About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Window Views In the Heart of Antwerp


Three unpublished pictures from my photo walk with Gattina a little while back. They were taken in one of the cutest little streets in the heart of Antwerp, the Vlaeykensgang, a cleverly hidden must see if you ever visit here. It used to be the neighborhood where the cobblers lived, poor people, hence the tiny houses. It was up for demolition, there were plans to turn it into a parking lot when an local antiquarian – a man with a vision - bought the houses and restored them to their historic medieval charm. Whenever I’m in the city, I just love to wander around there for a while and enjoy the calm atmosphere there . Click on the map and discover a little gem right in the heart of Antwerp.

Map picture

Two more pictures to give you a better idea of the beauty and the calm serenity.

Click on the link to discover more Window Views.


quilly said...

Your photos soak up every bit of charm in each scene and display it in its optimum light.

Leora said...

Such a lovely, cozy place. Warm and welcoming.

Nana said...

Ja, dat is een schoon stukske Antwerpen hé!

Loree said...

What an adorable little place. It looks so peaceful and queit. I would feel right at home :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

These places must be riddled with fascinating history! And those wonderful windows must have drawn many dreamers! Beautiful photos!

moneythoughts said...

I agree, very nice pictures. I enjoyed them all.

In Columbus, Ohio, there is an old section of the city called German Village. The homes there are also very small by today's standards, but the whole community has a nice charm. Believe it or not, German Village is also an expensive place to buy a little house. Some times less is more.

Mar said...

Wonderful place and pictures!! Thanks to a visionary man...

Melli said...

I visited that German Village that moneythoughts speaks of! It IS a quaint little place - I even blogged it. But it has no where neeeear the charm of your old village. No matter what I see here in America ... no matter what I find that is spectacular and beautiful... it is all faded next to the beauty of the OLD WORLD! We just can not compete! I loved exploring that little map! And I can totally understand why they might WANT a parking lot!!! LOL!

Wanda..... said...

I love the beauty of the white washed buildings and the imperfections in brick work and the street tiles add all the more character...there's even a fern growing on the roof tiles.

The Retired One said...

Such narrow little streets!
I bet the neighbors can hear everything from everyone.
It is charming, but I am afraid I would be claustrophobic if I lived there.

Heidi said...

Can we seriously talk about me letting my sister use one of your photos as a guide so she can turn it into a painted mural on my kitchen wall? She's an artist. Next time I visit her, I will photograph the mural she painted of a marshland on her son's bedroom wall. It is fabulous.

Here is my e-mail address: hjtrumble@sbcglobal.net

Nicole said...

These shots are once again awesome.
Thanks for this lovely city tour :)!!

Robynn's Ravings said...

So, when are they going to make you head of the Belgium Tourism Department? Truly. Do you EVER post ANYthing that doesn't make all of us want to get on the next plane bound there?!!! Another amazing journey, Jientje. :)

VioletSky said...

What a lovely hofje. I clicked on the map view - what a great idea. This is indeed a sanctuary - hard to find your way in!

Nessa said...

Beautiful. I know way back when these places were not so quaint but I love them now (that they have running water and bathrooms.)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, absolutely ONCE again amazing. You have such an EYE for the simple beautiful amazing peeks into God's creation! I feel like sitting on a bench in one of your pictures and just sitting with my mouth wide open, jaw to the ground and taking deep breaths of the beauty surrounding me. Wish I were there! So wonderful that someone had the insight to SAVE such beauty!

Anonymous said...

What a stroke of genius for him to buy this so a part of the Antwerp history doesn't just go down to being in books. Your photos are great and thanks for putting the map in as well :) Excellent my friend :)

Ellie said...

I like all the moss on the brick tiles! And the flowers under the windows. The corners take unexpected cuurves in the heart of the old city - modern streets are so predictable! Lovely views!

Unknown said...

You are SUCH an amazing photographer.

Susan at Stony River said...

Wow, what loveliness and what history--you captured it beautifully! I love these.

Libby's Library said...

That's it...I'm packing my bags, and coming to live with you!

Unknown said...

Oh yes! you always take me to magical places!

Come Away With Me said...

It would have been a real shame to lose all these charming historic buildings; I'm so glad they were saved and restored. Love those flower boxes in the last photo.

Jientje said...

@ Quilly: What a beautiful comment. I wish I could write like you do.
@ Leora: It is, it's lovely.
@ Nana: Mijn favoriete plekse. Altijd al geweest.
@ Loree: Yes, I can imagine.
@ Greyscale territory: It makes you wonder.
@ moneythoughts: Believe it or not, it's the same here. Very expensive little houses indeed.
@ Mar: Thanks to him, indeed!
@ Melli: I remember that! It's nice to know you used the map too!
@ Wanda: And of course you're the one who notices this sort of thing. So you!
@ TheRetired One: I can imagine. Compared to the wide view you are used to look at each day...
@ Heidi: Of course we can, it would be an honor!
@ Nicole: Thank YOU for the sweet comment Nicole!
@ Robynn: Hmmm, funny you should say that. My husband says I should contact the ambassador!ROFL!!
@ Violetsky: Don't worry, you would not get lost.
@ Nessa: Yes well, you're RIGHT about that! So true!
@ Linda Higgins: I want to sit there with you.
@ Thom: Yes, I guess we owe the man for that. And thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you like the map. I always like it when you include one, I learned it from you!
@ Ellie: Nothing modern or predictable about that little corner. True!
@ Lou: You are such a SWEET commenter!
@ Susan: Thanks!
@ Libby: LOL!
@ Lisa: Well, so do you!
@ Sara: Beautiful eh?

spacedlaw said...

Amazing set of pictures.

Gypsy Lala said...

Cool! I like those windows.

Gypsy Lala said...

I link back to you on my post and link to your photos too, I wish more people can see your wonderful window views.

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