"A Thousand Words in Idioms"
As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, (even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe
From now on everybody can join in. No need to follow the alphabet, just pick two idioms and illustrate them with your pictures. Grab that camera or look in your archives. Just be creative, that's all I'm asking!
And don't forget to have fun and visit one another, okay?
And don't forget to have fun and visit one another, okay?
Eat like a bird: Eat very little.
Don't forget to sign Mr Linky if you're playing?
Good findings, again! Als je zo'n eten krijgt voorgeschoteld als ik gisteren eet je inderdaad maar zo weinig als een vogeltje. ;-)
I know you did the "eat like a bird" idiom right, but I've always thought it wrong because birds eat many times their own weight in food! It takes a lot of energy to fly!
I love your bird close ups!
The first photo is interesting with the garden ornament and the twisty vines and the natural wood feeder adds interest to the second. Good examples Jientje.
Ah !! my cats love your post today !!
Nice findings !
What beauitful close-ups of the birds! Great job on two good bird idioms.
Quilly's right about that being a funny phrase since birds do eat a lot compared to their size, but compared to how much people eat it's probably not much -- though percentage-wise they eat more, in sheer volume people do.
I love the way you explain your idioms with lovely pictures.
Well... I tend to eat like a bird VOLUME-wise! I need to get OVER that! I love these pictures... especially the bottom one!
perfect--I enjoy your idiom posts
I was going to post on those idioms but I just didn't hve the picture.
Your pictures are great and those are often used idioms.
Beautiful pictures! I wish I could also eat like a bird, lol. Thanks for adding my link. :)
Excellent my Belgian Bombshel. I love those two idioms and the pictures are so fantastic :) You are a master at this :) Aloha
nice pictures! I love the birds, and this game of yours.
Sweet birds - lovely photo. Jientje....may I ask how you get this large photo option on Blogspot with a high resolution? I would have liked to have posted those last photos like yours here. The quality at the high res was phenomenal but blogger reduces them dramatically in size and res. Thanks for any tips!
Great shots of the birds. I also like your header photo!
One day I want to take gorgeous photos like you do. In the meantime, I'll keep practising.
Beautiful close ups! It looks like the birds had a wonderful day :)
Jientje said...
@ Nana: Thanks Nana! Inderdaad, dat zou ik niet biinengekregen hebben zelfs!
@ Quilly: Oh yes, you're absolutely right about that one, I need to stock up on their food each week!!
@ Wanda: Thanks!!
@ Gattina : LOL!
@ Barbara H.: I know Quilly is right!! I buy food for them each week!!
@ Zen : Thanks, I 'm having so much fun with this!
@ Melli: But you don't fly Melli!! ROFL!
@ kaye: Thanks!
@ Dr.John: Great minds think alike!
@ Liz: You're welcome!! I'm so glad you're playing this week!
@ Thom: Thanks, I'm having fun with this, and you know it! Aloha!
@ Margo: Why don't you join us then?
@ Robynn's Ravings: Aaah yes, I still need to email you on this one. I haven('t been well. If I forget, ask me again please?
@ Dimple: Yeah, the new header, I like it too!
@ Loree: Aaah come one!! Yours are good!
@ ROSIDAH: They always have wonderful days living here!
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