About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A thousand Words in Idioms, Time is on my Side

"A Thousand Words in Idioms"

As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, (even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe

Only one more Idiom Wednesday after this one.
The last one will appear on October 21st, as I will be leaving for the States the week later. I can’t travel and host a meme all at the same time, can I? So if you’re still hesitating if you want to play or not, grab your camera or dig into your archives and join us! It’s FUN and it’s not hard at all!

Here we go …

Even a broken clock is right twice a day:
This is used when people get lucky and are undeservedly successful.

Cut things fine: If you cut things fine, you have barely enough time to do something.  

Don’t forget to sign Mr Linky if you’re playing?
Can’t wait to see what you’re going to come up with!


Liz said...

Very well illustrated idioms. I also love the photo of the rusty clock.

I played today. :)

Anonymous said...

This are very well done my Belgian Bombshell. The pictures are great. The one with the clock I just love. I could never chop veggies like that. :) Well done and Happy Second to the Last A Thousand Words In Idioms :)

Wanda..... said...

Your broken clock must have a story...makes me wonder what it is...Nice photo and idiom Jientje!

moneythoughts said...

Nice pictures. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" is very clever. I can't remember if I ever heard that one before. Hope to see you in the States.

Barbara H. said...

Those are great. Love that old rustic clock!

Momisodes said...

Very nice shots. I love the angle on the clock. I've never actually thought of a broken clock being right that way before. Very clever :)

James said...

Great job and I love that rusty old clock.

Gattina said...

Cut things fine, that's very true. We say cut a hair into 4 !

kayerj said...

both are "timely" thoughts!

I'd really like an enlarged copy of your "cows and gate" shot you posted yesterday--can I buy one please?

Nessa said...

The rust on the clock sure is beautiful and that's some mighty fine dicing.

Unknown said...

Lovely, lovely work - as always.

quilly said...

We also use that clock one when an idiot gets something right. ;)

I love that photo of the ancient clock. It would have also gone well with "withstanding the ravages of time".

Dr.John said...

Very well illustrated idioms. The photography is superb.

United Studies said...

Very interesting...and you know what? I am running out of adjectives to describe your photographs.

RA said...

I'm sorry for my late comment, Jientje. I have been trying to get on your blog and the other participants without success last night. My Internet connection is giving me a real hard time :(. Wonderful shots as always. I love how you come up with all the different objects and angles. You really have a terrific sense for photography. Have a wonderful day, my dear :)

Melli said...

Ohhhhh Jientje... I just LOVE that clock shot! WHAT a find! And great idioms too!

Anonymous said...

An enjoyable post! Love the idiom shots.


Unknown said...

I love the rusty clock!

Loree said...

That first idion reminds me so much of some people I work with. Oh well. I love the picture of the clock.

Ellie said...

Time invites rust! Accepting the fact makes it possible to see the beauty in the rust!

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