About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Nice Day For a Walk ...



Summer Stock Sunday JPEG

I have decided to publish my Summer Stock Sunday pictures on Saturday from now on, because deep inside I hate multitasking. I love Summer Stock Sunday, but I don’t want to miss Weekly Winners either because of the friends I’ve met there. I have been struggling with this for weeks now but I figured this might be the best solution in order to be able to visit everyone back.  
Oh and by the way, I changed the color scheme of my blog to coordinate it with my new header. What do you think? Do you like it?


Last Thursday was one of our hottest days of Summer in Belgium. I had a pedicure appointment at four in the afternoon and I decided to walk all the way down the canal and shoot some pictures along the way.

The flowerbeds in our village are beautiful, but …

you would be amazed

by Mother Nature’s wild beauty if you care to look just a little bit closer!

Every now and then my camera looks even closer than I do! Sees things I don’t see!
Like this cobweb for instance, it came as a nice surprise!

When all I wanted was to take a picture of this little cutie!

There was a fair little bit of wind and I had to hold the flowers to make a good macro.

Bend down my knees a little to get a better perspective.

and get another macro while I was at it. I had fun!

Ripples …

Damn. I should have seen that reflection! Aaaah  okay, maybe next time …

Up close and personal. She’s so pretty.

Busy bee …

Too bad I don’t know the names of all the wild flowers I saw. Is this a thistle?

We don’t see that very often here. I’m not sure if it’s allowed, but hey … it was HOT!

More purple beauty …

I had to be very fast to snap that last picture. It’s not as clear and crisp as I would like it to be, but still, I like the image. The cute Summer dress, the wind in their hair, the two huge handbags… But what I like most of all are the dangling feet and the flip flops. 
To me this speaks of Summer …



Find more Summer Stock Sunday pictures at Around the Island.


Quilly said...

The photo in your new header is fantastic, though I do miss the old one. I love all of your Summer Stock photos, too.

You picked the hottest day of the year for a nice long walk? It is good you are coming to Hawaii in the Fall. Otherwise you would kill yourself here! Amoeba rode his bike 8 miles in the blazing sun and came home burnt and sick. You people!

BBE said...

The rivers are wonderful in the summer. My favorite is the Leie, I am walking as much of it as I can, bit by bit.


Wanda..... said...

Bees, Boats, Bikes, Ducks, Flowers, Daring Teenagers & Webs...Enjoyed your views Jientje. That is a Thistle plant.

Wanda..... said...

The new font color choices are perfect...

moneythoughts said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. Beautiful! Just beautiful!

I like both header photos, but I like the other one better. But, that is just my opinion.

Libby's Library said...

Oh - to live in such a lovely village. Beauty all around. Me I'm stuck in Cajun Country...
little beauty to be found :-(

Melli said...

Goodness you DO have fun on your walks! This is what I miss MOST about living in the country... we have NOwhere to walk! I used to walk on the roads when we first moved down here - but anymore you take your life in your hands if you step out on the road!

I do LOVE that last shot too - blurry or not! And the girl in the water? Well... there ARE steps there! But I think my most asthetically pleasing shot here is the one looking across the yellow weeds to the boats. I LIKE that!!!

The Retired One said...

Loved your "walk" pictures...you are correct=beauty everywhere if you just look closer!

Susanne said...

Your city is so beautiful. So glad you had such a nice day on your walk. The purple flowers in the third picture are the same ones that we have here in our coulees and river bottom. Love the walking tour of your lovely city.

kayerj said...

I loved the walk down the canal with you today. thanks

Willow said...

I feel like I've been right there at the canal with you!

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Beautiful photos! The duck looks larger-than-life!

Anonymous said...

I love the new header photo. And all of these are wonderful. I would have never seen that cobweb if you hadn't mentioned it. What fantastic shots. People cant go into the water or is it just where they were entering it there? I love your description of the last photo...you can just see it so alive :) Excellent and well done my Belgian Bombshell :)

Ellie said...

That spider web looks strong enough to catch the bird! Horror! I really like the bike riders in this series - such a freedom - to cruise on those in the summer!

Leora said...

Love your comparison of the flower beds with the wildflowers. You do have a way of capturing a scene in photos, so we feel like we've come along with you. Yes, looks like a thistle to me.

Dianne said...

the cutie and the cobweb :)

all wonderful photos

Dimple said...

I like this summery series. The portrait of the duck is beautiful, and the surprise cobweb.

The plant with the yellow petal-less flowers is tansy. The bee is sipping from vetch. You didn't ask about those, I know. The one you did ask about-I agree with others that it is a thistle.

Come Away With Me said...

Wow Jientje, what a wonderful walk you've taken us all on along the canal. That's a beautiful place and I enjoyed seeing all the flowers, the web, the waterfowl, and the people too. Thank you!

Robin said...

What a wondrous little corner of the world you have Jientje. I too often walk to my pedicure appointments - past apartment buildings, stores, but stops...

Love the new header, too, and of course I don't mind if you post early. I'm just happy that you're having fun with it and want to play along :).

Unknown said...

The flowers - ahhh. I love the bikes, birds, boats and water -all summer! There are stairs into the water so it seems it would be ok to go wading.

Jientje said...

@ Quilly: I like the new header, but I don't think I'm going to keep it for very long. There seems to be a certain sadness in it. I'm not sure, somehow it does not feel quite right. Our hottest day of the year would be nothing compared to yours!
@ BBE: Yes, the Leie region is very very beautiful. I would love to explore it a little more myself.
@ Wanda: You inspired me Wanda!
@ moneythoughts: Yes, I think I agree about the header. I! don't think I'm going to keep it very long?
@ Libby: Beauty is everywhere.
@ Melli: I don't think the steps are there for people wanting to swim. There are a lot of boats in that canal usually, and it would be dangerous.
@ The retired one: So true!
@ Susanne: I had fun! So glad you enjoyed it!
@ kaye: You're welcome!
@ willow: that's exactly what I wanted! Glad you enjoyed it!
@ Kirsti: She's cute eh?
@ Thom: There are usually a lot of boats crossing the canal, swimming would be dangerous.
@ Ellie: Too bad the picture is a bit blurry.
@ Leora: It IS a thistle? Thanks!
@ Dianne: sometimes you get an extra little surprise!
@ Dimple: Thanks for the information!
@ Sara: So glad you liked it!
@ Robin: It was nice to walk. I enjoyed every minute of it!
@ Lisa: It's not okay, too many boas are passing through there. Could be dangerous.

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