About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Sunday, July 12, 2009

At the Market …

Daily life in Provence , the local market...







Find more Weekly Winners here
Look for more Summer Stock Sunday pictures here.


kayerj said...

all your market pictures are wonderful, and full of color and flavor. I especially like the one of the two ladies talking, I love how you capture things and people in their natural elements.

Robin said...

Wonderful photos, I love markets and you've shown this one off beautifully. I can't believe how expensive the spices are though - yikes!

Korie said...

Markets are probably one of my favorite things about Europe. I love these pictures.

spacedlaw said...

This is full of colour and scents!

Carletta said...

A really nice photo essay Jientje!
I love the sax player shot!!!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Great pictures Jientje, love the close ups. The pictures with the two old gents discussing something is great. Did the fellow selling his fruit juice have any sales?

You have a Wonderful Sunday. Stop by the blog and see if you can guess what the close up is.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I love these market pictures. I would love to be able to shop like that. We have weekly farmer's market's here but not on that scale. Look at those spices! And the people are fantastic. I can't believe how shiny those eggplants are! Great photo's.

Bim said...

Fabulous photos - makes me crave for the continent!

Wanda..... said...

OH Jientje...you were in heaven in France too! Such an assortment of fresh vegetables, spices, cheese, and people.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Great market photos. It looks like a wonderful market. I think the first shot was my favorite.

Avril said...

Oh .. they are lovely!! It's like being there .. I can smell the fresh produce and spices and the hear the buzz of people!
Thank you so much for the award!!! What a surprise!! (:)o= xxx that's me blowing kisses across the miles!!

Tara R. said...

These are fabulous! Loved the shots of the eggplants and zucchini blossoms. Wonderful all of these.

Leora said...

Your weekly winners posts are always fun, but this week is especially! Love the flowers, the people (that woman with the finger, man with hand on mouth), the produce. Great!

I already gave out the great award you gave me to three other bloggers. I enjoyed spreading the joy.

Dianne said...

the colors are so vivid
and the scenes are so alive!!

Ingrid said...

I like how you catched the people ! Didn't they complain or did you play Paperazzi ??

moneythoughts said...

Ditto to all the positive comments above mine. In a nice, and wordless way, we see why Europe knows more about good living than we in the states. Who doesn't like the colors of an outdoor market?

Willow said...

I love open markets! These photos show the people so well, their expressions and gestures. My fave: the spices.

Mama Pajama said...

Wonderful shots!!! Love the eggplant and blossoms, the spices, breads and the people! Thank you for sharing! I'm wondering where moneythoughts is in the states that they don't know where to find a farmer's market? Send them my way, I'd love to help!

Ellie said...

That is a cognitive explosion - I go over and over and discover amazing new stimulus for my brain and senses in the pictures every time I go through - the colors - the different and interesting people - and the food that is so real and not like those plastic like thing in the store... my eyes are overwhelmed with joy!

BBE said...

Strong flavoured French cheeses from a Provence market :) Thanks for reminding me of a pleasant memory.


quilly said...

How colorful! I would so love to stroll there with you!

Elissa L. said...

Wow I feel like I just took a stroll with you at the market. Those were some shiny eggplants. And squash flowers. Reminds me of the most amazing meal I had in Mexico City of squash blossom enchiladas.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures. I love visitng the world through photographs of places I might not have known about otherwise.
Wishing you a scent-sational day!

Maggie's Mind said...

These are perfection. What an awesome market, and what awesome camera skills. I always love your shots.

Becky said...

Love the fresh and oh so shiny veggies. Last Sunday I fried up some eggplant, all golden and crispy. It was soooo very good. Coming to good ole USA, that will be fun. October is just around the corner! Love your photos of the market!

The Retired One said...

These were fantastic! Loved the feel and colors of the products and I could almost hear the vendors talking to the customers!

Anonymous said...

What great pictures. Those Eggplants look like marbles they are so shiny. The old guy selling the fruit juice looks like "Oh please please buy one" and the lady in red looks to be giving a lecture...Great pictures. Love 'em

Kathy said...

Wonderful captures Jientje, the people and the produce of Provence, Kathy.

Jientje said...

@ Kaye: I find great pleasure in photographing people.
@ Robin: I had not noticed that yet, I hyave not bought any either. Are they cheaper where you are?
@ Korie: The French Provence markets are so vivid and colorful, our favourites!
@ spacedlaw: And music!
@ Carletta: Yes, one of my favourites,that one! It came out just the way I wanted it to!
@ Bill: He looks bored eh?
@ hip chick: They looked like they polished them, don't they?
@ Bim: Thanks!
@ Wanda: You said that right, Heaven is where you find it I always say...
@ Secret Mom thoughts: I had fun there, does it show?
@ Avril: You're welcome on the award, much deserved! Blowing some kisses right back at you!
@ Tara R: Thanks!
@ Leora: I had fun!
@ Dianne: I find the colors in Provence are amazing, wherever you go.

Jientje said...

@ Gattina: No complaints.
@ Moneythoughts: And the people in Provence are experts in good living.
@ Willow: I had fun with that camera, whether I photographed people, or produce.
@ Mama Pajama: Provence markets have just that little touch of French joie de vivre, I think that's what Moneythoughts was trying to say?
@ Ellie: Why thank you, that was such a beautiful comment. I'm glad you enjoyed them so much!
@ BBE: Provence markets are great, and I love to buy cheese there too, even though they don't come cheap!
@ Quilly: Make a wish? Who knows?
@ Punck Rock Mom: I seem to trigger some great memories of all sorts with this post?
@ camerapatty: Thank you, and yes, ... yesterday did turn into a wonderful day!
@ Maggie: Thank you Maggie, I kind of miss seeing yours lately? Did you play? Coming right over!
@ Becky: Sounds delicious, you make me hungry! Yup, October will be here soon, I know!
@ The Retired One: One of the things I enjoy so much,is try to capture and show the right mood and atmosphere.
@ Thom: Well, she was giving a lecture actually. The vendors in Provence always do that when you buy something. Good advice, a recipe, anything, but they always lecture you! In this case the lady was selling lavender essence, probably explaining how it was made?
@ Kathy: I had fun, shooting the pictures and making the post. And reading all your wonderful comments!

Melli said...

What a wonderful photo story! I love it! The people shots are fabulous - you are really getting good! Of course... that super zOOm makes it much less intrusive!

amanda said...

What a great story you have told here. I love you balance of shots with people and with the items for sale, the vegie and spices shots are awesome! Your people shaots are wonderful The one of the gentleman selling Apple juice is it? that is a great shot!

Susanne said...

Love these pictures that show off the culture! The looks on some of the vendors and their customers is wonderful!

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