About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Laundry Day …


When Window Views meets Thematic Photography …
This week’s theme for Thematic Photography is “laundry”.

Friday seems to be laundry day in Provence, everywhere we went on a Friday, there was laundry hanging from windows and balconies.
One day, we were walking in Cucuron and the Mistral was blowing rather heavily there.
I was looking for a photo opportunity themed "wind" and I thought it was rather funny to see the flags on one side of the street and the dangling laundry at the other side.
So I snapped a picture of the street, but then decided to take one of only the window and the the laundry.

I waited for the right moment ....

and it has turned out to be one of my favorite pictures.
Oh and I KNOW I have shown this one before, but I could not resist posting it again…

Look for more Window Views here.
Find more Thematic Photography pictures themed "laundry" here.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love laundry dried outdoors We don't do that so much over here in Hip-ville. I wish we did it more but the snow, ice and freezing temps. make it difficult in winter.
One of my favorite things about taking pictures is that it makes even the most mundane chores interesting and beautiful. You have almost inspired me to do some laundry...of course I could just take pictures of other people doing laundry.

moneythoughts said...

I haven't seen laundry hanging out to dry since I was a little boy. Since dryers hit the market, here in the U.S. in my part of the world, I never see laundry drying in the air. Even people that don't have washers and dryers go to laundry mats to clean and dry their clothes. However, they make great pictures and I have enjoyed seeing them.

New subject. You mentioned that you are coming to the states, when and where do you plan to visit? I live 300 miles from Chicago.

Wanda..... said...

That first photo made me smile...I don't know why...maybe the underwear so clearly in view...I would be prone to tuck them behind something...I do hang sheets and towels out to dry...though the undies go in the dryer a bit...I loved the windows!

Gattina said...

Super !! Looks like in Italy. I never tried to do it here over the street though, it's a pity everybody could admire Mr. Gattino's underpants !

Anonymous said...

Drying underwear is irresistible :) I love laundry pictures - spying at the neighbors - see what is on display and what is hiding on the back string :) Fabulous!
Also I want to thank you for identifying my red flower. I had no idea it is so important! I updated my post with reference to you. The name of the Jesus'thorn is Euphorbia Milii or Crown-of-thorns according to W.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love your window photos and the view. ;-)


Melli said...

Jientje... you even make LAUNDRY look more fun than the rest of us! THIS was the game I forgot to play today -- Thematic Photographic.... *sigh* Maybe next week...

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, in this house laundry winds up in the dryer and nothing is visible but the vapor going out the exhaust pipe, outside. But it DOES smell nice, outside, when the clothes are drying.

Suburban Girl said...

There is something so comforting in seeing clothing out to line dry. I don't hang clothing out though, with all our trees attracting so many birds I found I had to rewash most of the laundry due to bird droppings...which sometimes stained!

MrsLittleJeans said...

This is too funny. We would be shot if we had our laundry out! Ha hA. I love these pictures and I am sure that laundry is smelling very very nice.


Aly Beth said...

Very cute! I would be terrified of losing my pants, though!


Nessa said...

You could use the first picture for a Ruby Tuesday with the red panties.

Unknown said...

I love these! Seems so quaint. Someone has been very busy!

dennisthemennis.co.uk said...

Theres a sock missing on no.1 maybe its the one ive been looking for.

Here is My Laundry

Come Away With Me said...

I love your quirky vision! These photos are fun. I can't help but wonder if anyone looses some of their laundry when the wind is so strong?? But it certainly will smell fresh and clean after flapping about in all that wind.

Loree said...

You need to give me some photo tips. I love there fun photos you posted.

Geert said...

As far as I can see, the owner of the pants in picture 1 has very short legs wich is more than compensated by a huge bottom.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh these are just so much fun - what a wonderful place!! SO very different from where I am. Tht last one must have been a guy - lol. Sarah

Anonymous said...

Excellent my friend. Did I tell you I've heard from Carmi. I should have known he would be busy so I'm back doing this. Get me off my high horse LOL. These are just wonderful. I'd sure hate it if something dropped off there, especially undies and have to go retrieve them LOL. Your pictures are great, but it still doesn't make me like to do laundry any more often than I have to LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Who knew laundry could be so photogenic?! These are great pics!

kayerj said...

Your windows with their shutters are adorable. I love laundry all strung out on a line snapping in the wind. And I love the smell of the out of doors in the sheets

magda said...

Je hebt een eigen kijk op de dingen rond je en je geeft de sfeer echt weer :ik zie de was al wapperen op de waslijn!
Je ballroom reportage doet een mens wegdromen!

Carletta said...

I love the windows and the shutters - always so colorful in your part of the world.
I used to help my Grandma hang clothes out to dry.
I wouldn't want my undies there for all the world to see. :)

Momisodes said...

I really love line-dried clothes. I have no idea why they make such a stink about it in some parts of the states. Although, I will admit that I've never line dried my things while living high up. I'd be afraid my panties would fly away, LOL :)

Susanne said...

Love it! I miss laundry hung outside. There is no smell that equals it that can come from a bottle or dryer sheet. And somehow taking pictures of clothes coming out of the dryer doesn't have the same cool effect. ;v)

Great pics.

Jientje said...

@ hip chick: I agree, ever since I took up photography, I discovered that there is beauty in everything, and that you can make the most boring things interesting. So true. That's why I love it so much. It makes you look at things differently.
@ moneythoughts: Well, the laundry in the South of France is a lot more photogenic as what we see around here. IF there is any, altogether. It's more a countryside thing, not so much laundry where I am either. Too cold and too wet I'm afraid. I will be in Chicago from Nov 14th through to Nov 17th when I'll be leaving for Brussels again.
@ Wanda: I agree about the undies! ;-)
@ Gattina: somehow laundry is a lot more photogenic the further South you go! And I agree, haven't tried it here either!
@ ellievellie: IO'm glad I could solve that for you. It was a bit of a blast from the past, that picture, because I have not seen any in years!
@ Paz: thank you!
@ Melli: Aaah,oh well ... maybe next week.
@ Lou: yes, I agree. And some of the things are better off dried in a dryer, like towels and stuff. But still ... Mind you, mine goes in the drier as well, but still...
@ Rebecca: Yes, I guess you've got a point there. I remember my grandmother cursing ... Funny you brought that up!
@ MrsLittleJeans: Shot?
@ Aly Beth: LOL!

Jientje said...

@ Nessa: Yes, but it's not Tuesday today, is it?
@ Lisa: Indeed!
@ dennisthemennis: I love yours!
@ Sara: I don't know! But it smells great, I can imagine that!
@ Loree: Me? Oooh well, shoot?
@ Geert: Awel, ik heb dat ook gedacht toen ik, de foto's postte! Een heel dik gat en korte beentjes!
@ Sarah: The first one too!
@ Thom: No sign of Carmi here I'm afraid. Not on the previous occasion, and not now? Aaah well ...
@ Quilly: The more South, the more photogenic.
@ kaye: Yes ...mmm.
@ magda: Ik ben blij dat je ervan geniet hier. I vang graag sfeer, 't is een levensstijl geworden.
@ Carletta: Yes, oh yes, sweet memories of MY grandmother too.
@ Sandy: Yes, well it could happen!
@ Susanne: No, you're right about that! Thank God they do put them outside in SOME parts of the world!

Glennis said...

Love that last photo - looks like someone's flying!

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