Hey, pssst?
Overhere, Jientje ! I'm here!!
Zoom in will you?
Have you seen my Mom, Jientje?
My nephew says I'm always hungry.
But I think HE is always sleepy.
Because I'm huuuuun-gry!
But I'm not quite there yet.
When I grow up .... I'm gonna ... I wanna ...
But... but .... I'm huuuuun-gry no-ow!
Oh wait, I think I see her. There you are Mom.
I'm hu ...
That was tasty.
When will you be back?
I'm huuuuuuuuun-gry!
Look for more Sepia Scenes here.
OH my goodness...a complete story with these. Excellent...When I first saw this I thought...i've seen this...Idioms LOL. You are a great story teller with your pictures and your cpations add just enough to your great work :)
I love your photo narratives!
Hahahha...oh that is so good! Those little guys are cute.
That is preciouse! I remember as a kid every spring there was a nest in the corner of one of the windows. Observed that hungry little ones for days and days. Every winter when the birds were gone my Mom took the nest down to clean the window - and in the spring it was there again - on the same place. Thank you for these pictures - they unlocked many forgoten drawers in my memory!
Amazing... so utterly amazing! I am truly AWED by these...
Well Jientje...you were right...he wasn't trapped after all...just very hungry...he still looks like he's wrestling to get out though to me! :) They have such sweet faces!
That one with the Lady Bug is amazing.
Oh they are sweet! Love the one with the lady bug in there too.
I don't think I would have ever noticed them - What a great series! You are inspiring me with every click.
this is so sweet!!
oh my Jientje, your photos are so incredible, the one with the ladybug is amazing, he did look sooo hungry lol, how adorable. happy weekend, Kathy.
How cute! And how did you get so lucky as to find them in an easily watchable and photographable (yes, I made up that word, it works, doesn't it?) place?!
That's just one big AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
So cute! And amazing photography!
Ah - those are so cute!! Amazing photos! All of them - been scrolling down as I've missed a few (no energy for blogging - have had bad dose of flu). But your photos have made my day!!!
Exquisite photo esssay, I enjoyed every bit of it!
Congratulations on winning David's Post of the Day award - I came here thanks to him.
I came thanks to Davids POTD award, too, and I'm so glad I did. Wonderful pictures and a great narrative!
How wonderful! Congrats on Post of the Day...loved this post! You deserved it...
Congrats on POTD!
Simply awesome photos, made even more fantastic with sequential shots! An adorable little bird.
Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday!
Oh, this is absolutely wonderful! Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!
Oh what fun you had w/ your camera. Love this. Visiting from POTD. Congrats.
cute story in pictures! lol. congrats on POTD!
@ Thom: the story just came to me as I was editing the pictures!
@ Korie: Why thank you!
@ Jacki: My favourites!
@ ellievellie: Yup, same here. Lots and lots of Summer memories at my grandmother's house.
@ Melli: Yes, I love them too.
@ Wanda: Now he wants to learn how to fly no doubt. He thinks that would be a lot more adventurous than waiting for his mom to return. That's why!
@ Nessa: Yeah. Very lucky shot. One of my favourites!
@ Susanne: I was surprised too when I viewed them on my computer! Knowing how I love swallows AND ladybugs because they both bring good luck, this picture deserves a little space on my wall I think!
@ Kirby3131: You would notice them allright. They make themselves be heard, don't worry!
@ Dianne: Thanks!
@ Mama: Looking back on what happened today, I think the ladybug DID bring me luck!
@ Quilly: Love the word, LOL! We were sitting down, having a drink, and there they were, feeding their kids just across the street. I watched it for a while, and then decided to try and capture it with my zoom. My camera is not that heavy, so I could easily pull it off handholding it. I used my elbows for extra stability and support. But the real surprise came when I edited them and saw the ladybug. That was the icing on the cake I think?
@ Robynn: You said that so well! Awww!
@ Willow: a good camera perhaps?
@ Avril. Yes, I saw you were ill. Get well soon! Glad you liked them!
@ Merisi: Thank you, it came as a complete surprise!
@ Shirley Wells: Thank you so much!
Sandi Mc Bride: It came as a complete but very happy surprise!
@ Gaston Studio: You are welcome!
@ Cheffie Mom: I'm very proud of it!
@ Only a movie: I did, I had fun. And thank you, I am honoured!
@ Brian Miller: I'm glad you liked it!
These are a delightful find that you captured so beautifully. It was really great to scroll through them an discover the birds, too!
Here from David's. How delightful!! Congrats on POTD. Awesome job!!
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