About Me

My photo
Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer in the City


Summer Stock Sunday JPEG 

It had been very wet and grey all week …

Okay, living in Belgium, you learn to see the beauty in that too …

Water drops and puddles can make nice pictures. *sigh*

But the weather gods listened to me, and Gattina and I were able to go for a walk in Antwerp city after all. I took her to the beguinage, a hidden place where time stood still …

I’m a door geek, does it show?


I love my zoom …

Madonna’s watch over you everywhere …
This one is a pub, right next to the cathedral.

This is at the Vlaeyckensgang, one of the oldest streets in the heart of Antwerp.

I can never leave Antwerp without photographing her.

And this is my very special Summer Stock Sunday picture. They’re in front of an ice cream parlor in the heart of Antwerp.

Find more Summer Stock Sunday pictures here


Bientje said...

Your pictures are beautiful sis! As always!
Big hug!
Your little sister

Robin said...

Beautiful photos! My favorites are the reflection in the puddle and the doorway :). How fun too that you got to spend the day with Gattina - I love blogger meetups, it really is like seeing an old friend.

*back to packing again*

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful. The shots you do with water are absolutely amazing. I'm learning so much about Antwerp I just love it there. Your last picture...is that for the evil and angel twins? You and me? LOL. Excellent my Belgian Bombshell...

Avril said...

Those are great! Love your water droplets, as always!!
Looks like you had a lovely day with Gattina, showing her all your favourite places!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the tour through these hidden corners.
Lovely shots!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful series, I do like the water ones...
The deck chairs are very colourful..:-)
Do you have your ice cream with the famous Belgium choc?...

Wanda..... said...

The Court Yard, the Doors, the Well, all wonderful to see...Wish I could reproduce that well on a water pump at my place! Loved seeing the beguinage!

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos!! I was convinced that heaven was here in Wilmington, North Carolina, but now I've got to admit that maybe there's some in Belgium too!

moneythoughts said...

As always, love your pictures.

Have you ever thought of doing a poster of the Doors of Antwerp? Several years ago there were posters in the states of the "Doors of_______". There was even a poster of the Doors of Cincinnati. I bet there was something like that in Belgium. With your ability and eye, I am sure it would be a beautiful and unique poster.

Gattina said...

Your pictures came out really wonderful ! I recogngized the places immediately, and you are right water pictures can be very nice and raindrops beautiful.
I had nice weather on the market and could even do a little sun bath in the garden.
Now I sit on the terrace with my baby computer.
BTW it's an Acer Aspire one. My husband is not a fan of Acer either but this little thing is great ! Start talking about your birthday ....

Robynn's Ravings said...

Thanks for a lovely Sunday morning before church! :)

The French Bear said...

Jientje, I love your photos, my goodness you are a fantastic photographer!!! I can only imagine having such wonderful old buildings to wander around and visit!!! So much history, I loved it when I toured the castles in Scotland, I would love to visit Europe but I only came as far as England And Scotland. What I saw was incredible though, I can see why you are inspired to catch it all on camera!!!
I really like the raindrop photos, Mother Natures moisturizer!!!!
Margaret B

Anonymous said...

Those chairs scream - banana split! Antwerp is the best of Europe - love the architecture - but my favorite is the rain puddle on the stone pavement - I am so tired of looking at asphalt - pavement means - walk with loved one or with friends - it is personal. Asphalt means - hurry up and watch out for the bus!

Becky said...

If I sat in one of those chairs while eating ice cream, I'm afraid I couldn't get up! Thanks for the lovely tour!

magda said...

al je foto's hebben sfeer! Ik heb hier even rondgewandeld.Het is genieten.

kayerj said...

I love your gray days as well! my summer stock photo can be seen here

Come Away With Me said...

Jientje your photos are beautiful! Now if only you could send a little of the rain over our way...we need it here in Southern California!

Willow said...

What a wonderful place and what lovey photos of it! I love history!

Leora said...

Making puddles into works of art, are you? I enjoy all your photos. And hearing/reading about your meeting Gattina, too.

Mama Pajama said...

Fun shots, again! Love the puddle, and the... beguinage?

Unknown said...

Look at you go!! Too many I could comment ravingly about! I absolutely love your droplets!!

Jientje said...

@ Bientje: Thanks sis!
@ Robin: Yes, I think the puddle is my favorite one too! Thanks for hosting this!
@ Thom: Twin chairs? Why didn't I think of that, my evel twin brother?
@ Avril: Yes, the day with Gattina was just wonderful, I truly enjoyed being her guide!
@ Nicole: You're welcome!
@ Dina: Nothing better than Belgian Chocolate sauce to go with ice cream.
@ moneythoughts: No, as a matter of fact I haven't thought about this. I always think people who make posters and publish books are far better photographers than I am. But the idea sounds great. I can never resist them, no matter where I am.
@ Gattina: I'm working on that!
@ Robynn: I hope you had a gret Sunday, Robynn!
@ The French Bear: And I have never made it to Scotland yet, it would be on my list of things to visit, sounds wonderful!
@ ellievellie: Yes, definitely mine too!
@ Becky: You could be right, me neither!
@ Magda: Altijd welkom Magda, ik ben blij dat je het leuk vond hier!

Jientje said...

@ kaye: I prefer blue skies though!
@ Sara: Will do, and then you send me some blue skies and sunshine, okay?
@ Willow: You'd love it here then!
@ Leora: It came out real well that one!
@ Mama Pajama: The beguinage, it's like a convent, only the women living there were not nuns.
@ Lisa: That's a HUGE compliment, coming from you! You're my mentor!

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