As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we'll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay? You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.
"A Thousand Words in Idioms"
If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe ...
Here we go again, vacation is over, it's back to the usual routine today!
Idiom Wednesday, a fun game I'm hosting, and I hope to get more players each week. It's not too late to join in, it's FUN, so grab your camera, pick an idiom and play!
We're doing O and P this week, and I came across a couple of nice ones while on holliday in France. So here we go, Idiom Wednesday with a little French twist ...
O is for ...
"One swallow does not make a Summer", is an expression usually intended as a warning not to get overexcited about something, just because of one good omen.
One of the origins of this idiom could be this interesting story I found on this site:
This is another one of those expressions which became popular thanks to Aesop's fables. According to the story, a young man sees a swallow on a warm winter day. Since swallows are usually seen only during spring, the young man thinks that spring has arrived. As a result he sells his winter coat and then proceeds to drink with the money he has made. A few days later, it becomes extremely cold again and the young man shivering in the cold realises that one swallow does not necessarily imply that summer has arrived. Other expressions which have more or less the same meaning are "one grain does not fill a sack" and "one actor cannot make a play".
P is for ...
"Put your best foot forward"
If you put your best foot forward, you try your best to do something.
The picture shows my husband trying to put his best foot forward to play jeu de boules. One of the local people from Saint Rémy de Provence is teaching him some of the tactics.
I could have used the same picture for "On the right foot" as well, ( although it looks like he's actually standing on the left foot, oops! Oh well, maybe the left foot was the right foot to do this huh? )
Anyway, I'm digressing. the meaning is: if you start something or set off on the right foot, you get off to a good start.
So there, these are mine for this week, I'm very much looking forward to see what you're going to come up with! Don't forget to sign the Mr Linky if you're playing?
What great idioms and the pictures are just perfect for them. I love it and your P is just the best. Never heard the O before but I learned something today. Excellent my friend :)
Oh my GOD Jientje that is the sweetest photo of the bird's face! I love it!
I've got to remember to play next week, if I have an internet connection where we're going. Hooking one up will be the FIRST priority, above getting in food! LOL
How in the world did you find that bird picture! That is just amazing! You are so blessed when it comes to photography! And again the bocce! I love it! Such a fun game! Great idioms!
I am with Melli, what an amazing shot of the little birdie!! The idiom is the same in Spanish :)
Great idioms, petanque is also played a lot here in Spain, but I didn't know those expressions.
I don't have any idioms today ::sob::
I checked my calendar too late today...
I know it's his nest but that poor little bird looks trapped and asking for help! Cute!
@ Thom: I took so many pictures that afternoon, there had to be at least one in there with the best foot forward!
@ Susan: I agree, first things first, food will wait! LOL!
@ Melli: My zoom seems to do a pretty neat job, I took them from across the street. They had their nests just beneath the roofs of the houses there. I eventually managed to get a couple of good ones, and this is one of them.
You call that game bocce? Hmmm. I had no idea they played that in America too.
@ Mar: Did I ever mention swallows are my favourite summer birds? I love them. Never mind, you can catch up next week perhaps?
@ Wanda: Asking for food you mean?
I joined in today!!
I love the picture of the little bird -- that is just an amazing shot. I had not heard that idiom, but it makes sense and it is a good one. The putting your best foot forward is good, too.
Because I live so close to San Juan Capistrano, where swallows come to nest every year, we see them regularly. They are the most amazing little birds to watch build a nest!
As usual, you've got some gorgeous photos! One of these days, I want to be a photographer like you. :)
I always love learning something new!
Beautiful shot of the swallow - and your hubs seems so intent. I hope he had fun.
Excellent choices. I almost forgot but managed to come through just in time.
Oh, and rabbit, Rabbit.
Well ya done did good. Rabbit, rabbit :)
Love the little bird Jientje, you hubby looks like he is having fun, what a lovely natural shot. I will join in next week this looks like fun too. Kathy.
My favourite book growing up was Aesops fables, I had a set of twelve books (all classics)but you could tell AF was the most read by its condition lol. I actually dug out my childhood set a few months ago and to my horror Aesops is missing. I have no idea where it has gone to, been searching ever since. Kathy.
All the bird pictures are soooo cute ! how did you manage that ?
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