I don't like to call them "possessions", they're objects that surround me, for now. It never feels like I "own" things, I know I have to part with them one day...
@ Hootin' Anni: thank you!
@ Ellie: it is, I love the things that surround me. I do.
@ Melli: Oh, about the pets ... I understand completely! And yes, much more light, and a lot more space. I'm still wondering how we did that?
@ A lady's Life: yes, I love the smell too!
@ Avril: Thank you! If only you lived around my corner, I'd love to rearrange your "stuff"!
@ Thom: Haha, I'll see what I can do! ;-)
@ Dr John: It was. I'm so glad I did it!
Oh Jientje, it looks wonderful. So much lighter and more spacious, too.
I wish I could bring you over here to help figure out my living and dining room area.
Your home is lovely! I think the new arrangement shows off your things more effectivey. I know you're getting ready to head to Provence. Here's a blog entry about l'Isle that you might like: I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures on vacation!
The change looks beautiful and so open. I like how you changed it up. It's like a whole other home.
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