"A Thousand Words in Idioms"

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe
And don't forget to have fun and visit one another, okay?
So here we go ...
The farm edition ....
I have two pictures for one idiom today, because there is a story attached to this one."Were you born in a barn?"
If someone asks you this, it means that you forgot to close the door when you came in.We were exploring the countryside of Normandy last year in May when we came across this barn. It had a sign, "gîte à louer", (room to let) which I found rather funny. So I got out of the car to make a series of pictures of this very photogenic cow and her shaggy lodgings. I had taken pictures from all angles, but only after a while I discovered the calf she was so cleverly hiding!
"Put lipstick on a pig"
If people put lipstick on a pig, they make superficial or cosmetic changes, hoping that it will make the product more attractive.
This sow was feeding her little piggies, and she had the most happy face I'd ever seen. No need to put lipstick on her to make her look good!!
Don't forget to sign the Mr Linky if you're playing? Can't wait to see what you'll come up with this week!
Oops,first again. ;-) I sure don't want to live in that barn!
These idioms are new for me!
The happy pig's face?? Priceless!!!
I would love to put lipstick on this cute pig, but not change it ! nice findings !!
LOL...I love the put lipstick on a pig. Brilliant my Belgian Bombshell. They both were excellent :)
Momma piggy doesn't need lipstick, she needs a washrag!
AND, did you find the room to let? Was there a tired mule a harried man and a pregnant lady already there?
Jientje..."Perfection" these idiom photos are!!! I loved the barn sequence...but that pig needs way more than lipstick, but he/she seems very content!
The words "lipstick on a pig" got into our political debate last year as you may know. We have such intellectual political debates in the states during our presidential elections.
I enjoyed your pictures, especially the first one of the open-ended barn. You do have a great eye, like in your profile picture.
Wonderful photos! Gotta love a happy pig. ;-)
Those are both perfect illustrations of their idioms. That barn is probably going to come to mind whenever I hear that phrase from now on. And I don't think lipstick would improve that piggy at all!!
I LOVE the barn shot. amazing.
Ohhhh these are awesome photos - all of them! I DO love that pig though! That IS a smile!
wonderful post, I often holler the first idiom at my grandkids as they run in and out. I have a fondness for cows and pigs and loved your pictures.
I love the pig! i swear some days my kids were born in barns! :)
My children has grown up with that saying about the barn door! So funny! Even to this day I have to remind my grown children NOT TO SLAM the door when closing the door, YOU WERE NOT RAISED IN A BARN! hehehehe fun post!
I heard the born in a barn many times growing up. And that barn is something else! Looks like it has seen straighter days!
I love your photos, thoughts and perceptions!
I love that pig. She looks as happy as can be.
@ Nana : It's the early bird that gets the worm!
@ Mar: cute eh?
@ Gattina: She does not need any!
@ Thom: Thanks!
@ Quilly: So true!
@ Wanda: Yes, I've never seen a happier pig!
@ moneythoughts: Oh dear, how awful!
@ Your EG Tour Guide: She was.
@ Barbara H.: No lipstick needed here!
@ Lou: Thanks Lou.
@ Melli: I had no idea pigs could smile until I saw her!
@ kaye: I don't think you're the only one!
@ lisa: Yup, you're not the only one!
@ Linda Higgins: We call it church go-ers here!
@ Dimple: I loved that barn!
@ Tammie Lee: Thanks!
@ Loree: Never seen a happier face!
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