One year ago, while on holiday in La Provence, I made my first attempts at close up photography. Mind you, my little Canon point and shoot did not have a real macro function like the one I have now. I had never even heard of DOF or AV priority, and the word bokeh sounded very exotic to me! Anyway, one way or another, I managed to take a couple of close ups that came out rather well. They were probably very lucky shots, but still, I think they're good enough to share. Looking back, I think I can be proud of the progress I have made and the things I've learned since then. I can't wait to see what I'll be able to come up with this year...
I'm waving back at you from Indonesia :). Wonderful shots even without real macro function.
Lovely, indded. I think an Oleander was also my first closeup!
Waving to you from Virginia! Very beautiful flowers...
Love how you captured the paper thin quality of the flower petals in the second photo. And it's only a year that you've been working on this?
They look great to me! That's all I get...
Waving back at you Jientje, these shots are wonderful, cannot wait to see what you see and capture this viist to La Provence.
Gorgeous shots!! enjoy your time in the Provence!
Beauty to start my day.....oh thank you, Jientje!
*waving back*
I wish I could do half as good as your beginning shots.
Oh my Belgian Bombshel...wonderful photos. Just excellent. *waving back to you at La Provence, France
I'm waving back, and wising that I was there with you!
Joys of summer :)!
Waving back from Detroit. Your photography is simply stunning. Thanks for sharing your art.
Beautiful ! A good camera makes the difference !
hope you have sunshine and warm weather !!
I think my new point and shoot actually has a macro function. I have a lot to learn about it.
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