Mahalo Thom, it's an honour to be one of your friends, so this award is much appreciated.

"These blogs are exceedingly charming.These kind bloggers aim to find and
be friends.They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when
the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight
bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into
the body of their award."
2. Terri, from Ways I See the World, because I'm very much looking forward to meet her in real life in November.
3. Paz's New York Minute, because I love her pictures of daily life in New York city.
4. Carletta from ROUND THE BEND . She recently had a little break because she became a grandmother, and I'm very glad she's back now!
5. Jacki, at Moving at the Speed of Life because it was her birthday yesterday, and this is my way of thanking her for her friendship!
6. Brenda, at Brendas Blog from Paraguay Posting from San Francisco because of health issues. A very courageous optimistic person who always has something interesting to tell.
7. Nicole, at NicoleB Photography for her inspiring photography and interesting challenges she offers.
8. and finally Gabriel from Live from Waterloo. Visiting his blog always feels like being welcomed in his own family.
Creativity is what this blog is all about, so Mahalo, or thank you as they say in Hawaii.
The rules for this one are simple, I have to name seven things I love and tag seven blogs.
1. People
2. Sunshine
3. Flowers
4. All things pretty
5. Nice food
6. A glass of wine
7. my cat
And the blogs I'm tagging with this award are:
1. Kirsti at Mi Vida Ocupada: My Busy Life
2. Wanda at Moments of Mine
3. Jan at Murrieta 365
4. Lisa at Lisa's Chaos
5. Barbara at Whispering Photos
6. Mar at maremagnum
7. And Abe Lincoln at Gobsmacks
Their photography is something that inspires me each and every day.
But I'm a bit confused here, since I got this one twice, does this mean I have to name seven things twice, and tag seven blogs twice? OK, I think I will do that, so hold on to your hats, here we go again.
1. My camera. (of course)
2. Blogging
3. The birds on my patio
4. Coffee
5. Travelling
6. Butterflies
7. Teddy bears

And the blogs I'm tagging are:
1. Word of the day! A very creative use of words and photography
2. Cpaphil Vintage Postcards a great blog with lots of old postcards
3 Art of Seeking another new blog I've been following recently
4. French Word-A-Day because I love France, and it's always useful to brush up one's languages.
5. Maggie's Mind another friend from the early days. She will soon be moving to Japan, I'm much looking forward to get to know more about daily life in Japan once she gets there.
6. This Irish Photograph. Pictures from Ireland, a country I love so much.
7. And last but certainly not least, Robin from Around The Island, because I like her words and her photography inspires me. And she has started this new Photo Challenge called Summer Stock Sunday. A very nice place to share and view Summer pictures.
Thank you! I'm so thrilled to have received this award from you:) You have such a creative soul! What a great idea to mosaic your list of favourite things:)
Good for you, two awards, they are always fun to receive!!! Congratualtions!
Margaret B
Would help if I remembered to check my spelling!!!
Congratulations on your awards!
Thank you for the award and the birthday wishes! You know what, I don't have a cat so I can't relate to that one, but all the others are things I love, too!
Thanks for the award (now I feel tempted to have that word as Word of the Day!) and for the challenge.
Congrats to you and all the nominees :)!
Awww! Thanks so much for thinking of me and sharing your awards. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this Tuesday morning! Have a great day.
Best wishes,
awesome! I already knew you were brilliant! :) Thanx for sharing the love! :) *hugs*
Oh, thank you so very much, Jientje!!! You certainly made my day...
Aww, my very first blog award! Thank you!!
Thank you so much Jientje, what a thrill to hear that you inspire someone, especially someone whose own work is so inspiring to me.
Thank you too for helping to spread the word about the Summer Stock project - I'm really having fun with it and I hope everyone else is as well.
You did that VERY well! I was wondering when your camera didn't show up in your first one, WHAT ON EARTH were you thinking!? But you got it in on the 2nd! LOL!
Awwww, thanks a lot for this sweet award!
Hehe, I love challenges :)
And I even more love it when my friends play along - that's what makes it great :)!
Now, I think I gotta check some of those blogs out that you mentioned.
They all sound way great :D!
Thanks again and have a wonderful evening :)!
*bemas happily....*!
You have such beautiful clear pictures. I just love them. I think I need a new camera. Sigh...
Thank you for the award. It has been a joy to have been with you from the beginning.
Thank you so much for the creative blogger award Jientje...what a nice surprise to discover this morning...I'm grateful... especially for having it come from you.
@ Marie Reed: I can't post without pictures, so ...
@ The French Bear: so nice to meet you. Welcome!
@ Jacki: Yes, I know, we're soulmates aren't we?
@ spacedlaw: Yes I thought this was quite a coincidence too!
@ Rosidah: That's so sweet of you!
@ Paz: You're welcome, I'm glad I made you smile!
@ Lisa: YOU are the master!
@ Gabriel: I'm glad I did, you're welcome!
@ Loraine: much deserved!
@ Robin: You're Welcome Robin, I think it's a nice challenge, so ...
@ Melli: Of course my camera is in it, but they're just random things so ...
@ Nicole: So do I, I love challenges too!
@ Christine: Thank you my friend. For me too it has been a joy meeting you!
@ Wanda: Much deserved, my friend!
Thank you! I love the ones you chose, and the photos to go with them. Gorgeous!
Congrats on the awards my friend. I bet if I lived in Hawaii, you'd come and visit me! It's just a darn shame that I live in a crummy, swampy, bug invested, back woods...uuuuuummmm, can you tell that I really don't like where I live?
So, I better be I now have a heck of a lot more blogs to check on:-)
Whoa! You did a great job with this meme -- I should have known you'd add photos. Proof that you are, indeed, very creative!
Congrats to you and to all you nominated. And, as Quilly said, adding photos is such a clever thing to do. You are just amazing and these are so deserved by you :)
i love the reflections in the coffee cup and the camera. Very creative. Congratulations.
Congratulations on your well deserved awards.
Loved the pictures that went with your things. You are creative. Of course you are you got an award for that.
Congrats Jientje - well deserved!
And thank you for the friendly blogger award. I appreciate it more than you know.
Congrats on your awards Jientje, I love your lists and the way you made a mosaic out of your favourite things, congrats to all those you nominated, happy Wednesday, Kathy.
Thank you for the award, that is so awesome!
But it is your photography that I find so inspiring!
Congratulations on your well deserved awards and thank you for your generosity, Jientje, I truly appreciate you thinking of me for the "Kreative blogger" one. I was already honored with this award here and I was tagged with 6 unimportant things that make me happy, my post is here, which sounds like your tag too...! Thanks so much, Jientje!! you've made my day.
Aw, thank you, and congrats to you on the awards!
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