About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Every Picture Tells a Story ....

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Summer Stock Sunday JPEG

Of the way life used to be …

Location: Bokrijk   Belgium

Map picture

Click on the Bing map picture for a birds eye view tour and/or a map of the location.

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Leora said...

Oh, again great pics! Lessee - I'm enjoying the finger in pocket, 1771, wheat, a cottage, a reflection of the pump, the old chair - a pleasure to view, Jientje.

Korie said...

I want to see this place so much and I can't seem to get CB to go. He keeps saying it's too far away.

Wanda..... said...

Jientje...you have overloaded my sensory brain cells...row of pruned trees, thatched roof, water pump, reflecting barrel, old gate, chickens and hens on a roof no less, wooden benches, stumps, gardens, butterflies and bees...a resting hand and a simpler time...Beautiful!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Love the reflection photo the most. Great pics! Love it. =)

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful shots. I love the closeup of the wheat.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Wonderful shots - wonderful place, I feel like I have been there!! So many here I just adore..guess my favorite is the reflection in the water bucket!!
Great set!! Sarah

moneythoughts said...

Ditto to all of the above comments. You have a good eye for the "story", and your composition, in my opinion, is very good. In these photographs I see pieces of paintings I have seen in art museums over the years. I find that very entertaining. Belgium, it appears, has respect for the old, and isn't in any hurry to destroy the past. I like that. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Tara R. said...

Love the garden shots and the flowers (?) growing in the roof thatch. The bee and butterfly capture is wonderful.

Like the others, I love all of your photos and now want to one day visit Belgium and see all this beauty first hand.

Geert said...

Ah, Bokrijk !!!
Every Picture Tells A Story is also the best album of Rod Stewart.

Joyce said...

Love your photo story and I wish I could just step into the photos and be there. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photo story with me.

Ellie said...

Fantastic photo adventire - like always you are perfection. The reflection of the water pump in the water is priceless! The sunflowers... every pixel is a celebration of beauty!

Libby's Library said...

Just when I think that you couldn't possibly post better photo's...YOU DO!

Nessa said...

Beautiful. I always want to live in a little house with a thatched roof.

My favorite picture is the pump reflected in the well.

* * *
Please visit me at The Chrysalis Stage and Esoteric Uncovered.

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Nik said...

That third shot is breathtaking. I love how it scrolls through the frame. AMAZING.

Doug The Una said...

Beautiful. An artist can make you nostalgic for a world you never knew.

quilly said...

Your grass seed macro is outstanding! Well, all your photos are outstanding and they do, indeed, tell a story! The lady with her fingers in her mouth and the scowl on her face tickled me pink!

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

What beautiful photos! I love the garden / flowers!

Anonymous said...

Super post, loved it....
Will you please send me the old water pump..lol

Come Away With Me said...

Stunning photos! I can just imagine you on the ground looking up at that orange daisy to photography it from below...because I've done the same thing more than once! Your photos really are gorgeous and such a pleasure to look at.

Dimple said...

Beautiful photos, but that's not descriptive enough: stunning, eye-catching, peaceful, story-telling, superb! There, that almost covers what I think.

The Retired One said...

All of your shots are amazing...you have a beautiful part of the world and you capture images of it to share with us beautifully!

Lis @ ATruckerWife said...

I just love your pictures!

Anonymous said...

Spectacular. I just love the one with the water reflection and the one with the plant on the roof. Excellent my Belgian Bombshell :)

Robin said...

Magical photos - my favorites are the wheat and the garden, and that first one of the trees - they look like they're growing upside-down!

Gutsy Living said...

I thought I was back in 1771, when I looked at the photos. It always made me believe a movie was being filmed and these were the actors. The clarity of your photos is amazing-- nothing like my cheapo-digital camera. Well done.

Mama Pajama said...

Aaah, and another stunning series - well done! Brava, Jientje, brilliant!

Loree said...

Amazing photos. They really capture they way life used to be. I especially like the sunflower picture.

Jientje said...

@ Leora: I had so many more, it was so difficult to choose!
@ Korie: Now THAT's a REAL shame, I mean it, it is so worth it, and you're only what, twenty minutes from Antwerp where I am? You go to the Ardennes don't you? It's not further away than that?
@ Wanda: Chickens and hens? Where did you see them?
@ WackyMummy: One of my favorites too!
@ Secret Mom Thoughts: Yup, me too, I made three, but this was the best one!
@ Sarah: Yeah, I like that one too, it was very hard to make a selection!
@ Moneythoughts: That's a good observation, Belgium does have respect for the past, although not always. In Brussels, the house of one of our best known Art Nouveau architects Victor Horta got demolished in favor of an ugly apartement building. Sometimes, money talks here as well!
@ Tara R: Thank you, and of course, you would be more than welcome here in Belgium.
@ Geert: Dat wist ik niet!
@ Joyce: wouldn't that be wonderful?
@ Ellie: What a poetic comment, thank you!
@ Libby: I'll always try to get better and better. That's who I am.
@ Nessa: Yes, I like that one too, but that's because I love reflections!
@ Nik: Coming from a wonderful photographer like you, that's a big compliment!
@ Doug: I would want to frame your words, and hang them above my desk.
@ Quilly: Yes, the actors did a wonderful job. I have many more of those.
@ merrimishaps: Thank you!
@ Dina: Pretty eh?
@ Sara: That's exactly how I did it, but I'm glad you could not see me getting up!
@ Dimple: Pheww!
@ The Retired One: That's exactly what you do too!
@ Lis: Thank you!
@ Thom: Yes, the succulents up there are rather peculiar, I thought so too!
@ Robin: Our famous knotted Willows!
@ Gutsy Writer: Yes, it's a great place to step back in time!
@ Mama Pajama: Thanks!
@ Loree: You do the same on your blog?

Melli said...

I LOVE this series! But I absolutely LOVE the photo of the wheat... and the photo of the pump as seen reflected in the water!

Maude Lynn said...

These are all stunning!

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