"A Thousand Words in Idioms"

If "language is the dress of thoughts" ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe
And don't forget to have fun and visit one another, okay?
At least, not when I’m around with my camera!
" Caught with your pants down"
If you're caught with your pants down, you're caught doing something bad or forbidden.
"Pull your socks up":
If you're telling someone to pull their socks up, you're saying they need to improve their performance.
Well … I think both of these gentlemen need to polish up their act a little, but that’s just my humble opinion!! ROFL!!! Remember guys, you’re being warned!
You never know when I’m around, but when I am, I always have my camera at hand!
Don’t forget to sign Mr Linky if you’re playing so that we can visit each other.
Have FUN!! I know I do!
Oh by the way, I had a bit of a busy day and evening yesterday, but I have answered all my comments on the two previous posts again. I’m trying to keep up with them as much as I can, but sometimes I run behind a bit, I’m sorry. And I’ll try and visit everyone back today, okay? Have a great day!
Okay, that first guy followed the directions on his underwear. (Or are they his wife's underwear?) Now, maybe we should print the same directions on his breaches?
And Amoeba wears shorts and socks but it's just so wrong!
OMG...these are just too funny. I'm going to have to watch myself when you are in Hawai'i LOL. Great idioms my friend and your pictures are excellent :) Aloha
Hi Jientje!
I just wanted to let you know that I've chosen your blog for an award, please come over to my blog to pick it up. Congratulations!
I had never heard the second one, but both these photos illustrate their idioms so well!! Good work.
Now the second guy was a good idiom...not too uncommon...but that first man/woman??? needs serious help...whichever they are! Funny Jientje!!!
Hehe, very nice idioms in photos ! Didn't know "pull in" underwear !
Thanks for your comment on my Cedars post. The trees are not generally very fragrant as you walk next to them, but if you crush a few fronds they smell very nice, indeed.
I think they tried to make a law in Chicago - to enforce pants up in public :) Unsuccessfully! I really like you new header - very creative and bold - that bra is a good size :)
Ohhhh, the gents need a fashion consultant NOW!! great shots, glad you dared :)
Oh my goodness! I love that his underwear says, "Pull-in." As if they're just begging to be tucked back into his pants :)
Great catches.
These are great! Now I'm going to have a talk with my wife she is always telling me to pull up my socks. :-p It's funny because I always wear shorts,black socks and even black shoes similar to the guy in the picture.
Two very common idioms with really great pictures.
You make this look so easy.
LOL! I agree, love you idioms today and your photo's!
Note to self: When she comes to Chicago, there must be absolutely NO wardrobe malfunctions.
I've seen these saggy pants, one time sagging all the way to the guy's knees. He was wearing a very long shirt and he had to hold onto the pants lest they rest on his shoes as he sauntered along. I just don't get that, do you? I don't even think it would be appropriate to photograph that. You've done a great job with your idioms here. I like the socks.
@ quilly: That UNDERWEAR is SO wrong!!! What breaches? LOL!
@ Thom : Well, now at least you know what NOT to wear?
@ Zen: Thanks Zen, that's very sweet of you!
@ Barbara H.: Thanks, I loved yours too!
@ Wanda : It was a man Wanda!!
@ Gattina:Never mind,I doubt if it will become a trend!
@ Dimple : Thanks for the info!
@ Ellie : Everybody seems to like that header! LOL!
@ Mar : Where are Trinny and Susannah if you need them eh? Somebody has to do it! ROFL!!
@ Momisodes : I could not help myself, I HAD to take the pictures!
@ James : Ooooh JAMES!!!! No wonder that kid in Chinatown looked unhappy!!
@ Dr.John: Is that so?
@ kaye : ROFL, I had FUN!!! Still am!!
@ Lou: A warned man is worth four? LOL!
@ Heidi: By the time the underwear guy was done packing his stuff his jeans were even further down!! At least your guy had a long shirt to cover his behind!
You know... If I find ONE picture of my fat belly on this blog, I might just have to super glue your lens cap on!!! ROFLMBO!!! You are BAD! (actually... I have some pics like this too...) YIKES!
I love the photos! The idioms were very well illustrated.
Isn't it amazing that people will leave their houses looking like this?
Great idiom shots, Jientje! I think I will never understand the kind of fashion in your first shot. LOL
Guys can be so sloppy when it comes to clothing. Thankfully, not all of them.
Die sok, dat voel je niet, maar met mijn broek zo rondlopen: nooit ofte nimmer. Bah...
Ooooooh my sister has been naughty again! These photographs are soooo good! ROFL!
You are ONE saucy chick!
Big hug,
Your little sister
@ Melli: OOOh Melli, I would never do that!!! I may be bad, but I'm not evil!
@ Betty : Hi Betty!! Nice to meet you!! You're always welcome here, looking forward to more visits and comments from you!!!
@ Liz : But you did very well yourself Liz! Thanks for playing!
@ Libby: Yes, I think so too!
@ ROSIDAH : Nor will I!!!
@ Loree: Thank God for well dressed men!
@ Geert : Nee, dat vind ik ook. 't Is tegenwoordig cool om zo rond te lopen, maar dan wel met een ander soort onderbroek!! Den dezen schreeuwde om gefotografeerd te worden!!
@ Bientje : Ahem. You know me so well. I simply could NOT resist!!!
How do you get these candid shots? I am assuming that they are candid. You are one brave lady or you must have a very good zoom lens! Yes, that must be it! I am going to shop around here for my Christmas present cause I defiantly need a good zoom lens. You would not believe the shots of people that I could get here in Seattle. It is a very colorful place to say the least. Way more colorful that back home.
@ Christine: Yes, they are candid, and my 20x zooms does a terrific job. Wouldn't it be lovely to spy on the colorful people from Seattle together? LOL! I think we'd pee in our pants! ROFL!!
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