About Me

My photo
Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday's Favourite Five ... Going ... Going ...

It is the time of the week again, time to share some favourite things from the past week.
The meme I love doing most of all. I love sharing good moments, and I really love reading other people's favourites!

It's been a very busy week, the last week before my holiday in France starts. In fact, I will be leaving for France tonight. We will be spending two weeks in my beloved region of France, Provence. I promise I'll try to stay away from ditches, and although I will be away, this blog will have an update each and every day I'm gone. Blogger autopost will take care of that!
(I hope! )

1. Family. We had a lovely party with ( almost) the whole family last Saturday because of my niece's Holy Communion. It was nice to be together again, we had pizza, played bingo and enjoyed each other's company. One of my other nieces had a baby recently (which made my parents great grandparents by the way) so we got to meet her husand AND the baby. It was FUN!! I did a photo shoot with my niece Paulien and I will be sharing this very special series of pictures next Sunday.

2. I loved my new outfit. That's me in the middle there, yes.

3. A brunch at a chateau on Sunday. Great location, great food. What more should I say hmm?

4. The flowers I got from our guests a the brunch. I got two gorgeous bouquets of flowers. So thoughtful of them. I have enjoyed them all week.

5. Another award I got yesterday !! Phew!
This one came from Susanne at Living to Tell the Story, our wonderful Fave Five host, yes!!
It's the lovely blog award, and I'm honoured to receive such a beautiful award from her. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me Susanne!

I am passing this one on to ...

Oh, dear, this is difficult, I have handed out so many the previous time?
Okay, after very careful consideration , drumrolls please ...

Mama at casa, dolce casa, for her beautiful photography
Spacedlaw for a Title? What title? Photography AND music lovely, just lovely
And Quilly Unshuttered Did you know Quilly is an excellent photographer? Check it out!

So I really hope I did not disappoint anyone, because I love ALL your blogs, and I'm going to miss reading you while I am away. But I will be very busy hunting new pictures. It will be the first time I'm going to have a REAL camera while I'm there and I can't wait to see what I can come up with this time! ( I'll have two actually, because I want to figure out the Canon Eos D40 DSLR while I'm there? ) Well who knows, I'm still not too old to learn? We'll see ...
But don't worry, I will have a post up every day while I'm away, and I'm very much looking forward to reading your comments when I get back!!


spacedlaw said...

Wow! Once more? Thanks a bunch.

quilly said...

Jientje -- I have a Nikon D40 DSLR. Does Canon make a model by the same name?

That brunch looks yummy. Your pictures are even yummier and your niece is lovely.

Thank you for the award! I truly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

What a wondeerful FFF and you are just stunning. Those pictures are of course awesome. If that is Holy she is very pretty...takes after her Aunty. :) Congrats on the award. Well deserved and to your nominations as well. Have a great time on your trip. Be safe. Aloha my friend :)

Jientje said...

@ spacedlaw: You're welcome!
@ Quilly: It's the Canon EOS 40D DSLR, sorry!
and you're welcome about the award, you very much deserve it!

Jientje said...

@ Thom: No I'm not, it's a good picture of me, that's all! One of the rare good pictures! Thanks, I will! Aloha to you too!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Enjoy your Holidays Jientje, I am looking forward to all your new pictures.

I went and got a new camera the other day, my old Nikon finally quit, it wouldn't open the lense at all.

I got a new Panasonic Lumix, I love it and will have some pictures to share soon.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great fave five. It sounds like you have had a great week with family and friends. Have a lovley time in Provence. I have never been there but it is on the top of my list of places I would like to see.

Jientje said...

@ Bill: I'm glad you finally got your new camera. You made a very good choice. My sister has a Panasonic Lumix, and she's very very happy with it.Looking forward to see YOUR pictures too when I get back!

Wanda..... said...

Such beauty all around you...including yourself...Take care and enjoy your trip!

Carleen said...

It sounds like you had a nice week, Jientje. Enjoy your trip -- can't wait to see the photos when you return! :)

Leora said...

Your niece (the young girl at bottom) is lovely. Enjoy France. Those cookies look good. Nice to see you, too.

