I thought it would be a nice idea to use some of the portraits I made at Bokrijk Museum Park for Sepia Scenes. The old fashioned costumes really make you believe these were taken one hundred years ago.
Find more Sepia Scenes here.
"One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind."
They sure are awesome! Well done.
The second one is my Favorite though :)
What an expression :D!
Wonderful shots! The sepia effect really works well on them. Have a great day, Jientje :)
Oh my! these are all outstanding, especially the second one! If the photos were a bit more worn and grainy, I would indeed think they were ancient!
Oh I love the faces of the first and last two. The sepia really gives them so much character.
Excellent. The woman's face is very expressive.
I love this set - perfect !I just got sent some of my husband's grandfather in sepia
Looks like we stepped back in time...serious faces were the normal pose way bac when!
Plus a new header photo for us to enjoy!
Oh Jientje! These are wOnderful! I do especially love that woman's face -- but her hair should be pulled back I think... I don't think women of "the day" let their hair fly! She certainly has the scowl down though! LOL! The men ARE great too!
These are just fantastic!
Nice concept.... womans scowl is my favourite....
I am wondering why that woman has such a snarl on her face. Is she acting or does she see something of which she disapproves?
im struck by such powerful portrait....i feel aged and drawn and wondering teh story behind each expression
Loved these. There is so much they are saying in their faces and expressions and the sepia really focuses you on that. Beautiful portraits!
I have an award for you over at my place today.
Awesome Photos! I really like the one of the lady. Great hat! Have a great day!
perfect, I love the faces. Hope you can stop by to see my sepia scene and window views Thanks!
Great shots Jientje!
I think the lady could be the witch from oz. :)
I agree with Quilly - you could add a little film grain to these and you'd never guess they weren't old.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
My fave is the second one, but they are all fascinating shots!
I have to agree. Their outfits and the sepia are an awesome pair. They really make these photos special. Great captures!
I had a picture of me taken sitting watching soccer and the disgust from seeing something I didn't like was clearly visible on my face lol
Even I had to laugh lol
So I can relate to the woman.lol
Very nice character shots:)
Excellent my friend. The lady in the second one looks really pissed off LOL She reminds me of the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz LOL. Great photos
@ NicoleB: LOL!
@ Rosidah: You too, Rosidah!
@ Quilly: That's very good advice!
@ hip chick: Yes, it surprised me too!
@ Nessa: You love her or you hate her!
@ Trish: thanks!
@ Aaah, at least somebody noticed the new header! I'm not in the least surprised it's you!
@ Melli: Like I said, you love her or you hate her!
@ Deb: Why thank you!
@ Shaun: Thanks!
@ Leora: It's an actress, and they were involved in an electorial battle.
@ DeLi: Yes, they make you wonder, don't they?
@ Susanne: Awww, thanks!!!
@ Sherrie: she's one of the favourites, isn't she?
@ kaye: thanks! Be right over!
@ Carletta: yes, that is excellent advice!
@ Mar: hmmm yes, they work well donb't they?
@ Momisodes: Sepia begs for authenticity.True.
@ Anonymous: Yes, that's probably it!
@ Thom: She does look wicked, I agree.
The pictures are all great and indeed do look like pictures from long ago. But for some reason the stern faced lady reminded me of the witch in the Wizard of Oz.
Wow, these are all perfect shots for sepia!
Your pictures are so stunning! Is it a secret what camera you use to get such shots? I like the man in the straw hat- such detail, such clarity of detail. Amazing! How do you do it? Certainly not taken with a Nikon point and shoot, right?
@ Dr John: Yes, it's her nose I think, that's kind of like a witches nose!
@ Maggie: thank you, it was a nice surprise for me too!
@ Heidi: No, it's not a secret. It's a Canon Powershoot S10 IX, i's somewhere in between a DSLR and a point and shoot. My previous one was it's predecessor, the Powershoot S5 IS. I loved that camera, unfortunately it got damaged, that's why I replaced it!
I really like the forth one - the peron with the straw hat looks like a man with a big heart - nice fellow. Why is that lady so unhappy?
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