About Me

My photo
Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday’s Fave Five, Reflections …


FFF fall leaves 2


Another week has passed, time to look back and celebrate the good stuff…

fave five oct 16 

Saturday was a very busy day.
1. We had to meet the other members of the photography class at the crack of dawn for  a photo walk. It had been raining all night long and I was a little bit worried we’d have to walk in the rain for three hours but we did manage to keep it dry, there was only a little drizzle near the end of the walk. We were told to select our ten best pictures to be reviewed during our last session on Tuesday.
2. Our daughter Patsy invited us for a little get together and a birthday dinner on Saturday evening. We had a lovely evening together. We cooked fresh pasta from scratch while catching up with the latest tidings of our lives. The food was delicious and so was the wine, before we knew it it was two o’clock in the morning! WOOT!
3. On Monday I got a lovely bouquet of white roses from the family I cook for each week. A week early for my birthday, but the boys insisted they wanted to be there to present me the flowers, isn’t that sweet?
4. We all made the same photo walk, and the review of the pictures was a very interesting experience.
( If you’re curious about mine, I took the ones I used for my Weekend Reflection and Weekly Winners post ) 
I really did not think much of my own pictures, in fact I had been a bit disappointed when I got home. I thought they were all very gray and gloomy. It was only when I saw what the others had that I realized it was just how it was that day, we all had gloomy foggy pictures.
But I almost fell off my chair when my teacher asked permission to use my puddle-fence-reflection picture for his creative photography presentation! The next students will all get to see this picture! I think that was a wonderful compliment.
5. The rest of the week has been all about getting ready for my trip to the States. 
I did most of my shopping yesterday and my list of things to do before I leave is getting shorter every day.
A friend gave me a little notebook laptop I can use, and I downloaded most of the programs I’m going to need while I travel. It already had a Skype account, which is going to be very useful when I want to “phone home” or talk to my friends halfway across the world! I downloaded Skype on my home computer as well and I think it’s great! And … it’s FREE as well!

So there, I hope your week was as nice as mine was !
Find more Friday’s Fave Five posts at Susanne’s Living to Tell the Story.


Anonymous said...

What a great week you had. Boy it's going to be real soon that you are here. I can't wait. The collage is just beautiful :) Have a great Friday :)

RA said...

You always have such wonderful Friday Fave's, Jientje! I'm not surprised about your teacher's compliment. I always thought that you had a great sense for photography :). Have a wonderful weekend.

Melli said...

Ohhhhhhh you are almost ready! I am almost ready! It's almost time! Wheeee heee heee! And that was an AWFULLY nice friend who let you use their little notebook! WOW!

I agree that your teacher paid you a huge compliment wanting to use your photo -- I also think it was a well deserved compliment. You do such nice work! (and it's all play!)

Wish I could have tasted that pasta! I bet it was GREAT!

Nessa said...

I am getting so excited for you on your upcoming trip.

Wanda..... said...

I hope your visit to the U.S. is as pleasant as my visit is to your blog and wonderful photos Jientje! Your photos along with your life are so appealing to me.

Robin said...

Gorgeous roses Jientje, and an early happy birthday to you. I LOVE that puddle reflection too - it's stunning. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the US, you must be so excited for your trip by now.

BioniKat said...

Lovely that the family you work for appreciate you so much. I wish I had someone to cook for me!

moneythoughts said...

No, I am not surprised either that your teacher liked that picture of the reflection of the fence in the puddle. Gloomy pictures can be beautiful too. Especially foggy photos in black & white. It is getting cold here in the States, so bring some warm clothes and a pair of gloves. Chicago isn't San Francisco in November!!!

Caution/Lisa said...

I guess I'm just amazed that you take a photography class. You should be the teacher and write the textbook, too!

Joyce said...


I just stopped in from Friday Faves. I love your blog! I love Belguim too : ) We just moved back to the states after 6 years in England. My husband was in Belguim (outside of Brussels but not quite to Ghent) about once every month on business, so we've spent lots of time there.

Your photos are lovely too. Have a wonderful trip to the states!

James said...

Sounds like a nice week. I would love to take a photography class or go on a photo walk some day, it sound fun. I have one of those little computers. You just have to make sure you have the right plug adaptor for each country or region.

Have a great weekend.

Carrie said...

Sounds like fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!

annies home said...

maybe that is what I need a photography class. Sounds like you had a great time enjoying your daugthers company. Whenever time goes so fast you can always bet it was a great time

Willow said...

I think your teacher saw what a great photo that one was. Perfect balance! And a great but well deserved compliment.

I'm looking forward to enjoying your trip vicariously through your blog posts!

kayerj said...

sounds like a lovely week. Enjoy your trip!

Jewel said...

I have skype and it is a WONDERFUL thing. Thank God for technology, right? Without it, I probably wouldn't talk to my friends in Cambodia between visits.

Where will you be visiting in the States?

quilly said...

Oh! You are bringing your own computer! I was thinking that while you were here, I would pull out Amoeba's old Mac -- the one I use when we travel -- and let you use my lovely desktop. Now I will just find a table so you can have your own space!

Your reflection photo was stunning. I am not at all surprised that your instructor wanted to use it.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Jientje. I'm adding you to my regular blog list, so that I can enjoy your lovely photos and sense of humor every day and not just when we happen to be on the same photo meme! :-)

Josie Ray
Appalachian Dream

Jerralea said...

I enjoyed your photo collage - as always. I'll be excited to see the pictures you take as you visit the states.

It definitely was a great compliment that your teacher wanted to use your photo!

That is so sweet that the boys you cook for wanted to give you roses. I love white roses!

ellen b said...

Oh I'm excited to see what you see in the good ole U.S.A. How fun that you'll be staying with Melli and Thom. Beautiful photos as usual Jientje.

Barbara H. said...

You always have such gorgeous photos here, I am not surprised at all that one of yours was chosen. Congratulations!

Sounds like a great week all around.

I'll be looking forward to hearing of your visits with Melli and Thom and Quilly!

Bientje said...

You are too modest sis! Your pictures are ALWAYS good cause you are a natural!
When you go to the states, think about taking copies of all your papers (tickets, ID, pasport, etc.), leave a set of copies at home and take a set with you. If ever you loose them or they get stolen, everything will be a lot easier then!
Yeah yeah, I hear you! Grumbl grumbl, my little sister is like my mom! But I have some good advise now and then! Hehehehe
Big hug,
Your little sister

Susanne said...

It's getting closer! Before you know it you'll be on that plane crossing the ocean! So exciting.

Sometimes grey and gloomy pictures turn out very interesting.

Those white roses are lovely. Sweet that the boys wanted to be able to give it to you!

Unknown said...

As usual, I love your shots of your cooking experience... homemade pasta sounds divine! I just want to get in the kitchen right now and prepare something...maybe some soup and oh, toasty, crusty bread with a little olive oil and Parmesan cheese...

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