About Me

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Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the new, and improved version of Heaven in Belgium. I am Jientje. "Jientje", like the boys name Gene, followed by "chu"? "Gene-chu", that's how you pronounce my name. Yes!!!!That's it!! So now you know huh? I am an addicted blogger. I was born and raised and am still living in Belgium. Yeah, the "this-is- Tuesday-so-this-must-be-Brussels" kind of Belgium .. There, you see? Maybe you couldn't find it on the map, but at least I'm trying to change that a little by sharing lots of pictures. I really love to cook and create new things, like this blog for instance. I am a mother,a grandmothe and a wife too! They say I'm a traveler, and a photographer. Well that's just what they say, I love to make pictures, but I am far from professional ... If my English is not perfect, that would be because it's my second language. I do hope you'll forgive me any possible misspellings or strange vocabulary ... Now, as a result of all of the above, I get way too little sleep and my days are always much too short!


Heaven is in Belgium

Monday, February 1, 2010

Macro Monday, Snow and Ice …


It was a lovely weekend. We got just the right amount of snow. Enough to turn the scenery in a Winter Wonderland but not TOO MUCH either. We were still able to be outside a lot to play with our cameras and ENJOY it.


I worked with both cameras, which was a great way to discover what each of them does, and doesn’t do. The first one was taken with the Canon X1-IS, which has a GREAT macro function.

This is one I took with the Big Guy, the D40. I think this should have been a little crisper. It seems to lack some of the the detail I would have gotten with the SX1- IS.


This is another one from the D40. I think I like this one better. I wish I could go back and do a make over of some of the pictures I made though!

Three days with the Big Guy was a lovely exercise. I did manage to get to know him a lot better, and that’s what matters, isn’t it?
For those new to this blog ... I just realized something.
The Big Guy is my camera, not my husband!!!

More Macro Monday at Lisa’s Chaos.
Find more pictures of this wonderful weekend on Heavenin365.
More to come in the next days …


Moonrayvenne said...

Only you can make snow look beautiful! lol. Very nice pics here & your other blog. Have a great week! (((HUGS)))

Ik said...

Beautiful pics, thanks!

Avril said...

I too, like the third one but the crispness in the first one is lovely too!
Realised I haven't dropped by the whole of last week - rap on the knuckles for me! - lovely colourful photos, all of them.
Hope you had a nice weekend away .. with your hubby AND the Big Guy ! :)

Wanda..... said...

Exercising with the big guy...getting to know him a lot better...made me laugh, "after" you brought it to our attention, Jientje!
Our snow has melted...we have bright sun today!

Unknown said...

The Big Guy and you are getting along just fine. As far as detail goes - that is a function of the lens - not the camera - there are DSLR lenses which do Macro on purpose, some better than others. It's just a question of finding the lens that does what you want it to do.

Christie, Describe Happy said...

The first picture is my favorite with the snow sitting on the branch! Just so delicate! Your right... just the right amount of snow!

The French Bear said...

I was hoping you meant your camera, or was I ........ ha ha ha ha! Great pictures either way!
Margaret B

James said...

Wonderful snowy shots.

Susanne said...

LOL. You crack me up.

Love the pictures. It's so neat that both you and your husband enjoy taking pictures together.

The Retired One said...

I think I like the first one with the Canon the best.

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your weekend & playing/experimenting with your 'Big Guy' - great shots!

kayerj said...

so delicate

quilly said...

Looks chilly! But the pics are lovely.

Colleen said...

You just go ahead and spend time with your "big guy." Who are we to judge? ;)
I love that you are experimenting to see which is better. I'm hoping to buy a DSLR soon, but I don't know which model I want yet.
Anyway.... I love the pic with the snow on the spiderwebs. Great shot!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Sergio is off this week and was looking over my shoulder. He was amazed at all your beautiful pictures.

Unknown said...

hmmmmm I think the first 2 are my favorite, ahh maybe #1. NO...all of them. You always take beautiful photos! I look forward to getting out and taking a few photos too, as soon as I am done with this treatment. Not feeling to good right now...ARGH!

Kala said...

Beautiful detail and light, the first image is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

The first photo definitely. The light permeates and the delicacy of the snow crystals... The little guy is the better (so far).

Loree said...

The first picture is my favourite. Haha never realised that people would think the bug guy is your husband :)

Jientje said...

@ Collette : Snow IS beautiful to me, but that's probably because we don't get much of it around here?
@ Ik : You're welcome!
@ Avril : The weeks go by so fast, it happens to me all the time, no need to rap on your knuckles. ! We had a great time!
@ Wanda : It's raining here now!
@ LceeL : It's only a matter of time, but I will get a better lens, and then I will be in macro heaven!
@ DescribeHappy : It was beautiful, just the right amount of FRESH snow.
@ The French Bear : LOL!!!
@ James : Thanks James. It was photography heaven!
@ Susanne : Heehee! It is, we have fun together!
@ The Retired One : Yes, so do I.
@ Ida from South Africa : It was a lovely weekend, we had fun.
@ kaye : snow is delicate, I love it!
@ quilly : It was okay, I did not feel the cold.
@ Betty : I can recommend it!
@ Brenda : Thanks, of course I did get a lot of practice.
@ Colleen : Thanks, I had fun experimenting. I LOVE my big guy, but the little one is not bad either!
@ Alida: Oooh, thanks!
@ Linda Higgins : Ooooh dear. I hope you'll feel better SOON!! Hugs xxx
@ Kala : I think so too.
@ awarewriter : For macro jobs he certainly is, SO FAR. Can't wait to get a better lens!
@ Loree : Neither did I before this post!

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