"A Thousand Words in Idioms"
As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, (even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe
From now on everybody can join in. No need to follow the alphabet, just pick two idioms and illustrate them with your pictures. Grab that camera or look in your archives. Just be creative, that's all I'm asking!
And don't forget to have fun and visit one another, okay?
And don't forget to have fun and visit one another, okay?
So here we go ...
I'm using music as a theme this week
My first idiom is ....
Change your tune : If someone changes their ideas or the way they talk about them, they change their tune.
Your turn now, I hope more people will join in again this week, and I'm very much looking forward to see what you've come up with!
Don't forget to sign Mr Linky if you're playing, and use the link to the post, NOT the homepage!
Great idioms and beautiful pictures.
Argh! Why can't I remember this challenge? I had so much fun with it when you started it. I may need to get an event calender to keep up with my blogging!
Wonderful pictures and according idioms !
I came back yesterday evening and am quite sad today, it was soooo nice there. I also spent the whole afternoon in London before I took the Eurostar to Brussels. It was so good to smell the London air again !
Jientje, someday, when I discover my hidden talent, I want to be able to take photos as amazing as yours! Every time I visit your blog, someone has to hit me on the back to make me breathe again because the beauty of your photos takes my breath away. I love the idioms you chose and the matching photos. Oh, and I am working with a theme, too -- my brain cooperates better with me when it has a theme to think about. :)
Thanks so much for keeping this delightful meme alive!
Wait -- I thought this was a THURSDAY post? You're confusing me!
I liked the reflections you captured in the instruments Jientje...good photo and idiom match.
Great photos. Really nice composition, colors and just so easy to look at. The reflection in the first photo in the horn is just really cool. I can't say enough good things about your pictures.
Lovely photography and a sharp mind. Great combination.
Oh, I SUPER love your first shot! The band reflected in the horn is just FABULOUS!!! Great job!!!
You are sooo clever. And wonderful pictures.
What great shots! Love the reflection of the crowd in the first one. You take such clear, gorgeous pictures.
These are both great idioms. I like working with a theme, too.
love your interpretations of this meme
I love how you did a theme with both idioms today. That is brilliant my Belgian Bombshell. Very very clever. The pictures so describe the idioms. And as always, the pictures are excellent. Well done my friend. Aloha :)
Brilliant photography and insightful representations of the idioms. What fun this meme is.... I'll have to ponder on my own contribution. Thanks for sharing your genius!
Great Idioms Jientje, I like how you are always able to find the perfect picture for the Idiom you are showing us.
Geesh- I should have said something unique, like wow, You March To Your Own Beat. But alas, I slow on the uptake!
@ Loree: Thanks!
@ Quilly: I SO loved what you came up with! I miss you here!!!
@ Gattina: I'm so glad you had a good time. Time flies eh? Welcome back!
@ Carleen: What a wonderful comment, I wish I had your talent with words! Yours were wonderful!
@ Quilly: YOU are the confused one! 3WT is the Thursday meme, remember?
@ Wanda: I was lucky I could stand right next to them, or it would never have worked.
@ moneythoughts: Thanks, that one came out just right, I agree.
@ Lou: You're making me blush!
@ Melli: LOL!
@ Susanne: Thank you!
@ BarbaraH: But yours were awesome too!
@ kaye: thank you!
@ Thom: Yes, this time the theme worked for me. But I'm not sure if I can do that every time?
@ Barb: Why don't you join us?
@ Bill: Thank you Bill, I'm having fun with this!
@ Libby: LOL, I like that!
My father used to play thrompet - I remember going to concerts in the city plaza. The five lines filled with music, the reflection in the shiny instruments - screams happyness and great memories - Thank you for this vision!
Enjoyed the two you did today. I'll give it some thought for next week.
I simply love your first shot with the reflection on the musical instrument, it's fantastic!!
I love the reflection in the horn in that first photo!
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