Before you scroll down to view the pictures, please please please, do me a favour! Turn your sound on and click on the radio. The music really adds to the story I'm trying to tell here.
Find more Weekly Winners here, and go here to see more Summer Stock Sunday pictures hosted by Robin at around the Island
Oh Jientje what a silent story your photos tell...full of life and it's differences...that was stunning and deeply moving to me...feelings I can't quite explain!
Intriguing game. I am fascinated by the things you chose to highlight. That old fella in the western shirt could benefit from some soap and water and a pair of fingernail clippers.
The detail you captured is great.
In the U.S. the Italians play bocci, which looks like the same game. I like watching. These guys are intense.
Hehehe, we see old men drinking and playing jou de bol in the evenings here a lot.
Fantastic sequence of shots. Really intense, as Leora mentions.
I don't normally turn on the music, even when asked, but you were indeed correct!! It added to the sequence of photos. Perfect! Thank you.
High Noon on the courts, a lot of tension. Great sequence.
I liked the photos of the iron grip of the metal ball! The men were serouse about the game! At war - it is like war :) The guy with the cigarette made me want to light one - I quit smoking 10 months ago - I rearly miss it...
The music really gives the series a Showdown at the OK Corral feeling that goes perfectly with your amazing photos. How wonderful that they invited your husband to play, the photos you then got are intensely personal, definitely shot from "inside", rather than standing on the sidelines, emotionally or otherwise.
cool. nice shots! I like the ones of the hands.
Great captures! Music and photos DO tell the story - fantastic!
je woont in antwerpen dat is kortbij ^__^
Hele leuke foto's :)
Het muziekje hoort er echt wel bij !!!!
Echte goeie actie shots ....
Het is wel weer eens leuk om nederlands te schrijven in een commentaartje :)
Geniet van de zondag :)
Anya :)
Kareltje =^.^=
Great shots. The first one with the hands gripping the metal ball is my favorite.
What a beautiful series capturing so well the great cultural institution that is boule.
Oh I love this set...
This is a wonderful textured set of photos.. well done!!!
Jientje...please visit my blog...something awaits you.
Wow, jientje! Your photos are excellent! Very impressive! :)
Really intense shots! Great series of photos! Love the music!
those are AWESOME shots! What a great story, thanks!
Nice set!
Great pictures! They look like they take their game very seriously!
Great DUEL!!!
What is the knotted string for?
I just absolutely LOVE this game!!! Obviously these men do too!
Your eye and photography skills are just amazing! I love the detail you've captured and the story it tells. Wonderful!!!
Hello, I have followed Wanda to your blog and am so happy I have. The pictures are so clear, and tell such a wonderful story without words. I look forward to more of your post. Thank you so much for sharing.....
Some SERIOUS game playing!
Peaking at your wonderful blog for the first time and you have a great eye. Now these guys play a serious game:)
Nice shots!
This looks like a really intense game which takes a lot of skill. The music added to it for sure.
You must visit the blog today, I got another close up picture shared for all of you to try to guess what it may be.
The one of ye who comes closest will have honorable mention. Sorry no big prizes.
The music so added to this story. It was wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The pictures are amazing.
Wonderful shots, Jientje. Who won?
Wow - these are great Jientje!
Wow. Simply, wow.
I see your adding to your "people photography" and doing wonderfully, and you're right the music adds to the atmosphere.
Oh So awesome!!
@ Wanda: Yes, I wanted the pictures to speak for themselves. I'm glad it moved you.
@ Quilly: That's what I thought the first time I saw the man too. But no matter how he looks, I still think he was a nice and sweet person inside. And I loved to photograph him and portray him just the way he is. I'm just glad our lives crossed for a brief moment.
@ Nessa: I love capturing details. They tell you so much sometimes.
@ Leora: Intense is the word here, yes.
@ Korie: You do? Not where I live though.
@ Julia Smith: Intense is the right word yes. It was.
@ Kirby3131: I'm so glad you did. The post is not the same without the music.
@ Glennis: Tension, intense ... Yes.
@ Ellie: I hope you didn't though? Hang in there!
@ Robin: what a wonderful comment, and indeed the pictures show I was in on it, and they let me in on it. It was such a wonderful experience.
@ Mama Pajam: I love hands. They speak.
@ Avril: I'm glad you liked it!
@ Anya: Dank u! De muziek maakt de reeks compleet, dat vond ik ook. Blij dat je 't leuk vond!
@ Secret Mom Thoughts. Yes, one of mine too!
@ Bim: You put it so right, jeu de Boules is indeed a cultural constitution, and I'm glad they let me in it that day.
@ Cathy: thank you.
@ Kim: Thank you, I enjoyed making this post.
@ Wanda: Awww thank you!!
@ Mary the teach: thank you, I enjoyed making this series, on the court shooting the pictures as well as picking them and putting this post together.
@ Comfy Mom Stacey: That was my intention yes, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@ Tarasview: Glad you liked it!
@ Smoochiefrog: Thanks!
@ Susanne: They do!
@ Melli: The knotted string has a magnet at the end of it, and they use it to pick up the balls without having to kneel down all the time.
@ Jessica: I enjoyed it!
@ Bernie: How nice to meet you! Welcome!
@ Carletta: They had fun, and so did I!
@ Joyce: thanks for the compliment!
@ Daryl: Thanks!
@ Bill: Glad you liked the music too!
@ Thom: I'm glad you enjoyed it. This series is real special to me. I had fun on the court that day shooting the pictures. I'm thankful they let me in that day. I was part of it, and it shows. Glad you liked the music. Sometimes it just pops into my head.
@ Lou: Both teams won one game.
@ Libby: Thank you, love them too!
@ Amo: Wow, thank you!
@ Amanda: Yes, you got that right. People photography is a new challenge and I enjoy doing it!
@ Mishelle Lane: Thank you my friend, I'm glad you say so. I have learned a lot from you.
By "next blog" I reached Yours.
Then I looked up "Jeu de boules"!
Your photography is spirited & attention-catching.
& your English is smooth!
I loved that - I had so much fun looking through this group of photos... and you're right, the music added to the ambiance!
LOve the photos and that guy's hairy chest!
What amazing portrait work! Great faces on those guys, I love this!!!!
Sooooooooo French!!!!
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