As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we'll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay?
You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.
You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.
" A Thousand Words In Idioms"

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe ...
Here we go ...
G is for ....
" Gone fishing"
If someone has gone fishing, they are not very aware of what is happening around them.
And H is for "Hang by a thread"
If something hangs by a thread, there is a very small chance of it being successful or surviving.
If you're playing, sign the Mr Linky, and don't forget to visit the others.
Join us, it's fun!! I can't wait to see what you've come up with this week!
Miracles DO happen!!!!
I'm so happy!!
I love the first picture with those people fishing! but the second one is the winner for this post, fantastic shot, Jientje! Love your idioms.
Did you get your new camera? what kind of Canon is it??
Happy Wednesday :)
My idioms are posted...
These were great Jinetje, I like coming and seeing what you are going to come up with each week. I also like seeing what Quilly, Melli and Thom come up with too.
Hope you get your new camera soon.
These were great. I love the hang by a thread picture. It is so delicate. And seeing all those people fishing.Excellent. Shoot no word on the must be fit to be tied. LOL. My poor Belgian Bombshell. Excellent Idioms. Mine will be up at 12:01 HST. Happy ATWII :)
All those people lined up fishing look as though their space has been precisely measured! And, as Thom said, the delicacy of the hanging by a thread pic is amazing. Wonderful choices and images, fearless leader!
Oh, these are GREAT! I am so with Quilly! This must have been a fishing CONTEST going on? It does look to be measured out... Or else fishing "spots" have been set up around the lake? Intriguing! And the leaf in the web is spectacular! I never even find the WEB - until October - much less a leaf in it!
Jientje - I PROMISE you - the accordianist was on the side of the Highway! I had pulled off onto the shoulder and that is why it looks like that! I'll show you, when you come, just where he was!
And this sitting in line is called sport ! That's the kind of sport I like but without fishing ! Nice findings !
I just started a war against snails. We have so many in our garden, I am so angry ! they ate up all my fresh planted petunias and a lot of other stuff ! Even letters in the letter box. I just came back from Aldi where I bought a product to kill them. In 33 years we live here it has never happened !
That is too funny. I've never seen people lined up along the shore like that to fish!
What a great shot.
And I adore the leaf hanging by the web. Nice capture!
Beautiful photos!
I am sorry I cannot join your site. Your membership requires that I give a Google ID and I am not welcome under the listing of my own, independent blog. More and more free blogging platforms are offering this "service" to their clients, which excludes their non-clients.
Happy dance! Happy dance! I know you are wearing a huge smile! Now, when you rush outdoors to start taking pictures, please watch where you're going!
In our house, GONE FISHING, means exactly what it says. It means that we have really truly, gone fishing. Now if we could actually catch something!
BTW, I love the picture of the guys fishing and how they are watching each other to see if anybody is catching something. I can just imagine their conversations. They will be asking each other what bait is being used, how long they have been out there, how many fish have been caught and how often do you come here. LOL My hubby would fit right in.
Well OF COURSE they do! But darn! NOW I won't find out if you liked MY camera as well as YOURS... because didn't I read that you bought the PowerShot SX110 IS somewhere??? I was waiting to see if you said it was AS good -- or NOT QUITE AS good! ;)
Regardless -- I'm VERRRRRRRY happy you GOT YOURS!!! That is wOnderful! And FABULOUS! And FANTASTIC! And AWESOME!!! Jientje is BACK!
Great idioms. The photo of the people fishing is soooooo different from what fishing is like here. It amazes me that they're all along the nicely groomed bank, so close to each other like that. I'll attempt to get some photos off my camera and onto my blog later today, no time just now.
Congratulations on your new camera!!
Your blog got my attention from Melli's and Quilly's blogs this morning. I'm just here to look and my goodness you have lovely pictures on your blog! Also, I'll certainly cut you plenty of slack on any mistakes in English if you will forgive me mine...and I'm a native speaker of English. The instructions for your camera were intimadating, though :)
Woot...Congrats on the camera coming in. I'm so excited for you :)
Yippee, I'm so excited for you! Glad to read that the camera has finally arrived. I think we are up to for a lot of remarkable photos again. Your new meme is really amazing, Jientje. Thank you for coming up with it. I learn a lot and enjoy all the beautiful photos. Have a great day :)
We had to draw an exercise like this when I was in Mrs. Nuotio's 5th grade class. I still remember it clearly. Yours are GREAT!
What a great idea for a photo meme! Nice shots, too.
Congrats on your new camera!
Hi Jientje, you are a wonderful host. It seems that I have forgotten to add my link to Mr. Linky in the excitement of your new camera ;)
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