About Me

My photo
Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The last Fave Five before I go!

FFF fall leaves 2

This is the last Fave Five post I’m going to be doing from Belgium. The next one - if I get around to blogging much which I’m not sure just yet – might be about Halloween and all kinds of pumpkin stuff. And all things Melli of course, since she’s my first host!!
I’ll have to see what I can do once I’m traveling. I’ll try to make at least a small update of what I’m up to. We’ll see how it goes. I was thinking of planning a couple of my favorite old blog posts that might be worth digging up, like the story of my nickname and stuff. Just thinking, we’ll see? If I can find enough time, and Blogger is not out or acting up like it did this morning.
Anyway, stay tuned, keep visiting?

This was my last week in Belgium and it was also my birthday week.
Very hectic and a little bit chaotic but very good!

fave five oct 23

1. I’ve got the tickets and the reservations and all the paperwork I’m going to need to travel! This is getting very very close now!
2. My things to do list is now down to a little bit of housework and … getting ready to start packing! Most of the shopping is done, the laundry is done, there’s food in the freezer and the house will be clean when I leave. I don’t know, it’s a comforting thought, it sets my mind at ease knowing everything is taken care of.

3. Julie and Julia. The movie was finally out in Belgium and I have been looking forward to see it ever since I first saw the trailer.

By the way this video also contains a mouthwatering lobster recipe. Somehow most of the videos were made unavailable for embedding, but oh well, the recipe in this video is a real bonus!
I can see why this movie is such a huge success in America. I’m not sure if it’s going to be that much of a hype here in Europe. The movie theatre we went to was almost empty Saturday afternoon? But if you’re a blogger and you love to cook and you love Meryl Streep as much as I do this is really a must see.

4. My birthday! I don’t care much about the actual birthday itself. Just like Christmas and New Year’s day and all that stuff, I do not really care all that much about it. Any day is just as special to me, and sometimes they even mean a lot more. But all the ecards, comments on my blog and on Facebook, cards in the mail and what not really made me feel very special. And tonight I get to celebrate it again! We’re invited at my daughter Valerie’s house this time! Yup, that’s what you get if you have two daughters, you get to celebrate everything twice!! ROFL!

5. And then there is something very very weird. My first English speaking American Blogger friend ever Lilacspecs, - she’s the one who got me blogging in English on Nablopomo in the first place and she lives in Belgium now - **gasp** any way, she will be flying to Pittsburgh next week to visit her parents. I asked her when she would be leaving and she emailed me she’s flying to Washington DC on Wednesday morning and then leave for Pittsburgh from there.

Turns out we’re on the same flight!! WOOT!!
Can you believe this!!
We haven’t met in real life before, so can you imagine what this means?
This trip is going to be a blogger meeting from the very beginning! ROFL!!

Life can be full of surprises sometimes, can it!!

More Fave Five posts at Susanne’s Living to Tell the Story.


Nessa said...

What a wonderful surprise #5 is. This is truly a blogger related trip for you.

Flash 55 - Home of Our Own

Melli said...

Ohhh THAT is just amaaaaaazing! How funny! And WONDERFUL!!! You will have company the entire time! And you thought you were traveling ALONE! LOL!

Have a fantastic time celebrating with Valerie this evening! (let HER do the cooking!) LOL!~

Wanda..... said...

If there were ever a sign of something meant to be...this is one, both of you on the same flight! I am pleased for you Jientje!!!

moneythoughts said...

Have a safe trip and lots of memorable moments. Hope to see you in Chicago, but if I can't make it, I'll read about it on your blog.

Joyce said...

Safe journey to the states and have fun and take lots of photos.

Unknown said...

How wonderful for you and Lilaspecs. I can't WAIT until you get here.

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Have a fun and safe trip!!!

Barbara H. said...

A belated happy birthday to you! And how amazing that your friend ended up on the same flight as you!! It will be so much nicer with a friend.

I know what you mean about having everything done and in order before you leave. It's a good feeling.

Lisa notes... said...

Hope you had a marvelous birthday and that you have a great time traveling. It looks like you're almost ready!

What a wonderful treat to get to meet your blogger friend. You'll have to post about that!

MaR said...

How special you get to meet your friend right at the airport!! It happened once with friends and a weekend trip to Germany: we had booked the same flights without knowing it! so the ladies sat together to do the talking, the guys sat together and slept, lol.

Jerralea said...

Wow, that is so neat about #5!

I'm like you, I like to have the house straightened up before I go anywhere. It makes coming home so much nicer!

Brenda said...

What a crazy coincidence that you will be on the same flight with your friend! I love it when things like that happen. Getting ready for a trip is always hectic but it sounds like you have things under control

Happy Birthday!

annies home said...

a birthday is special it is the only thing you have from the time you were born til after you pass from this world

kayerj said...

what a nice surprise! Have a wonderful trip and here is an idiom for you--see you on the flip side.

Willow said...

What an amazing coincidence #5 is! I hope you can manage to sit next to each other on the flight.

Happy Birthday! I know how much you love celebrate!

Blessings on your trip. I hope you have safe travels, wonderful visits with your blogging friends, and awesome opportunities to take photos.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise for you with you friend. That is just awesome. Wonderful FFF and I can't wait for 11/5 :) See ya soon baboon LOL. :) Have a great weekend :)

frogpondsrock said...