Nessa said...

I love your new header.

You have a beautiful family and your outfit is adorable.

Betty said...

Receiving flowers is always a blessing. As are family and friends.
Hope you enjoy your holiday in France!

P.S. I came from Susannes and enjoyed your Fave 5

Anonymous said...

What a busy and fun week! The flowers are gorgeous. Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip!

ellen b said...

Love your beautiful collage and the outfit! Looks like a great time with family. Enjoy your time in France and we're looking forward to your photos when you return!!

Islandsparrow said...

What a wonderful week - sweet family times are the best!

Provence? Oh, I can hardly wait for those pictures!Have a marvelous time!

Susanne said...

Wow, I had to do a double take when the picture of your niece scrolled up. I thought it was my niece and for a split second I was really confused as to what site I had pulled up! Wow, I'm telling you they could be sisters.

Your trip to France sounds so exciting. I would love to tour Europe one day. I have been to Hungary. Have a wonderful time. Looking forward to the pictures.

Your family time looks like it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Love those times.

Susan at Stony River said...

I *love* your new clothes, and the baby--but all your photos and favourite things sound lovely. Your niece is gorgeous; my son's First Communion was just a few weeks ago too. Congratulations to her!

Amuse-toi bien en Provence!

Melli said...

LOL! I should have come HERE first this morning! THEN I might have done a Fave Five too! Oh well.... there's always NEXT week! LOL! You look smashing in that outfit! And your niece is adorable -- I can't wait to see next Sunday's post!

Kathy said...

Jientje Many Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing this on to me, it means a great deal to me coming from such a talented photographer as yourself, thank you. Your ruby tuesday "rain" photos and the horses are stunning and I have been showing my sister your sepia photos and she loves them. I am so glad you all had fun celebrating your nieces holy communion she is adorable, congratulations to her too. your new outfit is so pretty.
I hope you have a wonderful time in Provence (I am so envious lol) but cannot wait to see all the amazing photographs. have fun my friend, Kathy.

Jientje said...

@ Wanda: Thanks, I will!
@ Carleen: I will!
@ Leora: I will enjoy France, I will.
@ Nessa: I'm so glad you like it!
@ Betty: Thank you!
@ Barbarah: the flowers were so pretty!
@ ellenb: Ansd I am looking forward to taking them
@ Islandsparrow: I will!
@ Susanne: how wonderful!Yes, we had fun.
@ Susan: You wait till you see the Sunday pictures!
@ Melli: I think it will be a great post, yes!
@ Mama: Thank you so much for your sweet comment. And I will. Have fun.
@ Brenda: Thank you!! Loved the flowers too!

Jientje said...

@ everyone: Thank you so much for commenting here. I am now ready to shut down the computer and get the suitcases in the car. We have a long night ahead of us, and then two weeks of sun, good food and everything a holiday should be. And when I come back, I'll have loads of pictures to share. I love you all. See you when I get back! Bye!

Anonymous said...

Have a great holiday! I like your new header! Your niece is very pretty! That is a lot of protein on those plates :)

Dr.John said...

Will miss your kind comments when your gone but at least your blog will continue to be new.

Heidi said...

Again Jientje, so very beautiful. Your blog is so very relaxing. I love to see the pictures. I would like to take some like that, but am just beginning to take pictures really, with a little Nikon point and shoot.

Thank you for visiting me, too. Have a wonderful time in France. Au Revoir ? I think.


RA said...

Beautiful collage! I can see that you had a great time together with your family. Have a wonderful vacation, Jientje. Take a lot of great shots. Congrats on the award to you and your nominees. Wow, I didn't know Quilly had another blog. I can see why you nominated it. Awesome! See you in the Blogosphere when you are back :)

Robin said...

Lovely blog and pictures. I think your english is quite impressive - anyone who is bilingual impresses me!
Have a great holiday.

Willow said...

I tried to post yesterday but 'something' (blogger?) wouldn't let me. I'd get to your page and my computer would say it was shutting down the page. Weird, huh? Anyway, here I am a day late to say these faves are wonderful!

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