About Me

My photo
Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Five Words … Finally!



It's been a while since Betty sent me these five words. Everybody has done this, except me! These are the words Betty sent me:

1. Cooking
2. Belgium (I´m putting up this word, because I´m new to your blog and would love to know how you got to be there)
3. Humor
4. Work
5. Decorating

1. First topic on the list is cooking. Well, what do you know? 
Most of my readers know I’m a passionate cook. I’m always on the look out for special ingredients, new recipes, kitchen utensils … you name it. At the bookstore you’ll find me in the cook book department, and I can never resist buying new ones. Not that I really use them, - mind you - but they inspire me to create my own recipes.
Even as a toddler I used to potter around in my grandmother’s kitchen with a little plastic bucket and a wooden spoon  and I can still remember the proud moment when I presented my very first culinary invention … Crassula soup. ROFL!

2. Betty wants to know how I got to live in Belgium. Well, that’s kind of simple. My mother and my father put me there … I was born here! There’s really nothing more to it!

3. Humor: One of my bear necessities of life. The most wasted day is the day we’ve not laughed.

4. Work: I only work four hours a week, when I cook for a family with two boys. Not a job that’s making me rich, but one I hang on to because I love it so much. My favorite moment is when they come in from school, and head straight to the kitchen to see what’s cooking. The best compliment is that little “mmmm”  I get or their smiles telling me they’re happy to see me, and to know I’m being missed when I’m on vacation.


5. Decorating: I have always loved all things pretty, creating beauty around me is  essential to me. I’m a collector, I much enjoy my displays of old kitchen tools, I love flower arrangements, seasonal decorations, a lovely table arrangement …
Which reminds me, I really NEED to decorate the house for Fall today. I’m way behind!


Anonymous said...

Oh my Belgian Bombshell...these are wonderful. The story of the family that you cook for is just wonderful. It's so the simple things of life that make it so enjoyable. You make everything you do look so easy and splendid and I can't thank you enough for always sharing them. It is truly heart warming. Excellent Five words :) Aloha xoxoxo

quilly said...

Jientje -- when you are here and you cook for us, we will invite Thom to dinner.

Your #4 reminded me of my cooking for nephew Lenny, and his siblings. I had secretly made sugar cookies, rolled out the dough, cut it into Christmas shapes and intricately hand-painted them with frostings. I secretly slipped the cookies into the kid's lunch sacks and sent them off to school.

Lenny, being a kindergartener, was the first one home. He came through the door wearing a huge smile. I said, "Did you like your cookies?" He said, "They were the best! I traded them for this!" And pulled a yoyo out of his pocket ...

Melli said...

Well, I knew about your cooking job - but you haven't mentioned it in so long I wasn't sure you were still doing it! Those are some BLESSED little boys to have YOU cooking for them!

LOL! I'm sure our poor Betty was looking for a MUCH more exotic tale than THAT to what brought you to Belgium! Couldn't you have made something up??? hehehe....

This was great!

Wanda..... said...

I relate to your joy of creative cooking Jientje, now with our colder weather, even more so. I love the charming captivating scenes of your life and home!

Loree said...

Ahh, I wish you could cook for me. I love baking but sometimes it's so hard to find the time to do it.

Anonymous said...

Jientje, where in Belgium do you live? I was born in Brasschaat :)

moneythoughts said...

I like the picture you put up today. It would make an interesting poster or a print. Enjoyed reading what you wrote today too. You are an artist whether you know it or not. It is that simple.

Nessa said...

The black dress in the top right corner looks like it might have an interesting story behind it.

PS. Please check your reader if you are not seeing new posts for me. It seems my feed address changed while I was gone. I am posting daily. And most importantly, Rabbit, Rabbit!

Gattina said...

Your decoration looks cosy and sweet, but ... I miss a cat, lol !

Unknown said...

Wonderful collage, Princess.

kayerj said...

I enjoyed getting to know you better, and . . . lucky boys. I'd love to taste your cooking. It looks so delectable in your pictures :)

Bientje said...

Yes sis, they are all so right! You all make it seem so easy and simple... Big sigh! Are we really sisters? Hehehehe
Big hug,
Your little sister

Jientje said...

@ Thom : You are so right about the simple things. But many little simple things make a very happy life. As I'm sure YOU know.
@ quilly : That's a great idea, the guy is gonna love it! Loved that story Quilly!! I think that nephew of yours is a born businessman!
@ Melli : OOOh, but they KNOW!! LOL! Make up a story and lie to make it look more interesting? Not me. What you see is what you get!!
@ Wanda : I finally made friends with Fall today Wanda. My house is a cozy home now.
@ Loree : Not enough hours in a day eh? Oh and I'd cook for you anytime.
@ Caroline : Caroline, I cannot reach your blog or homepage, Blogger won't let me. I live in the village NEXT to Brasschaat!!!
@ Fred: The picture is a collage of some of the decorations in my home. Glad you like it. Thanks for that warm compliment.
@ Nessa : That's a decorative bust, I'm the one who made the dress. About the reader, I noticed this morning, it does not follow your new posts. I'll have to find a way to fix this!
Rabbit rabbit!! I keep forgetting!
@ Gattina : My cat is always hiding herself. Can't help it!
@ Lou: You're making me blush.
@ kaye : The boys do not get decorated plates like the ones you see in my pictures. They get homecooked comforting food, and I'm the lucky one, they love it, and SHOW their appreciation!!
@ Bientje : Oh yes we are. Big big hug sis!!!
@ Betty: Of course you can!
Officially I speak Dutch, although I would prefer to call it Flemish. There are three official languages in Belgium, Dutch, French and German. Thanks for the compliment about my English! I've always loved the English language, and I was lucky to have a very good teacher. He refused to speak anything but English during his lessons, and he made us THINK in English, right from the very first lesson.

Unknown said...

It is sooo fun to read these little things about each other! I too have 5 words I better get on! Hopefully find time before I lay my head down on my pillow tonight. Not much sleep for me I think. A little to much on my minds. But after tomorrow...all will be behind me...AND LIKE YOU SAID, laughter is the best medicine and I LOVE TO LAUGH! every day! hugs and laughter...linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Jientje, here is the link, give it a try and let me know if if works. http://travelbugadventures.blogspot.com/

We may have to try to meet up when I'm next in Belgium, if I manage another holiday after christmas as that one is going to be crazy with visiting family

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