Oooh Jientje I am getting very excited for you. Don't worry too much about re-posting some of your favourite bits on your blog.Have a real holiday. I will still be here waiting to read you even if you didn't post anything for a month. Just post some of your adventures even if it is only a few sentences so we can share your excitment. xox Kim

VioletSky said...

I should learn to check in with you more frequently! Belated birthday wishes, and your trip sounds marvelous! Imagine meeting up with so many bloggy friends - and right from the moment you leave!!

quilly said...

#5 -- how cool. See if you can get them to rearrange seating so you can be together. Sometimes it is just a matter of asking.

I am glad your birthday was grand. I wish I hadn't been so slow about getting online that day. I would have added to your cheer in a more timely manner!

The Retired One said...

What a coincidence that you will be on the same flight...you will be talking nonstop and having so much fun.
You may need to rename your blog from "Heaven is in Belgium" to "Heaven is in the USA" after you visit...I know you will find beautiful things here to photograph and will love it here.
Have a safe wonderful trip and we will be here waiting to hear all about your adventures whenever you get to blog about them.

Unknown said...

It is amazing how small this world is. I was told once, that if you were in a room full of 50 strangers the percentage of someone in that room would know someone you know is like 90%. Incredible! How fun to shout out in the airplane HEY, BLOGGER FRIEND WHERE ARE YOU.... IT IS ME! have the flight attendant announce it for you LOL!

Heidi said...

How wonderful. You never did tell me a time and place in Chicago. I'm not very last minute when it comes to taking the train to the big city. I do hope you have a wonderful time and safe travels! Can't wait to hear all about it.

I loved that movie and was just blogging to someone else about it in her comments. :) I want to see it again.

United Studies said...

Oh you are going to be SO close to us! We live only about 30 miles from Dulles airport, and Peter works right across the street from it. Your plane will probably fly right over his building because that is the flight path for the large overseas flights.

Too bad we can't meet up....you will be so close...

Gattina said...

Thanks for the tip with the movie ! I am sure it will be a blast here too ! You can't compare Antwerp with whole Europe, hahaha ! I am going to see it that's for sure !
That's wonderful that you travel with a blogfriend ! that's really amazing that you are on the same flight by pure coincidence !!
I had also difficulties with Blogger yesterday morning. I also saw you were on Skype but I couldn't answer because Mr. G was snoring just in the next room and the doors are always open. I didn't want to wake him up and later you were not online anymore. Today I am out the whole day and tomorrow too because I have my painting exposition. There will be a lot of people and this morning is the Vernissage.

The French Bear said...

OMG how fantastic is that? The same flight!!! I didn't know it was your birthday week, I probably missed your birthday too, sorry!!! I have been a little under the weather, I am suffering a horrible migraine. I was just popping in to say HI, I am here, Happy Birthday!!!
I totally love Julie/Julia I read the book too. Love Meryl Streep, she also has a new movie coming out soon in December with Steve Martin, called It's complicated, looks really good!!! I hope you have a great birthday and a lovely trip!!!!
Margaret B

Jientje said...

@ Nessa : It IS!! Can't wait!
@ Melli: Valerie did an amazing job hosting this little party. It was a wonderful evening, and the food was delicious! I'm so proud of her!
@ Wanda: You said it so well, if there ever was a sign. I agree.
@ moneythoughts : I really hope you DO make it to Chicago Fred!
@ Joyce : Thanks!! I will, i promise!
@ Lou: Me neither!
@ Kristi : Thanks! I will!
@ Barbara H. : Oh yes, that's true, so much better traveling with a friend!
@ Lisa notes: I am almost ready, yes.
@ Mar : Lol at the sleeping guys. Girls always have much more fun, don't they?
@ Jerralea :Yes, I'm like you, I cannot bear the thought of a dirty house when I'm gone!
@ Brenda : Thanks for the birthday wishes! And yes, everything is pretty much under control and that's a wonderful feeling!
@ shopannies: It is.
@ kaye : Looking forward to explore the flip side!
@ Willow: There is no such thing as coincidence, that is my belief. We're trying to get seats next to each other, it would be so neat! I'll take a gazillion pictures, I promise!
@ Thom : baboon? ROFL!!
@ frogpondsrock :Kim, you're such a caring friend. Thank you so much. I will always be there for you too. I will have a grand holiday, I'm sure. And I'll try to post something, I promise! Hugs xxx
@ Betty : It IS meant to be, no doubt about it. I'm going to have the time of my life!
@ VioletSky : Yes, I still need to pinch myself from time to time to believe it! Thanks for the birthday wishes!
@ quilly :Yes, it's SO cool. We will.
I don't see why that bothers you so much? No need!!
@ The Retired One : Now there's a thought!!
@ Linda Higgins: What are the odds eh? I won't need to shout, I will recognize her, I hope she recognizees me!
@ 2Thinks : I do hope we can meet after all.
@ Jacki : I will think about you when the plane lands, but is there really NO way xwe could meet? That IS a shame!!
@ Gattina : I'll try and Skype you before I leave, okay?

Jientje said...

@ The French Bear: I hope you'll feel better soon, and don't worry about my Birthday, I'm way behind on reading and commenting too! It happens!

Robin said...

I just saw Julie & Julia the other night, what a great movie!

How cool that your friend is on the same flight.

Unknown said...

I hope you had an awesome birthday!! Keep in touch while on the road - will you be able to get emails? Or do we need to tie down our meeting place right away?

Bientje said...

What a coincidence that is! How lovely! Give Korie my regards will you? And ofcourse, have a wonderful trip!
Big hug!
Your little sister

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