"A Thousand Words in Idioms"
As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, (even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. You can find the first edition here if you need some inspiration.

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe
This is the last Idiom Wednesday.
Maybe it’s sad, but all good things must come to an end. It’s been fun, I loved every minute of this. I don’t know exactly how long we’ve been playing, but I think we’ve just about covered …
Everything But The Kitchen Sink:
Almost everything and anything has been included.
and I think we all had a ball.
Have a ball : have fun, enjoy yourself.
I know I did. I’ve loved watching all your pictures each week.
Your creativity and resourcefulness made me chuckle sometimes.
I hope you all had as much fun as I did.
Only now it’s time to move on.
Thanks for playing.
I can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with this last time..
Please add your link to Mr Linky if you’re playing!
Very nice pictures to define the idioms ! Had to laugh about the man sitting in the middle of all this household stuff !
Love the photos!
I feel sad too that this is the last.
Love that kitchen sink one! And I recognize that hand. It made me shudder as much seeing it this time as it did the first time you shared it.
You so ended this beautifully my friend. This was so inspirational to me and just a blast. Got me going on photography and I learned so much from everyone. Well done and kudos to you my friend. You are a perfect hostess with this and I had a blast :) Mahalo Nui Loa :) xoxoxoxox
The nails of that guy! I keep shuddering!
Big hug,
Your little sister
Your photos often leave me pondering, Jientje!
I can't help but once again wonder what the story might be...behind that "single long odd nail" on his pinky finger! Have enjoyed your idioms!!!
Thanks so much for hosting this. It has been both fun and challenging.
The guy in the tip photo truly does have everything and the kitchen sink!! And I am wondering what the guy in the bottom picture is going to do with that ball. Looks like he's getting ready to throw it.
Like the photo with the kitchen sink too. Great shot. I guess yard sales or garage sales are pretty much the same in Belgium as they are in the States.
Although I didn't play along as much I intended to, I enjoyed your creation!!
I've enjoyed the clever ways you pictured these idioms. I've showed some to my grandson because he's learning about idioms in school. He really enjoyed your pictures and learned a few new idioms.
Great picture for the sink!
That first picture looks like Melindas cave.
Great illustration and idiom for a mess.
Ok! We'll have the ball if you don't throw it at us. WE can't catch.
This has been fun . Thanks for letting us share dragon idioms.
This was a great game and even though I didn't play much I sure enjoyed seeing what everyone came up with.
Wordless Wednesday - King of the Field
@ Gattina: The minute I saw him this idiom popped up!
@ Liz : Yes, me too.
@ quilly : I know, I remember. I have posted this one before,true.
@ Thom : I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I love how this meme inspired you. I had even more fun each week when I saw what you came up with!!
@ Bientje :I know. He could do with a manicure. AND a shower.
@ Wanda : Wanda, I can imagine what the story is. But I'm SURE you don't want to know. Believe me.
@ Barbara H.: The guy in the bottom picture is playing what you call bocce, jeu de boules in France.
@ moneythoughts: I've never been to one in the States, but yes ... most probably?
@ Mar: Thanks!! I'm glad you did!
@ kaye: Awww, I like that!!!!
@ Mama Zen : Thanks!
@ Fandango : Fandango, I was the one having all the fun! Glad you enjoyed it too!
@ Nessa : I loved it, each and every week, every idiom, every picture was fun!
What a great way to end the meme. I also had a ball. I want to thank you for hosting such a fun event.
Enjoy your trip to Melli's and take good care of Ella.
That man needs to cut and clean his finger nails! Ew! I think I might have said that the last time you shared him... Ew again!
Love the kitchen sink! LOL! Yard sales are yard sales no matter what country you're in!
You have always captured your idioms so perfectly in photos!!! I'll miss them but I know you'll continue to give us incredible photos. :)
What a great way to end with the kitchen sink - clever thinking on your part!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Carletta’s Captures.
Indeed you did my friend :)
@ Dr.John : Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for playing! I will take good care of Ella, I promise!
@ Melli : Yuck I know!
@ Robynn's Ravings:Thanks Robynn!
@ Carletta : Yes, well, we did, didn't we?
@ Thom : I'm so glad!!
Thanks for coming up with this wonderful meme, Jientje! I enjoyed it very much, and I learned a lot. I'm sorry for my late post. I accidentally added your link to Mister Linky ;p. The second one is the right link. Have a great vacation.
How have I missed this one? I'm thinking 'Oooh, that sounds like a fun meme' and then you said 'This will be the last one'! NOOOOOOOO! Reconsider!! :(
Love the picture for 'having a ball'. Nicely framed, my friend!
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