About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Monday, September 14, 2009

Macro Monday and a Recipe




Brenda commented on last Friday’s Fave Five post and asked me :
”What are the little balls with a stick in them in your pictures?”
I promised to post the recipe as soon as I had the chance.
Why not make it a Macro Monday post eh? After all, these ARE macros, right? 

They’re crab balls. I made up the recipe because I wanted to use some leftover rice.

I had about a cup of white rice, - maybe just a little bit more – to which I added:
a small tin of crab meat.
one egg, beaten.
a tablespoon of each of finely chopped celery, red bell pepper and  shallot.
a teaspoon of mustard.
a couple of tablespoons of white flour. ( just enough to get the right consistency)
salt and pepper.

You can of course use any vegetables you have in your fridge, you could use spring onions and carrots or whatever. Mix all the ingredients together and shape it into balls about the size of a walnut.

Then cover them with breadcrumbs. I used Panko, the Japanese breadcrumbs, because it’s a little bit crunchier than traditional breadcrumbs.

Deep fry them in oil, and serve with hot chili sauce as an appetizer. 


Find more Macro Monday posts at Lisa’s Chaos.


Robin said...

Yum! Those look and sound delicious!

quilly said...

Yum! I just put cinnamon and sugar on leftover rice and have it for breakfast! LOL!

lena said...

Hoi zusje!

Jij kunt zelfs van een str... iets goeds maken hé! ;-))
Gaat het al wat beter met je?

Wanda..... said...

Something like crab cakes on a stick! I imagine they taste as good as they photograph!

James said...

I'd like one or five please. :-)

Susanne said...

Yum. I'll bet the kids would like these in their lunches at school too!

Unknown said...

Very interesting! What a neat way to use up some rice. :0)

Melli said...

They sound (and look) scrumptious! It would never occur to me to use rice as a filler for a crab ball. I might just have to try that!

kayerj said...

well those look good enough to eat :)

Unknown said...

Yum. And now? Now I'm hungry.

spacedlaw said...

And they look wonderful.

The French Bear said...

Yum oooo, I think I will make some tonight!! Thank you for the recipe!!!
Margaret B

Carletta said...

I must remember to have a snack in hand when I come to visit you. :)

Susan at Stony River said...

What a good idea! I love these for a party especially, and my kids love fishcakes for supper, so hey, that's a keeper.

Definitely a good 'macro Monday'!

Heidi said...

Oh for heaven's sakes, a big fat yum yum on these, Jientje! And the pictures, are, of course, so clear- I have to get me one of those Belgian cameras.

Jay said...

Now that's different! A recipe for Macro Monday! LOL!

They look interesting, but I won't be trying them - I am allergic to fishy things!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm hungry. They are just fantastic looking and I bet taste great. Thanks for sharing this :) Aloha

amanda said...

Jientje, they look better cooked and sound delicious! Maybe next week I do anoth food shot hmmmm

Dr.John said...

Great pictures but we will pass on the recipe.

Terri said...

Appetizers? I'd make a meal out of that! YUM. OK, so fresh local Dungeness crab when you visit -- the best crab in the world, imo. Crab cakes or balls or just right out of the shell!

Lovely photos too - right out of Bon Appetit!

Gutsy Living said...

Now you gave me a fancy, different appetizer to serve at my next womens invitation for appetizers and wine evening. Thanks. How long in the oil?

RA said...

Hmm, that looks so yummy! Got to make these rice balls some time. Thanks for the recipe. Have a wonderful week :)

Loree said...

Oh my goodness those look delicious. Ahhh there are too many people posting wonderful recipes. I am trying to go on a diet :)

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

They look very tasty!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yummy sounding, that's for sure! Makes me wish I had a cup of leftover rice in the fridge right now.

United Studies said...

Yummm...you can also do this with any kind of leftover meat...ham, chicken...etc. I am going to try this with tuna next. Things like this are perfect for Emma's school lunches.

Jientje said...

@ Robin: Yes, they are delicious.
@ quilly :You can make a sweet version of them too.
@ lena : Jawel zusje, bedankt. Ik ben er weer helemaal bovenop. Onkruiid vergaat niet zeker?
@ Wanda : Yes, indeed!
@ James : Here you go. And one extra.
@ Susanne :Good idea!
@ lisa : It is, I'll do that again next time!
@ Melli: Try them and then tell me, okay? You'll love it!
@ kaye : The ARE good enough to eat! LOL!
@ Lou: What? Again?
@ spacedlaw: They are!
@ The French Bear: You're welcome! Tell me if you liked them?
@ Carletta :ROFL!!
@ Susan at Stony River : So glad you like it!
@ 2Thinks: They are yummy, indeed!
@ Brenda : Please do, you won't regret it!
@ Jay :Thanks. I like "different"!
@ Thom : They taste great, you've got that right!!
@ amanda : I enjoyed making them, photographing them and eating them!
@ Dr.John : Thanks!
@ Terri : You could make a meal out of them, no problem! That Dungeness crab sounds wonderful, we should try that when I get there, I LOVE seafood!
@ GutsyWriter: They don't need too long in the oil, just until golden brown and warm inside. They'll tell you when they're ready, they'll float.
@ ROSIDAH: Yes, you should try them, they taste great and you can improvise with the recipe as much as you like!
@ Loree : It must be the season! LOL!
@ Kristi: They ARE very tasty Kirsti!
@ Your EG Tour Guide : Try it next time you have some!
@ Jacki: You can improvise with this as much as you like, you can even add dried fruits and nuts and cinnamon and sugar and make a sweet version, anything goes!

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